Tuesday, 28 April 2015
ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 3. NO 89. 26-04-15.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32). BECAUSE GOD IS WITH BUHARI, NO ONE CAN BE AGAINST HIM! In Commemoration of the 17th Year Anniversary of Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Abuja, Nigeria Early protests by the citizens against the new government over failed petroleum policy is being surreptitiously stage-managed to overheat the polity at the onset of the incoming administration of General Muhamadu Buhari,(rtd), through the deliberate omission of appropriation figures by the outgoing Federal Government, to the Fuel Subsidy portfolio in the 2015 “Transition Budget!” *Before the presentation of the late budget in December 2014, by the Co-ordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr, Ngozi Okonjo Iwealla, the rumour mills had it that total deregulation of the Petroleum down steam sector would be effective from 1st January 2015; but the Federal government realised on time that such move would be suicidal in a year of elections and therefore shelved the idea! *Though, that move was suspended, unending queues have been the prominent feature from November 2014 to April 2015, in all petrol filling stations across the length and breadth of the nation and “lucky buyers” of the scarce commodity, have paid N120 per litre pump price and N200 at the “black market!” *Among the several laudable recommendations of the controversial 2014 Nigeria National Conference comprising 492 delegates made up of ethnic nationalities, political representatives, professional groups and Nigerians in Diaspora, which was bank-rolled through executive fiat by the convener, President Ebele Jonathan, with over N8 billion naira of tax-payers money and which may never be implemented, are the following: (1)That total removal of Fuel Subsidy by government should be put on hold for at least three years until; (a) Four new Refineries had been built by Federal Government; (b) That the four existing Refineries be repaired, refurbished and raised to produce at optimal capacity; (2) That private sector investors with approved licences should be encouraged through an enabling economic environment to build refineries within the three-year grace window or automatically lose such licences to pave way for more serious-minded entrepreneurs! *All participants of the Conference which life-span was extended to four months from the initial three, from 17th March, 2014, smiled to the banks with at least N16million naira each as their own wind-fall from the National Cake! *Credit should be given to our Sovereign GOD who crushed the secret political agenda of, “you rub my back; I rub your back”, of the President, who counted on massive support and votes from all delegates and their followers during the just concluded 2015 General Elections! *With last Wednesday’s (22-04-15) approval of the 2015 Appropriation Bill by the House of Representatives after its Third Reading and without any allocation for Fuel Subsidy, should the down- trodden masses continue to bear the brunt of bad administration and impunity of the out-going PDP government! THE NEGATIVE ANSWER IS A CAPITAL NO! *Never again will Nigerians be regarded as second-class or second rate citizens in their own country any longer or ruled by corrupt politicians because, “….the LORD cometh with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” [Jude.14b-15]. *Political analysts have described the total removal of petroleum subsidy from the 2015 Budget as a “booby trap” for President elect and the All Progressives Congress [APC], but we predict that this vicious plan of PDP will fail like the several others which were employed before, during and now after the elections because, it is written, “Many are the afflictions of righteous; but the LORD delivereth him out them all.!”[Psalm.34:19]. *The Hands of the LORD are upon Muhamadu Buhari, as His divine vessel to rescue marginalised Nigerians from the neo-colonialists task masters who manipulated the coffers of this great nation for their own selfish purposes and confined the larger population to lives of abject poverty from 1999-2015! *Buhari like King Cyrus in the Old Testament Bible period,[Isaiah.44:28-45:6], was chosen by God as His anointed vessel to rescue Nigeria from the 21st Century predators who would have preferred to continue to prosper through the blood and sweat of our gallant soldiers and fellow innocent brothers and sisters who have perished in the Boko Haram insurgency of PDP creation! *Never again will anyone who held position of authority and stole from Nigeria’s coffers between 1999-2015, will ever return to rule again in Jesus Christ’s name! Amen. *Did you know that workers in many States of the Federation have not received monthly salaries in the last six to eight months, while all the executives and legislators of all categories have not missed all legal and illegal payments and allowances to date and to the last kobo! *And whereas Ngozi Iwealla was very quick to advise all Nigerians to “tighten their belts” in order to sustain a period of unavoidable economic downturn which was caused through the international oil price crash which remained persistent from June 2014 to the time of this publication, she insulated her principals and economic management team from any form of austerity measure! *Did you think that it was by error of commission or omission that the budget was delayed till now for her principals to continue to spend unbudgeted funds without due process? *In her public presentation at the National Assembly, in December 2014, the Finance Minister applied several professional economic manipulations and diversions to shore up credible reasons for the delayed 2015 budget as follows: 1. Global economic development was fraught with uncertainties and weaker than expected growth observed in major economies of the world like the US and UK, and Nigeria as a developing economy was neither isolated nor insulated from spiral effects! 2. On the overall, the International Monetary Fund [IMF], revised downwards its projection on global economic growth to 3.3% and 3.8% for 2014 and 2015. 3. World economy was not in good shape over the short to medium term and the unhealthy situation was further compounded with a steep drop and incredible volatility in the price of crude oil, a phenomenon that impacted Nigeria negatively. 4. The steep price decline of about 49% in 2014 was the result of weak demand from Nigeria’s biggest market, the United States and a supply glut, which involved the arrival of new oil products in Africa and increased exploitation of Shale Oil and Gas also in US. 5. Because of Nigeria’s integration into the global economic system, the lower prices only attracted weaker demands as the US no longer imported the nation’s crude oil. * Plausible as the above reasons might look, it is important to note that the global issue of oil price fall had been a recurring decimal which serious developing nations have grappled and perfected over the years of 1980, and when prices fell to $ 8dollars per barrel when the economy fell into a recession and in 1998 when oil prices fell below $10 per barrel! *While the effects of the fall had no visible impact on developed nations’ economy, Nigeria went cap in hand to borrow from international financial institutions for budget support and workers salaries could not be paid during those trying periods! *Dr. Ngozi Iwealla was privy to the creation of the oil-based fiscal rule also known as Benchmark Budget Price and the unconstitutional Excess Crude Account [ECA], in which difference between market price of oil and benchmark is saved; which were improvised solutions to future anticipated oil price fall like that of 2014 which we are still grappling with! *It is on record that that ECA was built up to $22 billion by 2008 and partly spent to cushion the effects of 2008-2009 international oil price fall of that period and for the second time in six years 2008-2014, crude oil price had come tumbling down again and the account depleted to $4 billion now being used as a buffer! *The Finance Minister attributed the low funds in the ECA to public criticism that it was unnecessary to save for a rainy day while rains were yet falling and the continuous demands by States for their shares from the Account! *As an economic expert of international repute, Mrs Iwealla, was aware of the massive corruption in the Oil and Gas sector of Nigeria but turned a blind eye and cannot therefore be excused from the ROT that now envelopes this petroleum axis of the economy! We know that sooner than later, all the covered up frauds of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation will be exposed to high heavens and all culprits - including the pseudo international auditors, who gave Dizeani Allison Madueke, the Petroleum Minister and her management team a pass mark will all be brought to face the LAW for justice! * The House of Representatives approved the 2015 Appropriation Bill of N4.493.363.957.158 estimates and made no provision for fuel subsidy; but has a recurrent (non-debt expenditure of N.2.607.132.491.708. *Last year (2014), N971.1billion was spent on fuel subsidy same as in 2013. The N701.415.465.449 capital expenditure was broken into: (1)N556.995.465.449, for Ministries, Departments and Agencies [MDA.s]; (2) N144.420.009.000; for statutory transfer. *The 2015 Budget is N67.433.759.158; higher than the N425.425.930.000; stated in the report that was laid on Wednesday 22nd April, 2015 by the Joint Chairman, Committees on Appropriation and Finance -John Enoh. *The Budget was raised by N135.4billion to N.4934trillion from the N4.357.960.000.000.000; proposed by the executive in November 2014! * Did you know that on the 13th April, 2015, the ZION FAITH BIBLE-BELIEVING CHURCH, INTERNATIONAL, became 17 YEARS old? * Briefly, our journey began on the Easter Monday of 1998, when we were commissioned for the service of the Lord by God the Holy Spirit *Our Vision revelation is centred on the Holiness of God as recorded in the Book of Leviticus, 11:44, 45; 19:2; 20:7, 26; and depicted in the vision of Prophet Isaiah of the LORD on His Throne [Isa.6:1-8]. *Our Mission thrust is to guide all believers and non-believers alike to the narrow path where our Lord Jesus Christ waits to receive everyone who walks by faith and lead them to eternity with Him in heaven according to His promise in John, 14:1-3. *In ZION, “….the WORD of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” [Hebrews.4:12]. *We thank those who congratulated us on the anniversary date and we declare peace, joy and happiness upon you and your loved ones as we look forward toward more spiritually rewarding years ahead in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/ +zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .] (Zion B-BC Newsletter Is a Literary Exposition From A Godly Spiritual Angle.. It’s a Must Read!) In spite of the universal acknowledgement that all men are created equal and possess divine inalienable rights to life, liberty, equity, pursuit of happiness and justice, we are still confronted with discrepancies of wealth and poverty, of abundance and hunger, of opportunity and absolute neglect that issue from the ineptitude of political and economic players in global democracies! Unalienable rights cannot be surrendered, sold, battered away or transferred to someone else, except in an autocracy, despotism or in punishment of crime in accordance to the rule of law. IF DEMOCRACY IS ACCLAIMED THE BEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT, THEN THE WISH OF THE PEOPLE TO WHOM SOVEREIGNTY BELONGS MUST BE PRIORITIZED! We of the Zion B-BC Newsletter are ethically and religiously sensitive to the doctrine of equity and feel anguished as fellow human beings are reduced to the underclass of unemployed and aimless citizens who have very slim chance of survival in countries that flow with “milk and honey”! Our divinely-appointed role is that of the Ombudsman, who is committed to exposing bad governance, and selfish politicians in world democracies –with Nigeria as Case Study – because we do not have a profound PUBLIC THEOLOGY – a deep and broad concept of what GOD requires of humanity in our public behaviours in this broken, divided, terrorised and threatened world! A combination of very serious literary and spiritual treatise in weekly dosages is served to our teeming readers in unique and exquisite manner to sensitizing citizens rights in democratic dispensations! The Nigerian Project is the major focus of the Editorial Board because the country occupies a strategic position as the most-populous global black nation and one with the highest rebased Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Black Africa! In spite of this economic “laurel” and in spite of the fact that able-bodied but unemployed youths occupy between 65-70 per cent of the country’s population of about 200.000 million people, Nigeria is very popular for CELEBRATING CORRUPTION! Prophet Amos of the Old Testament Bible period was remarkable for his outspokenness and prophecies against erring nations, which cared only for the affluence to the detriment of the poor! The tone of his message was set by the great proclamation at the beginning of his prophecy that from Zion the LORD’s voice, like the roar of a lion, will be heard in judgment. [Amos.1:2]. Beneath the respectable surface of material prosperity, Amos uncovered the decaying mass of religious formalism and spiritual corruption. [5:12, 21]. He points out the total disregard of human rights and personality [2:6], and the deterioration of morality and social justice. [2:7, 8]. The prophet had a remedy for the disease that threatened the life of the nation: “….let men seek the LORD, let them repent and establish justice and they might live.” [5:14, 15]. But to emphasize the hopelessness of the situation, the prophet warns that those responsible for the evil in the land are not “grieved” over the threatened disaster. [6:6]. Prophet Amos’ message was largely a “cry for justice”! Prophet Moses also cried to Pharaoh, “Let my people go….!” Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, John the Baptist and even Jesus Christ spoke against injustice! THE CRY FOR JUSTICE AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL NIGERIANS AND DIASPORIANS IS ALSO OUR VISION, MISSION AND CONVICTION! WE ALWAYS ANALYZE GLOBAL ISSUES AS THEY UNFOLD! WE PUT THEM IN THEIR RIGHT PERSPECTIVES..ALWAYS THE TRUTH! *Join the Torch Bearers for weekly access to read Zion B-BC Newsletter as a reference and authoritative document of immense value on: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390. g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .
Thursday, 23 April 2015
ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 3. NO 88. 19-04-15.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32). “I WILL NOT SIGN THESE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS!” Long before the Nigerian nation became a geographical entity in 1914, developed democratic institutions, guided by Constitutions, have existed and have perfected political, social and economic contracts with their citizens by regularly overhauling those documents through a process of review and amendments! *Statutory Constitutions all over the world should be acknowledged as imperfect and fallible written law documents which form the set of political principles by which states or organizations are governed - especially in relation to the rights and privileges of the people they govern! *Nigeria’s 1999 Constitution consists of a body of basic laws, principles, conventions, rules and regulations which specify the limits of, as well as relationships between various organs and agencies of government and also stipulates the basic duties and rights of the country’s leaders and citizens. *Recently, the 7th National Assembly which is about to wind up, embarked on the amendment of the said 1999 Constitution with a working capital of over ONE BILLION NAIRA to enable the joint committee saddled with the onerous and very delicate responsibility function without any form of financial hitch but was sabotaged because the out-going Mr. President’s golden signature was denied on submission for assent! *Amendments to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Fourth Alteration) Act 2015, according to feelers from the National Assembly, met all statutory provisions as set forth in the 1999 Constitution. For instance, the two thirds majority resolution of States Houses of Assemblies were obtained according to Section 9(3) and not less than four fifths majority of all members of each House of the National Assembly, were also secured! *Being a human oriented document, a nation’s constitution is prone to constant amendments which are official modifications made to all laws and contracts contained in it from one administration to another. *The United States of America’s [USA] Constitution to which Nigeria’s Constitution is modelled has a list of 33 Amendments since the constitution was put into operation in March 1789. Twenty-seven of these, having been ratified by the requisite number of states, are already part of the Constitution and the first ten amendments which were adopted and ratified simultaneously and are known collectively as the “Bill of Rights.” THEY DID NOT REQUIRE THEIR PRESIDENTS ASSENTS! *Although, the Nigerian Constitution is silent on presidential assent for Constitutional amendments, the legislators decided in the spirit of mutual co-operation of checks and balances, to send them like any other Bill of the National Assembly[NASS] that required such assent to become an Act, it was therefore a surprise that the outgoing President could VETO the document! *In a letter dated13th April, 2015, to NASS, the President rejected the Federal Republic of Nigeria Constitution (Alteration) Bill 2015 because he perceived deliberate attempts by federal lawmakers to whittle down presidential powers! *He complained also of: (1) Non-compliance with Section 9(3) of the 1999 Constitution on amendments; (2) Mere use of voice votes to alter the constitution without being supported by the votes of not less than four fifths majority members of the National Assembly as well as two thirds of all the 36 States Houses of Assembly; (3).Imposition of the right to free basic education and primary and maternal care services on private institutions; (4) As well as perceived violation of the doctrine of separation of powers! (5) Other flaws, according to the outgoing President, included decision to whittle down executive powers as contained in Section 5(1) (a) (b) of the 1999 Constitution; (6) 30 days limitation provided for president’s assent; (7) Reduction of the time frame of expenditure in default of appropriation from six months to three months; (8) And the creation of the office of the Accountant -General of the Federal Government with different functions from those of the Accountant General of the Federation. (9) Other complaints of the President include, the decision to transfer the president’s powers to appoint the Accountant-General of the Federation as well as the Attorney General of the Federation, to the National Economic Council and National Judicial Council, respectively; (10) And the decision to whittle down the discretionary powers of the Attorney-General of the Federation as its separation from the Ministry of Justice and described it as ambiguous. **If constitutional amendments are truly continuous administrative process, what does an outgoing president stand to gain or lose by assenting or dissenting to append his signature to such documents? *We suggest that neither an outgoing or incoming president should lose sleep over constitution amendments because they will always remain the collective wishes of the citizens through their elected representatives and for their mutual benefits! *Would you regard the veto of any president over your fundamental rights as constitutionally democratic? *Please find below another list of issues which the outgoing President Ebele Jonathan, is quarrelling with and why he has “thrown away the baby with the bath water!” (1) The outgoing president says that it was wrong for federal lawmakers to impose the right to free basic education, primary and maternal care services on private institutions! *Our Comments: (a) Under Section 18(1) of the 1999 Constitution, (Educational Objectives), government shall direct its policy towards ensuring that there are equal and adequate educational opportunities at all levels; (b) Government shall strive to eradicate illiteracy; and to this end Government shall as when as practicable provide: (i) Free, compulsory and universal primary education; (ii) Free secondary education; (iii) Free university education; and (iv) Free adult literacy programme. *The Peoples’ Democratic Party [PDP] had dominated and monopolized government at federal and states levels for upwards of SIXTEEN YEARS, without implementing any of the above! *Nigeria’s educational system had remained on the brink of collapse while those saddled with that ministry cared less whether schools were opened or shut! *Though education remains the bedrock of development for every nation, universities and polytechnics in Nigeria lost several academic sessions while exorbitant fees are being paid in governments’ primary and secondary institutions to acquire education which should be free according to PDP Manifesto! This insensitivity by the outgoing administration has cost up to a million loss of lives through the insurgency of Boko Haram who were neither given education nor any form of vocation! * Why would and outgoing president then refuse to correct the systemic errors of the past? Could it be that now that he was moving into the PRIVATE SECTOR, he has to protect his own interest in advance because he is against private sector investment in free education for their workers children! *The outgoing president does not believe that the burden of free maternal care of private workers spouses should be passed over to their employers, but that workers should bear such burden personally! *Nigeria, as at the time of this publication has no operating Budget for 2015 but the outgoing president is empowered to continue to appropriate and spend money for SIX MONTHS into a new year in default of Budget Approval! Is it not therefore fit and convenient for the outgoing president to refuse to assent the recommendation that reduces the time frame of unbridled spending from six months to THREE MONTHS? *We will not be surprised if the outgoing president hands over on 28th May, 2015, to the incoming administration without proper accountability in the area of financial stewardship! *President Jonathan is also not comfortable with the constitutional recommendation that the office of the Attorney General[AGF], should be separated from the Federal Ministry of Justice with a view to insulating the Chief law officer from partisan politics; including the suggestion that both the AGF and the Accountant General of the Federation be appointed by the National Judicial and National Economic Councils, respectively, though their mode of appointments by Mr President are spelt out under Sections 150 and 195 of the 1999 Constitution! *The Fourth Alteration Act 2015 also dealt with the issues of Independent Candidacy, Removal of the Immunity Clause which protects the President and his vice; Governor and his deputy from CRIMINAL prosecutions while in office; and Local Government Autonomy, which the outgoing president did not bother to highlight in his disagreements! *But suffice it to state that, “he was caged” by his Attorney General and Minister of Justice, to reverse assent after appending his signatures on the ORIGINAL copy of the document which the Senate is now demanding its return according to inside sources! *To all Nigerians who have been down-trodden by their fellow citizens in the last 16 years, we of this Editorial Board wish to intimate you with the encouraging and sacrosanct Word of the Living God which states as follows: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”[Romans. 8:28]. *In Genesis .50:20-21; Joseph spoke the following soothing words to his brethren: “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. “Now therefore fear ye not; I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly to them.” *In the Book of Proverbs.12:21; “There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief;” and in 2Corinthians.4:17-18; “For our light affliction, which but for a moment, worketh for a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. “While we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” *The victory over the PDP government of 16 consecutive agonizing and multi-tasking evil years is God’s answer to every Nigerian who has suffered untold hardships and enslavement in his/her own country! But listen to our Father who says, “VENGEANCE IS MINE AND, I WILL REVENGE! You should be like Joseph who left his brethren in the hands of GOD for necessary justice, because no sinner can go unpunished! *Though they may remain incorrigible, play your own part according to God’s Word and watch the unfolding scenario from now on to see if “GOD BE TRUE OR NOT!” If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/ +zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]
ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 3. NO 87. 12-04-15.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32). THE ROYAL THRONE IS NOT A SEAT FOR CARNAL ARROGANCE! The overzealous, undiplomatic, unguarded and unsavoury Royal Threat, laced with ethnic discrimination and bias by a prominent monarch nearly truncated the peaceful co-existence between resident Lagos IGBOS and their YORUBA brethren in the week before the second rounds of Nigeria’s General Elections, of the Governorship and States Houses of Assembly which took place through a multitude of prayers, and ended on a peaceful note on Saturday, 11 April, 2015! *Why would the Lagos monarch threaten the Igbos with deaths through the diabolical occult or drowning in the waters of the Lagoon, if they failed to vote for his preferred gubernatorial candidate for the top seat? Voting of candidates at any giving election remains the exclusive prerogative of the electorate in question to make his/her choice without any form of harassment or intimidation. *The Oba has neither denied nor retracted the said threat statement but the All Progressives Congress [APC] national leaders have apologized to the Igbos and we are delighted to report that the IGBOS added their votes to ensure victory for the party’s candidate at the just-concluded polls! The Lord Jesus Christ, who is the KING of Kings and the LORD of Lords arrived at a Cross-road before His Crucifixion and when He could not prevail in prayer with the FATHER, He submitted to divine will by saying: “….THY WILL BE DONE! He gave God the glory! [Matthew.26:42]. *The Jewish King Herod Agrippa, of Israel who was very displeased with the people of Tyre and Sidon, who were nourished by the King’s country, was not so humble before God. “And upon a set day, [Acts.12.21-24], Herod arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. “And the people gave a shout, saying it was the voice of a god and not of a man. “And immediately, the angel of the LORD smote him, because he gave not God the glory; and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. “But the word of God grew and multiplied”. *Who is a King? A king is a male ruler of a country who holds the position because of his royal birth. A king could also refer to the most important, best or most impressive member of a group of animals, things or people. For instance, the Lion is often called King of the Jungle, while late Michael Jackson was called, King of Pop Music! *In the game of CHESS, the king is the most important piece on the board. It can move one square in any direction. *The male King of Lagos City, Nigeria, locally addressed as the OBA OF LAGOS threatened to destroy the IGBO RESIDENT ELECTORATE if they refused to vote his choice candidate as Governor on Saturday 11 April, 2015 because he had GRIEVED THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO COULD HAVE GIVEN HIM THE REQUIRED WISDOM TO HANDLE THE DELICATE SITUATION! *Is this a time to harass and intimidate the Igbo clan of Lagos State into submission to vote for a preferred candidate *Is this a time for exhibiting arrogance, opulence, influence, connections and power by the Oba who is highly respected as a leader in the ranking of Local Government and State Authority? *Oba Rilwanu Akinolu had lived with the Igbos from childhood to date which proves that ethnic rapport was never in question….so why the sudden animosity? *Of all global MONARCHS, the British Queen stands very distinguished for comportment, decorum, candour, charisma and diplomacy in matters of political governance, in spite of the fact that she is the statutory Head of the British Government and the Commonwealth! *Since 6 February, 1952, when the incumbent monarch, Elizabeth II [now 89 years], ascended the throne of her late father, King George the VI, she had exhibited exemplary and sterling leadership qualities in spite of her exalted position as the Queen of the United Kingdom through a policy of non-partisanship and non-interference in government affairs – though as constitutional head, she has the prestigious honour of appointing the Prime Minister! *The British Monarch by tradition, Commander-in Chief of the British Armed Forces and also the ultimate formal executive authority over the government of the United Kingdom, has royal prerogative and powers which may only be used according to laws enacted in Parliament and in practice within the constraints of convention and precedents! *To date, there had been 12 British Monarchs who had the distinguished reputation of cordial relationship with their subjects across the British Empire. *Though Nigeria was a British Colony for more than half a century, trade and diplomatic relations remained cordial and very strong to date through the genial posture of the amiable monarch who has great passion for the giant of Africa. She first visited Lagos, Nigeria in 1956 and in 2003 as Head of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting [CHOGM], which held from 5 -8 December and the monarch, who was close to 78 years then, stood for over an hour without support to shake hands with Nigerians from all walks of life – both young and old! It was an incredible feat for a highly respectable lady of her stature! *During Nigeria’s Centenary celebration last year, the amiable Queen wrote to congratulate President Jonathan, the Federal government and the good people of Nigeria as follows: “On the occasion of the Republic of Nigeria celebrating 100 years since the amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria, I send the people of Nigeria my warmest congratulations. “I have fond memories of my first visit to Nigeria in 1956 and again in 2003 as Head of the Commonwealth. “The links between our two countries have deepened over the past 100 years and I hope they will continue to do so. “I will like to convey my best wishes for the happiness and prosperity of the people of Nigeria.” * But can we say the same of the Nigerian monarchs, most of who are always in the news for very negative reasons! Some years ago, a Nigerian monarch from the South West was involved in COCAINE smuggling through a physically impaired relative on his entourage to Britain at the famous London Heathrow Airport! *Another monarch, also form the South West, was, about two years ago, involved in the scandal of RAPING a National Youth Service Corps Member [NYSC], posted to his domain as a teacher! * One monarch of the same South West some time ago attacked, physically beat up and stripped naked his estranged wife on a public highway to the consternation of all road users! The lady, who bled profusely, was later rushed to a hospital by ‘good Samaritans’. After a thorough investigation of the matter by the State Government, the Oba was deposed from the throne! *There was yet another monarch of a University Town in the South West, who failed to protect students from unlawful and forced obedience to a certain tradition in his domain and whose palace was eventually torched and vandalized in the process of mass protests! The list is long! *The recent outburst of the OBA OF LAGOS is capable of sowing the seed of discord, disaffection, deep hatred and vicious acrimony between the IGBO AND YORUBA RACE WHO HAVE DWELT TOGETHER IN PEACE, CORDIALITY, HARMONY AND CONVIVIAL RAPPORT, IN THAT GEO-POLITICAL ZONE FOR OVER 100 YEARS! *The following are the very words of the OBA RILWANU AKIOLU OF LAGOS, audio and video, during a meeting at his palace with the Eze Ndi-Igbos (Igbo traditional rulers of all the Local Government Areas in Lagos State: “On Saturday, if anyone of you goes against the Ambode I picked, that is your end. If it doesn’t happen within seven days, just know that I am a bastard and it is not my father who born me. “The one you have done before, he’s my son. Jonathan is my son and I speak to him every day. But this Saturday, by the grace of God Almighty Allah, I am the owner of Lagos and the owner of this…for the time being. “Listen, because this is an undivided chair. The palace belongs to the dead, the living and those coming in future. “On Saturday, if anyone of you, I swear in the name of God Almighty, Allah, goes against my wish that Ambode, insha Allahu will be the next governor of Lagos State, the person is going to die inside this water. “I’m not ready to beg, appeal to anybody o…. nobody knew how I picked Ambode. Jimi Agbaje is my blood relation and I told him in a plain language, he can never be a governor in Lagos for now. “The future belongs to God. I am not begging anybody to go but you must not, I repeat… what you people cannot do in Onitsha what you cannot do in Aba or anywhere…. “If you do what I want, Lagos will continue to be prosper for you. If you go against it, you will perish in the water. Finish” *The Eze Ndi Igbos spokesperson in Lagos assured the Oba of their massive votes for the All Progressive Alliance (APC’s), gubernatorial candidate during Saturday’s elections with the following words: “Kabiyesi, we are promising you. Why we came all of us, is for you to see our faces. If we say we don’t want on Saturday…. We can’t come here. “By Saturday all of us are going to vote whoooooo”? *They chorused, “Ambode”! * A monarch must be insulated from and immune to partisan politics in any administrative setting because of his/her highly revered position as custodians of the “conscience” of the people and ensure neutrality when taking decisions! *We must thank God for the timely intervention of the leadership of the APC led by President-elect, Muhamadu Buhari and Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu, who passionately pleaded with our brethren who we of this Editorial Board have so much respect for as a well-organized, diligent and very competent race who possess outstanding pedigree in commerce, economics and special dexterity in business acumen, organization and co-operation. *From time immemorial, the IGBOS often took great interest and had always participated directly in the decisions which affect their lives, politically and economically. IGBOS believe in acquiring rather than inheriting wealth and with such emphasis on social and economic achievements they are also able to acquire and understand the gains of political awareness even at grass root levels. They have always had a lively awareness of the political system and regarded it as an instrument for achieving their own personal goals. The Igbos have long acquired the status of arbitration through the ability to settle disputes that arose in the VILLAGES as they trusted their revered village heads to handle such matters equitably and amicably! *We were therefore not surprised when Governor Rochas OKOROCHA of Imo State described the Oba of Lagos’ statement as FIGURATIVE, and did not intend any harm to the Igbo Community in Lagos State! * We cannot agree more because at the end of that controversial statement by the Oba, the monarch requested that the Eze Ndi Igbo’s representative should bring his YOUNGEST DAUGHTER TO HIS PALACE on Sunday 12 April, 2015, to celebrate the success of his anointed gubernatorial candidate with him the OBA…. And an uncontrollable laughter filled the auditorium of the meeting! * We are very proud of our IGBO brethren who have show great political maturity and have allowed the “sleeping dog to lie,” went to the polls and ensured the success of APC’s gubernatorial candidate at the polls! *The gains of our new democratic order as divinely ordained by HEAVEN should be embraced by all of us who believe that, “The Earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof and all the people that dwell therein.” [Psalm.24:1ff]. *AS AT THE TIME OF THIS PUBLICATION, COLLATION OF VOTES WAS STILL IN PROGRESS IN THE 36 STATES OF THE FEDERATION. *MAY THE DIVINELY-CHOSEN CANDIDATES EMERGE AS WINNERS IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AND MAY THERE BE NO POST-ELECTION VIOLENCE! AMEN. * THY WILL BE DONE IN NIGERIA NOW AND ALWAYS, IN JESUS CHRIST NAME! AMEN. If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/ +zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Zion B-BC Newsletter Is a Literary Exposition From A Godly Spiritual Angle.. It’s a Must Read!
In spite of the
universal acknowledgement that all men are created equal and possess divine
inalienable rights to life, liberty, equity, pursuit of happiness and
justice, we are still confronted with discrepancies of wealth and poverty, of abundance
and hunger, of opportunity and absolute neglect that issue from the ineptitude
of political and economic players in global democracies!
Unalienable rights cannot be surrendered,
sold, battered away or transferred to someone else, except in an autocracy,
despotism or in punishment of crime in accordance to the rule of law.
We of the Zion B-BC Newsletter are ethically
and religiously sensitive to the doctrine of equity and feel anguished as
fellow human beings are reduced to the underclass of unemployed and aimless
citizens who have very slim chance of survival in countries that flow with
“milk and honey”!
Our divinely-appointed role is that of the Ombudsman,
who is committed to exposing bad governance, and selfish politicians in world
democracies – with Nigeria as Case Study – because we do not have a profound
PUBLIC THEOLOGY – a deep and broad concept of what GOD requires of humanity in
our public behaviours in this broken, divided, terrorised and threatened world!
A combination of very serious literary and spiritual
treatise in weekly dosages is served to our teeming readers in unique
and exquisite manner to sensitizing citizens rights in democratic
The Nigerian Project is the major focus of the
Editorial Board because the country occupies a strategic position as the
most-populous global black nation and one with the highest rebased Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) in Black Africa!
In spite of this economic “laurel” and in
spite of the fact that able-bodied but unemployed youths occupy between 65-70
per cent of the country’s population of about 200.000 million people, Nigeria
is very popular for CELEBRATING CORRUPTION!
Prophet Amos of the Old Testament Bible
period was remarkable for his outspokenness and prophecies against erring
nations, which cared only for the affluence to the detriment of the poor!
The tone of his message was set by the great
proclamation at the beginning of his prophecy that from Zion the LORD’s voice,
like the roar of a lion, will be heard in judgment. [Amos.1:2].
Beneath the respectable surface of material
prosperity, Amos uncovered the decaying mass of religious formalism and
spiritual corruption. [5:12, 21]. He points out the total disregard of human
rights and personality [2:6], and the deterioration of morality and social
justice. [2:7, 8].
The prophet had a remedy for the disease that
threatened the life of the nation: “….let
men seek the LORD, let them repent and establish justice and they might live.” [5:14,
15]. But to emphasize the hopelessness of the situation, the prophet warns that
those responsible for the evil in the land are not “grieved” over the
threatened disaster. [6:6]. Prophet Amos’ message was largely a “cry for
Prophet Moses also cried to Pharaoh, “Let my
people go….!” Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, John the Baptist and even Jesus Christ
spoke against injustice!
the Torch Bearers for weekly access to read Zion B-BC Newsletter as a reference
and authoritative document of immense value on: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch
or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com,
https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch .
I am,
Yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886,
08098194390. g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .
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A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja
Nigeria. ] {
VOL. 3. NO 86. 29-03-15.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You
Free! (John.8:32).
Who is still in doubt
that it was through God’s providence that the nation of Nigeria successfully
conducted the last Presidential Election which produced an acceptable winner in
the person of retired General Muhammadu Buhari, whose charisma generated global
and local outbursts of joy, happiness, felicitations, rejoicing and dancing
across the length and breadth of the nation, instead of the detractors’
prediction of war drums, protests, civil disobedience, confusion and
*We have been divinely VINDICATED through
Buhari’s victory at the polls…we have been vindicated by HEAVEN! We, members of
the Editorial Board of the Zion B-BC Newsletter and by extension, our Nigerian
and global family of Zion Ministries International who believe in us, have been
divinely proved to be consistent in publishing and believing the TRUTH about issues
and policies of Nigerian governance with prophetic accuracy!
*We give all GLORY for this HOLY SPIRIT GIFT to
the Almighty God, who gave victory to whom it was due, according to our
prophecy, and we congratulate our indefatigable, very patient and resilient fellow
Nigerians who were used as good vessels in His hand!
*President Jonathan had no other choice than to
honour the gentleman’s agreement and congratulate General Buhari on his
victory, even before the official announcement was made by the Independent National
*How much more glorious and glamorous would
the ovation and accolade of his statesmanship/stewardship, had been if he had stuck to the global statement made in ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA IN
2011 before that year’s General Elections in Nigeria, THAT HE WOULD NOT CONTEST
*Many people out of sheer ignorance of the
TRUTH have clamoured that Jonathan should be accorded an Heroic status because
he was humble, dignified and sportsman-like in defeat; but we think differently
for the following reasons:
(1).If he had not rescinded his pledge of
serving as President for only one term [2011-2015], which would have
represented a presumed second term in office with his PRINCIPAL, Late President
Umaru Musa Ya’Ardua, the Boko Haram insurgency would not have escalated to the
proportion we had witnessed throughout his tenure!
(2).Because of his denial of that pledge,
some Northern extremists openly challenged his authority by stating that they
would make Nigeria “ungovernable” and they succeeded through sponsorship of the
terrorists with finances, military hardware, food, vital and sensitive warfare operational
information, to the detriment, disadvantage and massive loss of lives on all
sides: hundreds of our gallant soldiers, innocent civilians, and of the Boko
Haram insurgents, running into over a million Nigerians blood that flowed in
six years of Jonathan’s administration!
(3).He, at some stage of the country’s
self-imposed travail, admitted that there were Boko Haram apologists in his
cabinet but he neither identified nor did he apprehend the MOLES throughout his
tenure, in spite of his exalted position of being the National Chief Security
(3).Though the Boko Haram war against Nigeria
raged throughout President Jonathan’s Administration, he shied away from the TRENCHES
of the North East States to boost the morale of Nigerian soldiers until, very
close to the 2015 Presidential Elections, when he paid a “surprise” visit to
some combatants in a Maiduguri classroom!
(4).During electioneering campaigns,
President Jonathan, his wife Patience, and his Peoples’ Democratic Party [PDP],
indulged in hate broadcasts, hate speeches, brickbats, mudslinging, character
maligning and character assassination against the person of retired General
Muhammadu Buhari, of the All Progressives’ Alliance [APC], who neither replied
nor retaliated, but left them to God and posterity to judge!
*Beginning with our first publication in
2013, we never wasted any opportunity to criticize constructively, the wanton
attitude of massive corruption, embezzlement of public funds through the
inflation and falsifying of Contract Fees, ineptitude, impunity and the
unceasing blood-letting through Boko Haram terrorism which dominated the tenure
of the outgoing administration of President Goodluck Jonathan who did not even
help matters, by claiming in one of his defence of those accusations, that he
inherited the insurgency and that STEALING DID NOT TANTAMOUNT TO CORRUPTION;
but we also kept predicting the revealed plan of God to remove his UNRIGHTEOUS
administration and install a RIGHTEOUS ONE IN ITS PLACE! [Proverbs.14:34]
*Jonathan’s apologists also wasted no
opportunity to condemn in totality, our constructive, factual and truthful
criticisms; through denials and counter claims that the Transformation Agenda
of Mr. President was on course and that only his detractors thought otherwise!
* Buhari has won the 2015 Presidential
Election to the shame of the United States of America [USA] and some
international nations who predicted otherwise that the elections would result
in chaos, anarchy, civil disobedience and conflagration of the entire nation
because of the insurgency of Boko Haram, which was co-sponsored by enemies from
within and from without!
*What other proofs do the Nigerian masses
need to appreciate the TRUTH that the LIVING GOD never breaks His promises and
covenants other than Buhari’s landslide victory at the just concluded
Presidential Elections of 28th March, 2015 and the breaking into
*According to the Holy Bible:
“….Let God be true, but everyman a liar, as
it written, That thou mightiest be justified in thy sayings, and mightiest
overcome when thou art judged.” [Romans. 3:4].
*We of this Editorial Board have consistently
published the prophetic TRUTHS on Nigeria’s political, economic, and social
issues as they unfolded in comparison to international best practice, and have
constructively criticized the incumbent administration when necessary while
proffering solutions at all times through God’s revealed Word and will continue
this CRUSADE as the new government of Muhammadu Buhari comes on board!
go through the check list:
[Vol. 2. No.48. 13-07-14]
Breaking News from God’s Throne!
“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.
Speak tenderly to Nigeria and proclaim to her that her hard service has been
completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the
LORD’s hand double for all her sins.
“You have endured grievous punishment of
civil war and insurgency in your land and I am now assuring you of my sovereign
“I am with you to save you and to deliver
“Prepare the way, clear all obstacles; you
who are called by my name; resist the devil and I, the Sovereign God will come
with Might and Power.
“I will deploy my Ministering Spirits to
bring back your girls and all abducted people.
“I will expose all master-minds and punish
them in my anger! Don’t emulate or hail the evil and unrepentant politicians. Avoid
their filthy riches like plague!
“I will heal your land, I will be your God,
and you will be my people; be comforted, for I, the LORD WILL HASTEN TO PERFORM
*This is good tidings for all Nigerians who
have devoted time to prayers, fasting and supplications……”
*[Vol. 3. No. 74. 11-01-15. 2015!
Some eminent and acclaimed servants of God
have suggested that the February 2015 dates, slated for Nigeria’s general
elections be postponed for at least SIX MONTHS, to adequately address and
defeat insurgency for fear of an escalation of terrorism because they seemed to
have forgotten that the battle against Boko Haram is the LORD’s battle!!
But thus saith the LORD:
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not
dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee with
the right hand of my righteousness.
“Behold, all they that were incensed against
thee shall be shamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing: and they that
strive with thee shall perish.
“Thou shall seek them, and shall not find
them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be
as nothing, and as a thing of nought.
“For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right
hand, saying unto thee, Fear not: I
will help thee.”[Isaiah.41:10-13].
*The continued preservation of Nigeria as a
nation since the period of amalgamation of the Northern and Southern
Protectorates from 1914 to 2015 proves that God’s providence is working out all
things according to the counsel of His purposive will.
[VOL. 3. NO 79. 15-02-15.]
“A silent
but very powerful spiritual earthquake is moving through the land! It is
devastating and calamitous because it is consuming and swallowing up the
Korahs, Dathans and Abirams of Nigeria who have challenged God to a contest of
superiority! [Read, Numbers. 16:1-35].
*Did you know that the presidential and
legislative elections scheduled for the 14th February, 2015,
actually took place in God’s Supernatural Realm and that the divine winners
would be divinely announced to the world at the end of the first quarter?
*On the 28th of February, 2015,
God’s appointed Governors and Members of State Assemblies would also emerge in
the same spiritual pattern and a brand new United States of Nigeria [USN], will
debut according to God’s purposive plan while the new dates of 28th
March, 2015 and 11th April, 2015, will go down in history as mere
human frailty which remains inferior to God’s supernatural powers!
***The Nigerian nation was on edge in the
last few days to the first round of the 2015 General Elections because of the
inordinate ambition and desperation with which greedy and heartless politicians,
who in spite of “the very clear handwriting of defeat on the wall” preferred to
shed innocent blood and cling to power beyond 29th May 2015, had God
not speedily intervened!
*Buhari’s victory should serve as a lesson to
the world that God is the author of times and events who revealed the deep and
secret things to His anointed in Zion! The Almighty God knows what is in the
darkness and even, the Light dwells in Him!
*God changes the times and the seasons: He
removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom onto the wise, and knowledge
to them that know understanding!
*To you our esteemed readers and followers in
Nigeria, there is still ONE MORE RIVER TO CROSS, and that is the Governorship
and State House of Assembly Elections, slated for Saturday, 11th
April, 2015! Please go out there with your Permanent Voters Cards (PVC’s) and
*It is not a coincidence that this edition is
published on Easter Sunday, which commemorates, RESURRECTION OF THE LORD JESUS
the LORD Has a Word for ASARI DOKUBO and his comrades-in–arms:
“I have positioned SEA MONSTERS in the Creeks
of the Niger Delta, Nigeria; whosoever dares to go into the Creeks to re-kindle
another war against my beloved nation, Nigeria, will not return to tell the
*We hear that the Ijaw Youth Council of the
Niger Delta Region has warned its members not to join ranks with Asari Dokubo
but to accept God’s will and support the CHANGE OF GUARDS!
*A word is enough for the wise!
If you have not
accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t
miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer:
Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of
the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every
sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and
write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.
If you
prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and
daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation
in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and
remain blessed in the Lord.
weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to:
facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch
. I
am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and
Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]
Zion B-BC Newsletter Is a
Literary Exposition
From A Godly Spiritual Angle..
It’s a Must Read!
In spite of the
universal acknowledgement that all men are created equal and possess divine
inalienable rights to life, liberty, equity, pursuit of happiness and
justice, we are still confronted with discrepancies of wealth and poverty, of
abundance and hunger, of opportunity and absolute neglect that issue from the
ineptitude of political and economic players in global democracies!
Unalienable rights cannot be surrendered,
sold, battered away or transferred to someone else, except in an autocracy,
despotism or in punishment of crime in accordance to the rule of law.
We of the Zion B-BC Newsletter are ethically
and religiously sensitive to the doctrine of equity and feel anguished as
fellow human beings are reduced to the underclass of unemployed and aimless
citizens who have very slim chance of survival in countries that flow with
“milk and honey”!
Our divinely-appointed role is that of the
Ombudsman, who is committed to exposing bad governance, and selfish politicians
in world democracies – with Nigeria as Case Study – because we do not have a
profound PUBLIC THEOLOGY – a deep and broad concept of what GOD requires of
humanity in our public behaviours in this broken, divided, terrorised and
threatened world!
A combination of very serious literary and
spiritual treatise in weekly dosages is served to our teeming readers in unique and exquisite manner to sensitizing
citizens rights in democratic dispensations!
The Nigerian Project is the major focus of
the Editorial Board because the country occupies a strategic position as the
most-populous global black nation and one with the highest rebased Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) in Black Africa!
In spite of this economic “laurel” and in
spite of the fact that able-bodied but unemployed youths occupy between 65-70
per cent of the country’s population of about 200.000 million people, Nigeria
is very popular for CELEBRATING CORRUPTION!
Prophet Amos of the Old Testament Bible
period was remarkable for his outspokenness and prophecies against erring
nations, which cared only for the affluence to the detriment of the poor!
The tone of his message was set by the great
proclamation at the beginning of his prophecy that from Zion the LORD’s voice,
like the roar of a lion, will be heard in judgment. [Amos.1:2].
Beneath the respectable surface of material
prosperity, Amos uncovered the decaying mass of religious formalism and
spiritual corruption. [5:12, 21]. He points out the total disregard of human
rights and personality [2:6], and the deterioration of morality and social
justice. [2:7, 8].
The prophet had a remedy for the disease that
threatened the life of the nation:
“….let men seek the LORD, let them repent and establish justice and they
might live.” [5:14, 15]. But to emphasize the hopelessness of the situation,
the prophet warns that those responsible for the evil in the land are not “grieved”
over the threatened disaster. [6:6]. Prophet Amos’ message was largely a “cry
for justice”!
Prophet Moses also cried to Pharaoh, “Let my
people go….!” Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, John the Baptist and even Jesus Christ
spoke against injustice!
the Torch Bearers for weekly access to read Zion B-BC Newsletter as a reference
and authoritative document of immense value on:
or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com,
https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch .
I am,
Yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886,
08098194390. g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.
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