Saturday, 19 April 2014
ZION FAITH BIBLE-BELIEVING CHURCH. [AKA. ZION B-BC] ABUJA. NIGERIA. Zion B-BC, the Habitation of the Living God, is divinely positioned to heal and save perishing souls in these last days of perilous times. Our core message encourages all children of God to emulate His attributes of holiness, righteousness, uprightness and integrity. God prefers that sinners live to repent rather than die and perish because “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” [2Peter.3:8b]. We are commissioned to fill the gap between one day and a thousand years, to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captive, and the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them than are bruised and the opening of prison to them that are bound and to comfort those that mourn through the unction of the Holy Ghost. In Zion B-BC, “the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”[Hebrews.4:12]. Visit Zion B-BC facebook page and blog, read the LIVING WORD for your life and be blessed as you do so. Amen. OUR CONTACT ADDRESS ARE AS FOLLOWS TEL NO- +234 805 8436756, +234 809 819 4390. g-mail-ADDRESS . facebook blog - WATCH OUT FOR A BRAND NEW BOOK BY THE AUTHOR OF THE ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER COMING OUT SOON ON ZION’S BLOG! IT IS TITLED, ”UNBROKEN CHAIN OF GRACE.” IT WILL BE SERIALIZED TO BLESS THE MASSES OF OUR TEEMING READERS. IT’S A MUST- READ ……. A MINI- BIBLE.. WRITTEN ON THE BENDED KNEES OF THE SERVANT OF THE MOST-HIGH GOD, “DR DAVID TUNDE OLUFON!” Ph.D. Monday. 10-02-14. IT’S TIME TO WHET YOUR SPIRITUAL APPETITE WITH EXCERPTS FROM THE MINI- BIBLE…. THE LATEST PUBLICATION FROM THE ZION B-BC STABLE…WRITTEN ON THE BENDED KNEES OF THE SERVANT OF THE MOST HIGH GOD, DR. DAVID ‘TUNDE OLUFON. Ph.D. [“THE UNBROKEN CHAIN OF GRACE”!] 1.“GOD is a Spirit, and they that worship Him, MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth.”[Jn.4:24]. God as a Spirit Person is omnipresence, omnipotent and omniscient; and as the sole Creator of the Heaven and the Earth, possesses the sovereign power which requires all creation to comply with His eternal plan of obedience to His commandments, laws, precepts, and statutes, with desired expectations of accountability and righteous stewardship; yet, God chooses to remain benevolent to the extent that the SINNERS among them could still be saved by GRACE! [Rom.5:8]. This divine attitude poses a spiritual puzzle, which only God, in His divine capacity can wisely solve! 2. GRACE, is an extraordinary love, it is incomprehensible, unimaginable, indiscernible and beyond human comprehension. It is an all-embracing benevolence of the LORD GOD, the creator of the heavens and the earth, which is given with, “agape”(gr.), ie., the kind of love without borders, without let or hindrance, without human promptings or intercessions! This expression of GRACE, however transcends from a Superior to an Inferior, ie., from GOD to Man or Man to Man, but never from, Man to God! MAN CAN NEVER DO GOD A FAVOUR, NEVER! 3. MOST Bible scholars and teachers express the word ‘GRACE’ with the acrostic, “God’s Redemption At Christ’s Expense, or God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense,” etc., but the Holy Ghost acrostic on which the THEME of this book is hinged is, “God’s Revealed Atonement Continues Eternally.” COVENANT OF THE BENDED KNEES! 4. ABOUT a decade prior to 12.55am of 19th October, 2002, when God the Holy Spirit inspired this TREATISE, I made a COVENANT with the GOD HEAD that the manuscripts of my FIRST published work would be written on MY KNEES! What, in the name of the Lord, could have prompted such an unusual promise? I was spiritually influenced by a biographical account of Apostle James’, “Carmel knees”, in the, “Foxe’s Christian Martyrs of the World! It is recorded on page six, that the Apostle James,(half brother of the Lord), reverently called, “The Just” and “the safeguard of the people”, because of his holy life, spent so many hours in the Temple on BENDED KNEES, for the remission of the sins of his people,….” that his knees lost their sense of feeling and, became hardened like the knees of a CARMEL! 5. WHEN the Holy Spirit eventually gave His approval for this title, He reminded me of my covenant and, promptly, I went on my knees and proceeded. Two hours later, I felt discomfited but carried on; however, three hours on, there was this agonizing pain all over my body and I was about to renege on the covenant, when the voice came soothingly and very reassuringly; “….my grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness…” [2 Corinthians. 12:9]. 6.BRETHREN, this book is the reward of GOD’S revelation through the obedience of BENDED KNEES! They are all yours to spiritually CONSUME, INGEST, DIGEST, RUMINATE AND MEDITATE upon; for solutions to life’s challenges, situations and circumstances, especially at this precarious and perilous end-time.
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