About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Monday, 29 September 2014

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 2. NO 59. 27-09-14.} “GIVE A DOG A BAD NAME AND HANG HIM”! The Big Brother of Africa had never had it so bad in image laundering, when in one fell swoop, within a very short interval of FIVE DAYS, a massive Pastoral six-storey edifice in Lagos State, came crashing down in the ‘twinkling of an eye’; while in far away in South Africa, a Canonical aircraft, was intercepted with $9.3 million US Dollars of laundered money, now being claimed to have been legally “appropriated” by the Nigerian Government, for the purchase of arms, to fight Boko Haram terrorists! Both events which occurred on 12 and 16th September 2014 respectively, involved death of 84 South African citizens and also infringed on the country’s security network. Now, an unprecedented diplomatic row is brewing between the two governments of Nigeria and South Africa in respect of the collapsed building which is demanding forensic investigation into all circumstances surrounding the tragedy. In addition, some South African families are brazing up to sue the Nigerian Pastor and his Ministry over the loss of their relatives in the most unfortunate disaster! The South African Government is also demanding from Nigerian authorities, why a private jet was deployed for commercial arms transportation through a clandestine and undiplomatic channel involving two Nigerians and an Israeli citizen, still being detained, with the aircraft! For a country that is aspiring to be counted worthy among the first twenty most economically global viable nations in the year 2020, Nigeria deserves positive international relationship and imagery especially through anointed men and women of God, but what obtains now is absolute negativity from these products of a very corrupt government and society! The Sierra-Leone President, in a highly publicised personification of Nigeria’s economic achievements, has said on television, and we quote, “When Nigeria sneezes, all other African nations catch COLD!” Coming from a statesman of his stature, one cannot dismiss the accolade, but we believe that our kind-hearted West African neighbour missed the mark! Considering the President’s exposure to the Transparency International global corruption index rating of Nigeria, we expected him to avoid SYCHOPHANCY, and ‘say it as it is’, “IF NIGERIA SNEEZES, ALL OTHER AFRICAN NATIONS CATCH CORRUPTION! Though Nigeria had constantly ranked between the first and fifth most-corrupt nations of the world since the Military incursion into governance, previous administrations barefacedly denied the allegations and sadly enough, those presently in the saddle have not helped matters because they openly relish and celebrate this obnoxious and very repulsive corruption appellation, as a national way of life! Those who should be in prison are those running the affairs of political parties and the civil government without challenge or hindrance! In 2012, Nigeria ranked 139 out of 176 countries, an improvement in comparison to previous corruption perceptions of this very credible Transparency International Non-Governmental Organisation. Other countries which tied with Nigeria that boasts of thousands of CHURCHES for that ignominious position, were, Azebaijan, Kenya, Nepal and Pakistan! We once featured on a past edition of this Newsletter, the TEN GLOBAL RICHEST PASTORS who are competing favourably with global billionaire business moguls and captains of industries and interestingly, the owner of the edifice that claimed about 115 lives, mostly South Africans, in Lagos, Nigeria recently, was adjudged to rank among them! The collapsed six-storey structure had an approved building plan for FOUR, according to the Lagos State Government, but along the line, two more storeys had to be added, in view of accommodation demands by the international multitude that throng the CHURCH FOR MIRACLES and the huge amount of foreign currencies that would accrue to the Man of God! Although an investigative committee has been set up by the Federal Government, several speculations as to what went wrong are awash in the Social Media, but we believe that sooner than later, the whole TRUTH would be revealed by the HOLY SPIRIT. THE DETAINED PRIVATE JET belonging to another Nigerian prominent pastor was reported to have been leased to Third Party who was the custodian of the millions of the laundered GREEN NOTES found on board. We are waiting for this mysterious THIRD PARTY AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA, who now claims ownership of the large cache of foreign currencies, to proffer necessary details of the illegal arms transaction deal to the Nigerian electorate and South African authorities without cover-ups of this avoidable scandal! The Word of God states that, Divine Judgement would begin from the Household of God, which is now so infested with APOSTACY!] Ezekiel.8:1-18; 9:1-1-11; Peter.4:17]. The universe and all its atrocities of moral and political corruption have crept into the church because gullible and greedy servants of God have decided to flirt with the rogues and vagabonds in the world system contrary to the Lord’s injunction in the Gospel of Saint John, 17:12- 19, compare vs.1-11 and 20-26. “I have given them your Word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your Word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.”[vs. 14-19]. The world which Jesus Christ mentioned in the preceding quotation is the one that has become very hostile to God and God’s people through the activities of the ‘evil one’, Satan, who is doomed for destruction! Servants and disciples of God must not have the mind-set of the world because they have been, “been born of the Spirit” and therefore, children of God. [John.3:8]. In addition, He prayed that they should not be taken out of the world which He had assigned as their PARISH, until the work of The Great Commission was fully accomplished. When the Lord Jesus Christ sent forth the 12 and 70 disciples for the work of evangelism [Matthew.10:7-10; Luke.10:2-12], He gave them the following instructions, “…….As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of God is near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. FREELY YOU HAVE RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE. Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts; take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic or sandals or a staff; for the worker deserves his wages. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field. GO! I AM SENDING YOU OUT LIKE LAMBS AMONG WOLVES. Since the advent of the new democratic order in 1999, the Household of God had become a HAVEN AND REFUGE for corrupt, greedy, selfish and wealthy politicians who believe in signs, wonders and miracles to win electoral offices or access political appointments at all costs; and for the GHEHAZIS and JUDASES within, it was easy for Satan to penetrate the CHURCH and try very hard to destroy it from foundation! Many servants of God have compromised their faith and that is why they now compete with the CORRUPT in dress fashion, state-of-the-art properties of latest automobiles, modern structural edifices and jet aircrafts! WHAT BUSINESS HAS JESUS CHRIST WITH SATAN? What business has the CHURCH OF GOD with commercial mighty structural edifices and jet aircraft leasing? The commission of the CHURCH can be summarized as follows: “….All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”[Matthew.28:18-20; compare Mark. 16:15; Luke 24:46; John 20:21; 21:14 and Acts.1:1-8]. There is no ambiguity in the Lord’s command to His Church which should follow every instruction to the letter. The EARLY CHURCH was very united in obedience to Jesus Christ and their success was very resounding in the winning of SOULS which is the Master’s greatest concern. They were very conscious and avoided being “ yoked”, that is being hooked and compromised with the rogues of this world who only dwell on the ephemeral things and such, distanced themselves from the global RAT RACE! [Acts of the Apostles.2:14-5:16] The Apostles did not turn themselves into emergency billionaires like most of the present End Time servants of God who usually fleeced naive members of the congregations of their hard-earned savings without them receiving ‘MIRACLES’ paid for with great toil and hardship! Imagine if the Man of God at Ejigbo, Lagos State, did not delve into the commercial venture of high rise buildings….. imagine if the other man of God did not receive the gift of the jet aircraft, which he later leased to make much money,…….imagine if they had functioned within the confines of their divine assignment, Nigeria would not have become ignoble and odious as it were today – a laughing stock - among the comity of nations! This is the Word of God for HIS obedient children who would not look at the RED POTTAGE of this world in the face like ESAU: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the Temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the Living God. As God has said: ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.” [2Corinthians.6:14-18]. Men and women of God, Deacons, Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Arch-Bishops, Evangelists, Apostles, Missionaries, General Overseers and Superintendents, this is a fresh clarion call from the Throne of Grace for purification from all filthy lucre that contaminate body, soul and spirit and begin a new union of perfect holiness out of reverence for the sovereign God whose judgement would start from among the Pastors and the Brethren! Anointed men and women of God should be spiritual assets and not deficits to their nations. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the CHURCHES. Amen. If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.comhttps://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 2. NO 58. 21-09-14.} NUPENG IS ANTI-NIGERIAN MASSES! “One strike, too many!” No year virtually run its full course in Nigeria without being punctuated by the intermittent labour disputes of OIL WORKERS, for one genuine or very petty reason! During the several military illegal administrations, Nigerians had the Niger Delta Militants agitation for a better life and ecological environment, to contend with because they behaved out of proportion by catapulting bomb explosives roundabout, to prove their point! Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers [NUPENG] have since taken over from those renegades who opted for violence instead of collective bargaining which eventually brought “peace” to the region! The only difference between NUPENG and the Militants is that the oil workers do not carry arms during trade disputes! NUPENG is very SELFISH for declaring another trade dispute and failing to consider the hardship and pains that non-oil workers who are in the majority, would suffer! Petrol and Kerosine, which are obtained at high costs by the masses, the only “dividends of democracy”, which trickle down from the Masters’ Table, are now being withheld by the unregenerate and uncircumcised at heart! In fifteen years, [1999-2014], of another opportunity of practising true federalism, our characteristic traits of patriotism should emphasize sincerity, probity, faithfulness in fiscal appropriation and responsibility; but what we have on display is the same old business of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”! Have Nigerian politicians ever learnt from past calamities that befell their counterparts who betrayed the masses of people, through embezzlement of the COMMONWEALTH? From the First to the Seventh Republic, we can authoritatively confirm that none of them escaped GOD’s PUNISHMENT! Their tight security arrangements comprising of police and military personnel, armoured carriers and vests, have failed to shield them from God’s wrath! The following are the Words of God: “I will punish them for their sin (Exodus.32:34); “I will punish the world for its evil (Isaiah.13:11); “Your wickedness will punish you” (Jeremiah.2:19); “I will punish you as your deeds deserve” (Jere.21:14); etc. OIL WORKERS under the aegis of NUPENG (registered in 1978 as one of the 46 industrial unions, currently affiliated to Nigeria Labour Congress [NLC], embarked on another, “indefinite” strike action from Tuesday15th September, 2014, to press home their incessant demands, this time, in respect of, “….irregular funding of their Pension Scheme, which has led to about N85billion deficit!” One very salient issue can be deducted in this new grouse over pension scheme, which is, that this selfish OIL WORKERS have also become very rich like their MASTERS, that it became expedient for them to SECURE THEIR FUTURE THROUGH FAT PENSION INCOMES ON RETIREMENT ESPECIALLY NOW THAT THE NEW PENSION REFORM ACT 2014, HAS BEEN SIGNED INTO LAW BY MR PRESIDENT! According to inside sources, this particular strike action is aimed at ‘crippling’ the nation’s OIL and GAS Sector, though the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation [NNPC], which claimed to have made moves to avert it! NUPENG suspended loading of petroleum products from NNPC depots nation-wide following unresolved dispute on pension issues with the national oil and gas conglomerate from the early hours of Tuesday 16 Sept.2014, to press home their demands until they were resolved! It is very glaring that Oil workers are capitalizing on the defective policies of AN INEPT AND CORRUPT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, which by reason of Nigeria’s 1999 Constitution, Second Schedule, Part 1, Exclusive Legislative List, Item 39, has monopoly of the nation’s, “Mines and minerals, including oil fields, oil mining, geological surveys and natural gas”, to explore and exploit with exclusive prerogative and sole proprietorship! However, the following questions needed to be asked again! *Since 1968, when CRUDE OIL was discovered in commercial quantity in Nigeria, have OIL MANAGERS, employed the system of KEEPING RELEVANT RECORDS on land acquisitions, explorations, excavations, and exploitations by foreign OIL COMPANIES, volume of barrels of lifted oil, quantity and quality of excavated crude, sales and compensations paid, to whom and by whom, a list of major stake-holders and shareholders, OWNERS OF OIL WELLS, et-cetera! Crude Oil and Minerals exploration and exploitation should be listed on the CONCURRENT LEGISLATIVE LIST so that all States could excavate the earth for the mineral resources divinely deposited by nature in their various domains. With such an arrangement, the continuous arrogance of OIL WORKERS would be completely eliminated and the Federal Government would not continue to deceive Nigerians through continuous payment of billions of naira for “PHANTOM PETROLEUM SUBSIDIES” TO THEIR OFFICIALS AND CRONIES IN RESPECT OF FAKE IMPORTATION OF FINISHED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FROM OVERSEAS! Till date, no comprehensive records have been produced by the Sole Proprietor, the Federal Government, because a FORENSIC AUDIT ordered by the Minister of Finance since February 2014 is still in session! From all of the above, it should be very clear to all down-trodden Nigerians that “members of their own household”, that is, the Federal Government in collaboration with the State Governments and the Oil Workers, are their ENEMIES!” The few cabal,(military and civilians), who forced themselves into leadership positions in government are solidly in control of all oil resources and maintain monopoly in order to buy up “agitators” who are privy to secrets of the stupendous wealth and riches of the OIL SECTOR, through which they have perpetrated themselves and their surrogates in office since Nigeria’s independence! THESE OIL WORKERS ARE AMONG THE AGITATORS AND WHAT THEY ARE AFTER THIS TIME AROUND, IS ANOTHER PORTION OF THE “NATIONAL CAKE”, BECAUSE NO CALENDAR YEAR IS EVER COMPLETE WITHOUT THEIR SELFISH DEMANDS! *In July last year, these egoistic oil workers declared an industrial action in respect of the following UNEDUCATED REASONS as if they just arrived from Planet Mars: (1) High level of insecurity in Nigeria. (2) Bad state of the roads. (3) Rising oil theft in the Niger Delta. (4) Non-adherence to guidelines on contract staffing and casual workers in the sector. (5) Abuse of expatriate quota. (6) Inhuman treatment of its members by the management of Chevron, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and Agip Oil Company. (7) Refusal of Nigerian Association of Road Transport Owners [NARTO], to implement the signed collective bargaining agreement with petroleum tanker drivers. Out of shame, the above-mentioned complaints did not crop up this year which is the EVE OF THE 2015 GENERAL ELECTIONS! These shameless oil workers are about the 89 Group of greedy Nigerians, who have, in one accord, clandestinely strategized to have their share of the illegally- siphoned oil money LARGESSE, currently flowing into the pockets of all who support CONTINUITY! But in their precarious position as an industrial union, the only option opened to them was to disrupt the OIL FLOW, until they could cleverly grab a sizable PORTION OF THE COLLECTIVE OIL MONEY WHICH REPRESENT THE BLOOD AND SWEAT OF PATRIOTS AND THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THIS NATION! We witnessed a very sordid scenario on the Nigerian highway during a prolonged fuel scarcity period, in which a young woman -PETROL HAWKER- in her early twenties, endangered the lives of her two sons- a one-and-a-half and three-year olds- as she deployed them to signal motorists to purchase her PRODUCT and it took divine intervention to save the kids from being knocked down! She was not the only one exposed to that predicament which happened to be the fall-out of failed government policies, promises and programmes –they were many – mostly women with kids! If you are reading this piece, MR. OR MRS. PROTESTING OIL WORKER, IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO BACK DOWN ON INCESSANT AND UNWORTHY DEMANDS! It is high time you turned a new leaf and become a nation builder and not destroyer because you are an integral part of the people. Those who should be denied the benefits accruing from the oil products and wealth are those who have turned the nation’s CRUDE OIL into family enterprise! We should collectively fish them out and send them to PRISON, where they should rot and not support their inglorious behaviour while our brethren suffer untold trials, hardship and persecutions! We should all have access and equal economic share of OIL DIVIDENDS! The Word of God states as follows: “God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from Heaven in blazing fire with His powerful Angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of His power on the day He comes to be glorified in His holy people and to be marvelled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you.”[2Thessalonians.1:6-10]. Almost everybody, (including members of the ruling party), except the GOD-FEARING, has endorsed the UNSOLICITED CONTINUITY OF THE INCUMBENT WHO IS CONSTANTLY BEING REMINDED BY GOD-THE HOLY SPIRIT, NOT TO RENEGE ON HIS GENTLEMAN’S PROMISE OF SERVING “O N E T E R M O N L Y”! The Holy Spirit has told him that the document of promise, which forms the bases of agreement with the Nigerian electorate and witnessed by the ANGELS [Ministering Spirits of God], is in HEAVEN, before the THRONE OF GRACE and would be scrutinized and used in evidence at the most appropriate time! And that is very CORRECT! With this SPIRITUAL EVIDENCE, Transformation Agenda Facilitators [TAF], should let the “sleeping dog lie”, but pray for Nigeria to win this war against the insurgents and bring back our Chibok School girls whom God will miraculously save! On behalf of the over 170 million good people of this great nation, we thank our very courageous and diligent combatants of the Armed Forces and the Police for their resilience and beseech our Heavenly Father to guide them to defeat the Boko Haram terrorists and bring this mindless war to a victorious end for our troops. Amen. We also have this divine revelation that the life of the 12 condemned mutinous soldiers would be spared through a presidential reprieve, to serve as a morale booster for those in the trenches and simultaneously, a warning to would-be mutineers that the death sentence would always remain in FORCE! As at the time of publication, the OIL WORKERS were reported to have called off their “indefinite” labour dispute, but the filling station queues remain transfixed and may take a while to abate! May the good Lord deliver us from HOUSEHOLD ENEMIES! Amen. If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.comhttps://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08058436756 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]

Monday, 15 September 2014


[ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ]   { VOL. 2.  NO 57.  14-09-14.}


It is high time the NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE CORPS’ compulsory one-year programme, (of Orientation Courses and Primary Assignments), was conducted ONLINE to avoid students protests over the newly introduced print out fees of FOUR THOUSAND NAIRA!
This option will remove all encumbrances of embarking on annual physical and at times dangerous journeys, backlog of postings and lobbying in respect of States of primary assignments!
 Corps members will contribute positively to programmes of nation building ONLINE on governments’ requests and be meaningfully engaged to earn living wages through such mutual contracts.
Unlike what obtains presently, the weekly Community Development Service [CDS], the only primary assignment, has been reduced to talk-shops and subsequently a total waste of another calendar year of the youths – most of whom had spent more than six academic years due to staff/student crisis!
ADVERT: NYSC 2014 BATCH ‘C’, has ordered online registration of local and foreign-trained Nigerian prospective corps members and printing of call-up letters, on payment of a compulsory N4000.00 fee!
“The management of NYSC wishes to inform the general public and Nigerian graduates (both foreign and locally trained in particular, that with effect from 2014 Batch ‘C’ mobilisation exercise, mobilisation processes will be online at www.nysc.org.ng or portal.nysc.gov.ng or www.nysc.gov.ng to link the portal.
*Those who wish to get their call-up numbers by SMS/e-mail and subsequently print their  call-up letters online are to pay the sum of (N4000.000), using any bank’s Automated Teller Machine(ATM) Cards on the PIN Vending option from any bank in Nigeria.”
This ADVERT, which jolted indigent students, parents/guardians who might not anticipate unbudgeted expenses also stated as follows:
 “However, those who wish to collect their call-up letters from their institutions, NEED NOT PAY THE N4000.000, AFTER THE ONLINE REGISTRATION (for 2014); BUT IT BECOMES COMPULSORY WITH EFFECT FROM 2015 Batch ‘A’!
 Registration for 2014 Batch ‘C’ Service began on 20th August and ends on 12th October 2014.
It is very clear that online communications between intending corps members and NYSC management staff had been an established practice since the advent of modern technology; the only aspect that is new is the clandestine introduction of the print-out fee of Four Thousand Nigerian Naira, which is a lot of money to a lot of UPRIGHT people!
 Graduates have never complained of collecting call-up letters from their various institutions and from all indications, some clever persons were only eager to make “SOME ILLEGITIMATE MONEY”, before this administration packs up and disappears; after all, the MINISTER of Internal Affairs “DID IT” ONLINE on  behalf of the Immigration Department, with the support of some CONSULTANTS, raked in over N45million and got away with the amount, in spite of about 19 DEATHS in various Stadia across Nigeria where mock interviews were held!
Before now, there was a massive call for the scrapping of the NYSC Scheme for non- deliverance of dividends of democracy to the YOUTHS WHO MAKE UP over 60 per cent of Nigeria’s population of about 170million people.
We appreciate the fact that this POST-WAR SCHEME INITIATIVE was well-intentioned by the Military administration of General Yakubu Gowon, who believed in the corporate existence and unity of Nigeria, but the programme had long lost its ideology, intention and focus because of the unresolved issues of CITIZENSHIP, INDEGENESHIP “SETTLERS” and at times RELIGION, which had claimed precious lives of Nigerians, including corps members, who were virtually forced to untimely deaths under the guise of the patriotic zeal to serve their Fatherland!
Since the inception of the scheme in 1973, corps members had been posted to States other than theirs to engender cultural/traditional affinity for national unity and integration.
In the past 41 years of this programme, our young graduates dwelt with other tribes of different social and family background to learn the culture of the indigenes in their areas of postings and primary assignments during the SERVICE YEAR, but it is very sad to say that Nigerians have gained virtually nothing from the laudable initiative!
The outcome of the recently concluded NATIONAL CONFERENCE, comprising  ALUMNI DELEGATES of several NYSC SCHEMES and which has polarized citizens along indigenes/settlers divide and creation of more States from existing towns and villages, is a good reference point!
Nigerian Youths are not being positioned to take over the mantle of leadership at any point in time due to unfavourable government policies on education in respect of critical  infrastructures and academic staff union welfare, which keep them “studying”  for almost THREE DECADES of their life!
According to government, the NYSC Scheme should create “entry level jobs” for participants, including a FORUM, dedicated as an avenue to share job information, career opportunities /resources and sourcing of loan from the National Directorate of Employment [NDE].
Nigerians are all witnesses to the ongoing very serious insecurity situation which has bedevilled the nation through youth restiveness, militancy, brigandage, armed robberies, kidnappings/abductions, insurgency and terrorism, being perpetrated mostly by the YOUTHS!
The Word of God says: “Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.”[Proverbs. 22:6]. Moral and spiritual lessons MUST go hand-in-hand to dedicate a child on the right path of life while instructions and discipline should also be involved to direct the child on the way to Godly wisdom.
In his four-point agenda, the new military Director General [DG] of the NYSC states that he would “improve service content, enhance welfare and safety, expand partnership of scheme with critical stakeholders for greater impact funding and support.
Should we be surprised if the funding must come from corps members who would remain idle and unemployed for a COMPULSORY SERVICE YEAR?
It is a common phenomenon in Nigeria for job seekers to pay non-refundable thousands of naira to purchase Forms online for uncertain ‘employment opportunities’!
As at Saturday, 13th September, 2014, unemployment statistics of able-bodied and employable Nigerians, according to the National Bureau of Statistics of Nigeria, stood at 23.90 per cent compared to a record low of 5.30per cent in 2006! The unemployment challenge stands out as one of the most critical problems facing Nigeria as a nation even as a Presidential Job Board [PJB], was inaugurated last week with much publicity, to rescue the situation.
 We will watch very closely for miracles, because thousands of graduates would soon be released from NYSC Camps into the Labour Market. The present administration is very good at running government policies on Radio, Television and Print Media, but we will not be distracted from identifying smoke screens!
There is a daily Federal Government Radio jingle of job advertisement for 50.000 graduates through SURE-P, [Subsidy Re-investment Programme], which by now must have gulp millions of naira as publicity charges and which in actual fact, has not identified job opportunities for the teeming graduates, because our governments are insincere!
Titled, “Sure-P Graduate Intention Scheme”, the jingle encourages private sector employers to identify the job seekers professional skills and mentor them while GOVERNMENT PAYS THEM MONTHLY ALLOWANCES!
Let us assume that private sector investors actually identified these graduates and commenced mentorship, would the monthly allowances replace the LIVING WAGES promised by successive governments to NIGERIAN YOUTHS during political campaign rallies to curry their votes?
We challenge government to publish, for public consumption, the 41-YEAR SCORECARD of this establishment which has only served as a CONDUIT PIPE OF ORGANISED CORRUPTION JUST LIKE THE INFAMOUS FOUR TOWERS ENTERPRISE IN ABUJA!
*From 1973-2014, has NYSC Management team ever arranged or provided transportation by AIR, LAND or SEA for corps members to ease definite challenges they might face in travelling to places of primary assignments across the length and breadth of the country?
*Are any allowances appropriated for transportation, accommodation general welfare or medical expenses throughout the service year?
*Were there any manner of security arrangements provided, when many corps members were murdered in cold blood during past communal and political crisis across the nation?
*Is the monthly stipend of N19.500.00  out-of-pocket allowance adequate for  graduates who are academically equipped to contribute meaningfully to the economic growth of this nation?
* Is this paltry sum, commensurate to adequately identify, qualify and appreciate INTELECTUAL PROPERTY AND CAPACITY?
*Are the “Consultants” engaged by the management team for sundry contracts more qualified than the corps members?
*What manner of welfare was the DG talking about in his four-point agenda?
*And whereas annual government-sponsored jamboree of religious pilgrimages “swallow” billions of naira of taxpayer funds without challenge!
Corrupt officials in government MUST be exposed if this administration is serious about its “fight against corrupt civil servants and politicians”! It tantamount to sheer injustice and man’s inhumanity to man, for those in temporary position of authority, to continue to LIVE ON THE BLOOD AND SWEAT OF THEIR FUTURE LEADERS!
That kind of bestial behaviour is only found in the ANIMAL KINGDOM OF PREDATORS! 
 Going down the memory lane of the late seventies and early eighties, the NYSC was notorious for unbridled financial crimes through which many members of staff and emergency contractors became instant millionaires until a probe was instituted to stem the very ugly scenario! HAS THE STORY CHANGED? WE NEED AN ANSWER!
 If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer:      
Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.  Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.
[For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to:                                                              facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.comhttps://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08058436756 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]    

Saturday, 13 September 2014

[ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ]
{ VOL. 2. NO 56. 07-09-14.}
In the order of organic creation and seniority, animals and birds arrived first on earth before MAN!
It was on the fifth day of creation that God commanded the waters to produce abundantly, living creatures like the great whales and winged fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven; the earth to produce, cattle, creeping thing and beast, after their kind, blessed and sent them forth to become fruitful, multiply and fill the waters and the earth, and it was so! [Genesis.1:20-25].
And on the SIXTH day, (the last day of creation), MAN was created in the image and likeness of God and was also blessed, “…. to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and all the creatures that creep on the ground” [verses,26-28].
In addition, God also gave to Man, every seed-bearing tree on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it, the beasts, the birds, all creatures that have breath of life and every green plant for, FOOD!”[verses, 29-31]. And so, the first became the last and the last, FIRST!
But with the emergence of EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE (EVD), like the viral MAD COW AND BIRD FLU DISEASES, which ravaged continents of the world in recent times, this contagious and epidemic plague, contacted by humans from some birds and animals like BATS, BABOONS MONKEYS OR THROUGH OUTRIGHT CONSUMPTION, of these bush animals as divinely endowed to man for FOOD, these organic species are beginning to gain the upper hand by infecting the humans with their FLESH!
We perceive a LACUNA between God’s blessings upon Man and the ongoing global viral EBOLA disease, which has become a CURSE upon the human race, through the same birds and animals that should be dominated, subdued and freely consumed by divine command and expressed permission!
*Did God change His mind and turned the creation BLESSING into a CURSE? *But why would the Sovereign One reverse himself and ridicule the Masters before their slaves?
Let us search the scripture for divine explanation because it seems that God is angry with His human creation!
In Genesis.2:17, God gave the first command to Adam, the Administrator of the World to keep off the fruit tree in the centre of the Garden of Eden with a warning of the consequences of DEATH upon disobedience! Adam was not scared; he and his wife ate fruits from the forbidden tree through the deceitful promptings of the animal called Serpent![Gen.3:1-27].
We have no doubt on our mind that, that clandestine move, signalled the great rivalry between Man and Animal kingdoms, because the evil seed of disobedience planted in Man’s life by an animal eventually led to the destruction of the Adamic World with flood![Gen.6:5-7:24].
In spite of this judgement, God began a fresh fellowship with Man through the nation of Israel, which He graciously rescued from the Egyptian bondage with signs wonders and miracles, to showcase His sterling qualities of holiness, righteousness and perfection to a new Human World!
Apart from the TEN deadly and intimidating plagues, which included, rivers of blood, massive frogs, lice, flies, fleas, death of all cattle, boils, thunder hails, it was the death of all Egyptian first born, including, Heir to the throne, that produced Israel’s freedom from 430 years of bondage and slavery!
While hell was let loose upon Pharaoh and his citizens, the JEWS dwelt in a place called GOSHEN, within the Egyptian territory, but were not harmed by any of the plagues!
The miraculous crossing of the RED SEA on a dry ground was a further proof of GOD’S LOVE to the Israelites who were sandwiched by the Egyptian army on the orders of Pharaoh who reneged on his promise! [Exodus.7:1-14:1-31].
Regrettably, GOD was again provoked to anger and had to destroy all the 600.000 able-bodied men of war and their wives (except Caleb, Joshua and children under 20 years of age), in the wilderness journey of 40years![Exodus. 2:24-20:24, Numbers.11:1-26:65].
*As mentioned earlier, Ebola, is another one of the several plagues that have besieged humanity since the crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, who prophesied, among other things, that before His second advent to judge the human world of their heinous sins, there would be PESTILENCES, in divers places across the universe! [Matthew. 24:7b. King James Version, (KJV)]. These pestilences would serve as punishment to a wicked world which rejected the Son of God, nailed Him to the CROSS like a common criminal and also as a reminder to the SAINTS and FAITHFULS[to remain steadfast in the Lord], in view of His impending judgement of all ungodly people!
When Pontus Pilate, the Roman Emperor, who sat at the “kangaroo tribunal”, failed to find any fault against Jesus Christ, he, at the Jewish people’s persistence, sent the Son of God to the gallows and released Barabbas, a notorious robber, according to an annual clemency policy for criminals and the Lord’s Jewish brethren applauded the “judgement”, by saying, “LET HIS BLOOD BE UPON US AND OUR CHILDREN”, forgetting that the whole world of many nations was divinely bequeathed to the Friend of God and Father of faith - ABRAHAM![Gen.12:1-4].
*What is pestilence? It is, any very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people!
Ebola, has taken over from the HIV/ AIDS venereal disease, (discovered in the early eighties) which has destroyed thousands of lives in almost two-and-a-half decades of its trail!
But before the advent of the these two
global scourges, there was the very devastating BUBONIC PLAGUE, BLACK DEATH or BLACK PLAGUE, which ravaged Europe and its environs in the Middle Ages and consumed between 25-50 per cent of its population!
Bubonic Plague [BP], is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, and is transmitted to humans from RATS infected by the oriental rat flea.
It is so named, for the characteristic feature of ‘buboes’, (painfully enlarged lymph nodes or glands), in the groin, armpits, neck and elsewhere. Other symptoms include, headache, fever, chills and weakness which can lead to gangrene (tissue death) of the fingers, toes and even nose-bleeding!
Ebola is equally a deadly virus that causes severe, uncontrollable bleeding within and without the human body as it spreads to damage the immune system and other organs!
Because EVD spreads to people by contact with the skin or bodily fluids of an infected animal, like monkey, chimpanzee of Fruit Bat, touching contaminated needles or surfaces, it is very important to quickly spot the symptoms to prevent viral spread!
*What are the Ebola symptoms and how are they diagnosed?
*Ebola symptoms can show up from between 2-21 days of incubation while those of Bubonic Plague which is deadlier, is between 2-3days!
The following symptoms are noticeable in any case of EBOLA VIRUS INFECTION: Sore Throat, Lack of Appetite, Stomach Pain, Head Ache, High Fever, Weakness, Joint and Muscle Aches; but it could be difficult to rely on these symptoms which are also common to other diseases like Cholera, Malaria or even Typhoid! However, it is important to know that, after 21 days, symptoms of Ebola virus could get worse and cause internal haemorrhage, that is, excessive bleeding within the body and external, through the eyes, ears, nose, bloody diarrhoea, coughing up of blood, vomiting and rashes!
Therefore, scientific tests must be quickly carried out by medical experts to diagnose Ebola virus infection through blood and tissue tests! The high-risk individuals to the Ebola virus who MUST be adequately protected with effective modern garbs are the HEALTH WORKERS and MEDICAL PERSONNEL who, professionally care for those infected through the isolation process, to which they are exposed and also the burial of Ebola-deceased patients!
Although, the Ebola hemorrhagic fever kills up to 90% of infected people, a person who, though, infected, but had not shown any symptoms, cannot spread the disease! EBOLA CANNOT BE CONTACTED THROUGH AIR WATER AND FOOD according to scientific experts, if painstaking CAUTIONS are exercised! Immediate ISOLATION from the public domain of all suspected cases to avoid and prevent the spread, personal hygiene and sanitation of hand washing with soap and water, or sanitizers, round the clock, become IMPERATIVE!
From the foregoing analysis, it is crystal clear that MAN, through his own actions and inactions, separated himself from divine love. He has sinned and has thus come short of the glory of God!
This treatise will be incomplete if we are not reminded of the CURSES PRONOUNCED FROM MOUNT EBAL during the life and times of the small tribe of Israel, whom God presented to His universe as the delectable show-piece of His Holy standards.[ please read Deuteronomy 27:13-26 and also The Song of Moses Chapter 32:1-47].
Israel, is still embroiled in war with its Arab neighbours over homeland disputes, because of the unbroken curses upon them as a people and all other nations of the world because of the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis. 12: 1-4.
Nigeria in 54 years of independence from colonial bondage cannot claim to have known peace, even for one single year. The masses, who are in the majority, keep wallowing in poverty, while a handful of the new Masters pocket the commonwealth and dwell in affluence and luxury!
No matter how much they stole, rulers in Nigeria do not go to jail, even, when found “guilty” – they normally paid fines with the stolen money!
Definitely, God is angry with the few who are benefiting from the predicament of the Nigerian poor masses who bear the brunt of Boko Haram terrorism, armed robberies, murders, arsons, etc, and now EBOLA! His judgement is at the door of all who have been fingered to have had hand in the shedding of the blood of innocent Nigerians!
This edition is a clarion call to all God-fearing children to repent from all ungodly attitudes, embrace the Lord Jesus Christ for divine defence and protection in order to escape these pestilences which are prompted by the accuser of the brethren because of our multiple acts of disobedience to God’s holy laws!
The hand writing on the wall speaks very clearly that Satan had instigated all curses that have befallen mankind from the beginning of creation. He is very envious of the human race because he lost his position of honour/glory and has been judged by God to spend eternity in Hell Fire!
We must no longer allow Satan to place the animals above us because we are God’s highest and most intelligent creation; our position must remain at the TOP as it is written that we shall be the Head and not the Tail! GOD HAS PREPARED THE CITY OF GOSHEN FOR ALL HIS OBEDIENT CHILDREN AND THEY WILL NOT BE AFFLICTED BY EBOLA OR ANY PLAGUE IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME! AMEN.
If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.
[For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08058436756 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]

Monday, 8 September 2014

[ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ]
{ VOL. 2. NO 56. 07-09-14.}
In the order of organic creation and seniority, animals and birds arrived first on earth before MAN!
It was on the fifth day of creation that God commanded the waters to produce abundantly, living creatures like the great whales and winged fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven; the earth to produce, cattle, creeping thing and beast, after their kind, blessed and sent them forth to become fruitful, multiply and fill the waters and the earth, and it was so! [Genesis.1:20-25].
And on the SIXTH day, (the last day of creation), MAN was created in the image and likeness of God and was also blessed, “…. to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and all the creatures that creep on the ground” [verses,26-28].
In addition, God also gave to Man, every seed-bearing tree on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it, the beasts, the birds, all creatures that have breath of life and every green plant for, FOOD!”[verses, 29-31]. And so, the first became the last and the last, FIRST!
But with the emergence of EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE (EVD), like the viral MAD COW AND BIRD FLU DISEASES, which ravaged continents of the world in recent times, this contagious and epidemic plague, contacted by humans from some birds and animals like BATS, BABOONS MONKEYS OR THROUGH OUTRIGHT CONSUMPTION, of these bush animals as divinely endowed to man for FOOD, these organic species are beginning to gain the upper hand by infecting the humans with their FLESH!
We perceive a LACUNA between God’s blessings upon Man and the ongoing global viral EBOLA disease, which has become a CURSE upon the human race, through the same birds and animals that should be dominated, subdued and freely consumed by divine command and expressed permission!
*Did God change His mind and turned the creation BLESSING into a CURSE? *But why would the Sovereign One reverse himself and ridicule the Masters before their slaves?
Let us search the scripture for divine explanation because it seems that God is angry with His human creation!
In Genesis.2:17, God gave the first command to Adam, the Administrator of the World to keep off the fruit tree in the centre of the Garden of Eden with a warning of the consequences of DEATH upon disobedience! Adam was not scared; he and his wife ate fruits from the forbidden tree through the deceitful promptings of the animal called Serpent![Gen.3:1-27].
We have no doubt on our mind that, that clandestine move, signalled the great rivalry between Man and Animal kingdoms, because the evil seed of disobedience planted in Man’s life by an animal eventually led to the destruction of the Adamic World with flood![Gen.6:5-7:24].
In spite of this judgement, God began a fresh fellowship with Man through the nation of Israel, which He graciously rescued from the Egyptian bondage with signs wonders and miracles, to showcase His sterling qualities of holiness, righteousness and perfection to a new Human World!
Apart from the TEN deadly and intimidating plagues, which included, rivers of blood, massive frogs, lice, flies, fleas, death of all cattle, boils, thunder hails, it was the death of all Egyptian first born, including, Heir to the throne, that produced Israel’s freedom from 430 years of bondage and slavery!
While hell was let loose upon Pharaoh and his citizens, the JEWS dwelt in a place called GOSHEN, within the Egyptian territory, but were not harmed by any of the plagues!
The miraculous crossing of the RED SEA on a dry ground was a further proof of GOD’S LOVE to the Israelites who were sandwiched by the Egyptian army on the orders of Pharaoh who reneged on his promise! [Exodus.7:1-14:1-31].
Regrettably, GOD was again provoked to anger and had to destroy all the 600.000 able-bodied men of war and their wives (except Caleb, Joshua and children under 20 years of age), in the wilderness journey of 40years![Exodus. 2:24-20:24, Numbers.11:1-26:65].
*As mentioned earlier, Ebola, is another one of the several plagues that have besieged humanity since the crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, who prophesied, among other things, that before His second advent to judge the human world of their heinous sins, there would be PESTILENCES, in divers places across the universe! [Matthew. 24:7b. King James Version, (KJV)]. These pestilences would serve as punishment to a wicked world which rejected the Son of God, nailed Him to the CROSS like a common criminal and also as a reminder to the SAINTS and FAITHFULS[to remain steadfast in the Lord], in view of His impending judgement of all ungodly people!
When Pontus Pilate, the Roman Emperor, who sat at the “kangaroo tribunal”, failed to find any fault against Jesus Christ, he, at the Jewish people’s persistence, sent the Son of God to the gallows and released Barabbas, a notorious robber, according to an annual clemency policy for criminals and the Lord’s Jewish brethren applauded the “judgement”, by saying, “LET HIS BLOOD BE UPON US AND OUR CHILDREN”, forgetting that the whole world of many nations was divinely bequeathed to the Friend of God and Father of faith - ABRAHAM![Gen.12:1-4].
*What is pestilence? It is, any very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people!
Ebola, has taken over from the HIV/ AIDS venereal disease, (discovered in the early eighties) which has destroyed thousands of lives in almost two-and-a-half decades of its trail!
But before the advent of the these two
global scourges, there was the very devastating BUBONIC PLAGUE, BLACK DEATH or BLACK PLAGUE, which ravaged Europe and its environs in the Middle Ages and consumed between 25-50 per cent of its population!
Bubonic Plague [BP], is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, and is transmitted to humans from RATS infected by the oriental rat flea.
It is so named, for the characteristic feature of ‘buboes’, (painfully enlarged lymph nodes or glands), in the groin, armpits, neck and elsewhere. Other symptoms include, headache, fever, chills and weakness which can lead to gangrene (tissue death) of the fingers, toes and even nose-bleeding!
Ebola is equally a deadly virus that causes severe, uncontrollable bleeding within and without the human body as it spreads to damage the immune system and other organs!
Because EVD spreads to people by contact with the skin or bodily fluids of an infected animal, like monkey, chimpanzee of Fruit Bat, touching contaminated needles or surfaces, it is very important to quickly spot the symptoms to prevent viral spread!
*What are the Ebola symptoms and how are they diagnosed?
*Ebola symptoms can show up from between 2-21 days of incubation while those of Bubonic Plague which is deadlier, is between 2-3days!
The following symptoms are noticeable in any case of EBOLA VIRUS INFECTION: Sore Throat, Lack of Appetite, Stomach Pain, Head Ache, High Fever, Weakness, Joint and Muscle Aches; but it could be difficult to rely on these symptoms which are also common to other diseases like Cholera, Malaria or even Typhoid! However, it is important to know that, after 21 days, symptoms of Ebola virus could get worse and cause internal haemorrhage, that is, excessive bleeding within the body and external, through the eyes, ears, nose, bloody diarrhoea, coughing up of blood, vomiting and rashes!
Therefore, scientific tests must be quickly carried out by medical experts to diagnose Ebola virus infection through blood and tissue tests! The high-risk individuals to the Ebola virus who MUST be adequately protected with effective modern garbs are the HEALTH WORKERS and MEDICAL PERSONNEL who, professionally care for those infected through the isolation process, to which they are exposed and also the burial of Ebola-deceased patients!
Although, the Ebola hemorrhagic fever kills up to 90% of infected people, a person who, though, infected, but had not shown any symptoms, cannot spread the disease! EBOLA CANNOT BE CONTACTED THROUGH AIR WATER AND FOOD according to scientific experts, if painstaking CAUTIONS are exercised! Immediate ISOLATION from the public domain of all suspected cases to avoid and prevent the spread, personal hygiene and sanitation of hand washing with soap and water, or sanitizers, round the clock, become IMPERATIVE!
From the foregoing analysis, it is crystal clear that MAN, through his own actions and inactions, separated himself from divine love. He has sinned and has thus come short of the glory of God!
This treatise will be incomplete if we are not reminded of the CURSES PRONOUNCED FROM MOUNT EBAL during the life and times of the small tribe of Israel, whom God presented to His universe as the delectable show-piece of His Holy standards.[ please read Deuteronomy 27:13-26 and also The Song of Moses Chapter 32:1-47].
Israel, is still embroiled in war with its Arab neighbours over homeland disputes, because of the unbroken curses upon them as a people and all other nations of the world because of the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis. 12: 1-4.
Nigeria in 54 years of independence from colonial bondage cannot claim to have known peace, even for one single year. The masses, who are in the majority, keep wallowing in poverty, while a handful of the new Masters pocket the commonwealth and dwell in affluence and luxury!
No matter how much they stole, rulers in Nigeria do not go to jail, even, when found “guilty” – they normally paid fines with the stolen money!
Definitely, God is angry with the few who are benefiting from the predicament of the Nigerian poor masses who bear the brunt of Boko Haram terrorism, armed robberies, murders, arsons, etc, and now EBOLA! His judgement is at the door of all who have been fingered to have had hand in the shedding of the blood of innocent Nigerians!
This edition is a clarion call to all God-fearing children to repent from all ungodly attitudes, embrace the Lord Jesus Christ for divine defence and protection in order to escape these pestilences which are prompted by the accuser of the brethren because of our multiple acts of disobedience to God’s holy laws!
The hand writing on the wall speaks very clearly that Satan had instigated all curses that have befallen mankind from the beginning of creation. He is very envious of the human race because he lost his position of honour/glory and has been judged by God to spend eternity in Hell Fire!
We must no longer allow Satan to place the animals above us because we are God’s highest and most intelligent creation; our position must remain at the TOP as it is written that we shall be the Head and not the Tail! GOD HAS PREPARED THE CITY OF GOSHEN FOR ALL HIS OBEDIENT CHILDREN AND THEY WILL NOT BE AFFLICTED BY EBOLA OR ANY PLAGUE IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME! AMEN.
If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.
[For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08058436756 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .