[ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ]
{ VOL. 2. NO 56. 07-09-14.}
In the order of organic creation and seniority, animals and birds arrived first on earth before MAN!
It was on the fifth day of creation that God commanded the waters to produce abundantly, living creatures like the great whales and winged fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven; the earth to produce, cattle, creeping thing and beast, after their kind, blessed and sent them forth to become fruitful, multiply and fill the waters and the earth, and it was so! [Genesis.1:20-25].
And on the SIXTH day, (the last day of creation), MAN was created in the image and likeness of God and was also blessed, “…. to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and all the creatures that creep on the ground” [verses,26-28].
In addition, God also gave to Man, every seed-bearing tree on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it, the beasts, the birds, all creatures that have breath of life and every green plant for, FOOD!”[verses, 29-31]. And so, the first became the last and the last, FIRST!
But with the emergence of EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE (EVD), like the viral MAD COW AND BIRD FLU DISEASES, which ravaged continents of the world in recent times, this contagious and epidemic plague, contacted by humans from some birds and animals like BATS, BABOONS MONKEYS OR THROUGH OUTRIGHT CONSUMPTION, of these bush animals as divinely endowed to man for FOOD, these organic species are beginning to gain the upper hand by infecting the humans with their FLESH!
We perceive a LACUNA between God’s blessings upon Man and the ongoing global viral EBOLA disease, which has become a CURSE upon the human race, through the same birds and animals that should be dominated, subdued and freely consumed by divine command and expressed permission!
*Did God change His mind and turned the creation BLESSING into a CURSE? *But why would the Sovereign One reverse himself and ridicule the Masters before their slaves?
Let us search the scripture for divine explanation because it seems that God is angry with His human creation!
In Genesis.2:17, God gave the first command to Adam, the Administrator of the World to keep off the fruit tree in the centre of the Garden of Eden with a warning of the consequences of DEATH upon disobedience! Adam was not scared; he and his wife ate fruits from the forbidden tree through the deceitful promptings of the animal called Serpent![Gen.3:1-27].
We have no doubt on our mind that, that clandestine move, signalled the great rivalry between Man and Animal kingdoms, because the evil seed of disobedience planted in Man’s life by an animal eventually led to the destruction of the Adamic World with flood![Gen.6:5-7:24].
In spite of this judgement, God began a fresh fellowship with Man through the nation of Israel, which He graciously rescued from the Egyptian bondage with signs wonders and miracles, to showcase His sterling qualities of holiness, righteousness and perfection to a new Human World!
Apart from the TEN deadly and intimidating plagues, which included, rivers of blood, massive frogs, lice, flies, fleas, death of all cattle, boils, thunder hails, it was the death of all Egyptian first born, including, Heir to the throne, that produced Israel’s freedom from 430 years of bondage and slavery!
While hell was let loose upon Pharaoh and his citizens, the JEWS dwelt in a place called GOSHEN, within the Egyptian territory, but were not harmed by any of the plagues!
The miraculous crossing of the RED SEA on a dry ground was a further proof of GOD’S LOVE to the Israelites who were sandwiched by the Egyptian army on the orders of Pharaoh who reneged on his promise! [Exodus.7:1-14:1-31].
Regrettably, GOD was again provoked to anger and had to destroy all the 600.000 able-bodied men of war and their wives (except Caleb, Joshua and children under 20 years of age), in the wilderness journey of 40years![Exodus. 2:24-20:24, Numbers.11:1-26:65].
*As mentioned earlier, Ebola, is another one of the several plagues that have besieged humanity since the crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, who prophesied, among other things, that before His second advent to judge the human world of their heinous sins, there would be PESTILENCES, in divers places across the universe! [Matthew. 24:7b. King James Version, (KJV)]. These pestilences would serve as punishment to a wicked world which rejected the Son of God, nailed Him to the CROSS like a common criminal and also as a reminder to the SAINTS and FAITHFULS[to remain steadfast in the Lord], in view of His impending judgement of all ungodly people!
When Pontus Pilate, the Roman Emperor, who sat at the “kangaroo tribunal”, failed to find any fault against Jesus Christ, he, at the Jewish people’s persistence, sent the Son of God to the gallows and released Barabbas, a notorious robber, according to an annual clemency policy for criminals and the Lord’s Jewish brethren applauded the “judgement”, by saying, “LET HIS BLOOD BE UPON US AND OUR CHILDREN”, forgetting that the whole world of many nations was divinely bequeathed to the Friend of God and Father of faith - ABRAHAM![Gen.12:1-4].
*What is pestilence? It is, any very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people!
Ebola, has taken over from the HIV/ AIDS venereal disease, (discovered in the early eighties) which has destroyed thousands of lives in almost two-and-a-half decades of its trail!
But before the advent of the these two
global scourges, there was the very devastating BUBONIC PLAGUE, BLACK DEATH or BLACK PLAGUE, which ravaged Europe and its environs in the Middle Ages and consumed between 25-50 per cent of its population!
Bubonic Plague [BP], is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, and is transmitted to humans from RATS infected by the oriental rat flea.
It is so named, for the characteristic feature of ‘buboes’, (painfully enlarged lymph nodes or glands), in the groin, armpits, neck and elsewhere. Other symptoms include, headache, fever, chills and weakness which can lead to gangrene (tissue death) of the fingers, toes and even nose-bleeding!
Ebola is equally a deadly virus that causes severe, uncontrollable bleeding within and without the human body as it spreads to damage the immune system and other organs!
Because EVD spreads to people by contact with the skin or bodily fluids of an infected animal, like monkey, chimpanzee of Fruit Bat, touching contaminated needles or surfaces, it is very important to quickly spot the symptoms to prevent viral spread!
*What are the Ebola symptoms and how are they diagnosed?
*Ebola symptoms can show up from between 2-21 days of incubation while those of Bubonic Plague which is deadlier, is between 2-3days!
The following symptoms are noticeable in any case of EBOLA VIRUS INFECTION: Sore Throat, Lack of Appetite, Stomach Pain, Head Ache, High Fever, Weakness, Joint and Muscle Aches; but it could be difficult to rely on these symptoms which are also common to other diseases like Cholera, Malaria or even Typhoid! However, it is important to know that, after 21 days, symptoms of Ebola virus could get worse and cause internal haemorrhage, that is, excessive bleeding within the body and external, through the eyes, ears, nose, bloody diarrhoea, coughing up of blood, vomiting and rashes!
Therefore, scientific tests must be quickly carried out by medical experts to diagnose Ebola virus infection through blood and tissue tests! The high-risk individuals to the Ebola virus who MUST be adequately protected with effective modern garbs are the HEALTH WORKERS and MEDICAL PERSONNEL who, professionally care for those infected through the isolation process, to which they are exposed and also the burial of Ebola-deceased patients!
Although, the Ebola hemorrhagic fever kills up to 90% of infected people, a person who, though, infected, but had not shown any symptoms, cannot spread the disease! EBOLA CANNOT BE CONTACTED THROUGH AIR WATER AND FOOD according to scientific experts, if painstaking CAUTIONS are exercised! Immediate ISOLATION from the public domain of all suspected cases to avoid and prevent the spread, personal hygiene and sanitation of hand washing with soap and water, or sanitizers, round the clock, become IMPERATIVE!
From the foregoing analysis, it is crystal clear that MAN, through his own actions and inactions, separated himself from divine love. He has sinned and has thus come short of the glory of God!
This treatise will be incomplete if we are not reminded of the CURSES PRONOUNCED FROM MOUNT EBAL during the life and times of the small tribe of Israel, whom God presented to His universe as the delectable show-piece of His Holy standards.[ please read Deuteronomy 27:13-26 and also The Song of Moses Chapter 32:1-47].
Israel, is still embroiled in war with its Arab neighbours over homeland disputes, because of the unbroken curses upon them as a people and all other nations of the world because of the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis. 12: 1-4.
Nigeria in 54 years of independence from colonial bondage cannot claim to have known peace, even for one single year. The masses, who are in the majority, keep wallowing in poverty, while a handful of the new Masters pocket the commonwealth and dwell in affluence and luxury!
No matter how much they stole, rulers in Nigeria do not go to jail, even, when found “guilty” – they normally paid fines with the stolen money!
Definitely, God is angry with the few who are benefiting from the predicament of the Nigerian poor masses who bear the brunt of Boko Haram terrorism, armed robberies, murders, arsons, etc, and now EBOLA! His judgement is at the door of all who have been fingered to have had hand in the shedding of the blood of innocent Nigerians!
This edition is a clarion call to all God-fearing children to repent from all ungodly attitudes, embrace the Lord Jesus Christ for divine defence and protection in order to escape these pestilences which are prompted by the accuser of the brethren because of our multiple acts of disobedience to God’s holy laws!
The hand writing on the wall speaks very clearly that Satan had instigated all curses that have befallen mankind from the beginning of creation. He is very envious of the human race because he lost his position of honour/glory and has been judged by God to spend eternity in Hell Fire!
We must no longer allow Satan to place the animals above us because we are God’s highest and most intelligent creation; our position must remain at the TOP as it is written that we shall be the Head and not the Tail! GOD HAS PREPARED THE CITY OF GOSHEN FOR ALL HIS OBEDIENT CHILDREN AND THEY WILL NOT BE AFFLICTED BY EBOLA OR ANY PLAGUE IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME! AMEN.
If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.
[For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08058436756 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .
[ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ]
{ VOL. 2. NO 56. 07-09-14.}
In the order of organic creation and seniority, animals and birds arrived first on earth before MAN!
It was on the fifth day of creation that God commanded the waters to produce abundantly, living creatures like the great whales and winged fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven; the earth to produce, cattle, creeping thing and beast, after their kind, blessed and sent them forth to become fruitful, multiply and fill the waters and the earth, and it was so! [Genesis.1:20-25].
And on the SIXTH day, (the last day of creation), MAN was created in the image and likeness of God and was also blessed, “…. to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and all the creatures that creep on the ground” [verses,26-28].
In addition, God also gave to Man, every seed-bearing tree on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it, the beasts, the birds, all creatures that have breath of life and every green plant for, FOOD!”[verses, 29-31]. And so, the first became the last and the last, FIRST!
But with the emergence of EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE (EVD), like the viral MAD COW AND BIRD FLU DISEASES, which ravaged continents of the world in recent times, this contagious and epidemic plague, contacted by humans from some birds and animals like BATS, BABOONS MONKEYS OR THROUGH OUTRIGHT CONSUMPTION, of these bush animals as divinely endowed to man for FOOD, these organic species are beginning to gain the upper hand by infecting the humans with their FLESH!
We perceive a LACUNA between God’s blessings upon Man and the ongoing global viral EBOLA disease, which has become a CURSE upon the human race, through the same birds and animals that should be dominated, subdued and freely consumed by divine command and expressed permission!
*Did God change His mind and turned the creation BLESSING into a CURSE? *But why would the Sovereign One reverse himself and ridicule the Masters before their slaves?
Let us search the scripture for divine explanation because it seems that God is angry with His human creation!
In Genesis.2:17, God gave the first command to Adam, the Administrator of the World to keep off the fruit tree in the centre of the Garden of Eden with a warning of the consequences of DEATH upon disobedience! Adam was not scared; he and his wife ate fruits from the forbidden tree through the deceitful promptings of the animal called Serpent![Gen.3:1-27].
We have no doubt on our mind that, that clandestine move, signalled the great rivalry between Man and Animal kingdoms, because the evil seed of disobedience planted in Man’s life by an animal eventually led to the destruction of the Adamic World with flood![Gen.6:5-7:24].
In spite of this judgement, God began a fresh fellowship with Man through the nation of Israel, which He graciously rescued from the Egyptian bondage with signs wonders and miracles, to showcase His sterling qualities of holiness, righteousness and perfection to a new Human World!
Apart from the TEN deadly and intimidating plagues, which included, rivers of blood, massive frogs, lice, flies, fleas, death of all cattle, boils, thunder hails, it was the death of all Egyptian first born, including, Heir to the throne, that produced Israel’s freedom from 430 years of bondage and slavery!
While hell was let loose upon Pharaoh and his citizens, the JEWS dwelt in a place called GOSHEN, within the Egyptian territory, but were not harmed by any of the plagues!
The miraculous crossing of the RED SEA on a dry ground was a further proof of GOD’S LOVE to the Israelites who were sandwiched by the Egyptian army on the orders of Pharaoh who reneged on his promise! [Exodus.7:1-14:1-31].
Regrettably, GOD was again provoked to anger and had to destroy all the 600.000 able-bodied men of war and their wives (except Caleb, Joshua and children under 20 years of age), in the wilderness journey of 40years![Exodus. 2:24-20:24, Numbers.11:1-26:65].
*As mentioned earlier, Ebola, is another one of the several plagues that have besieged humanity since the crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, who prophesied, among other things, that before His second advent to judge the human world of their heinous sins, there would be PESTILENCES, in divers places across the universe! [Matthew. 24:7b. King James Version, (KJV)]. These pestilences would serve as punishment to a wicked world which rejected the Son of God, nailed Him to the CROSS like a common criminal and also as a reminder to the SAINTS and FAITHFULS[to remain steadfast in the Lord], in view of His impending judgement of all ungodly people!
When Pontus Pilate, the Roman Emperor, who sat at the “kangaroo tribunal”, failed to find any fault against Jesus Christ, he, at the Jewish people’s persistence, sent the Son of God to the gallows and released Barabbas, a notorious robber, according to an annual clemency policy for criminals and the Lord’s Jewish brethren applauded the “judgement”, by saying, “LET HIS BLOOD BE UPON US AND OUR CHILDREN”, forgetting that the whole world of many nations was divinely bequeathed to the Friend of God and Father of faith - ABRAHAM![Gen.12:1-4].
*What is pestilence? It is, any very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people!
Ebola, has taken over from the HIV/ AIDS venereal disease, (discovered in the early eighties) which has destroyed thousands of lives in almost two-and-a-half decades of its trail!
But before the advent of the these two
global scourges, there was the very devastating BUBONIC PLAGUE, BLACK DEATH or BLACK PLAGUE, which ravaged Europe and its environs in the Middle Ages and consumed between 25-50 per cent of its population!
Bubonic Plague [BP], is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, and is transmitted to humans from RATS infected by the oriental rat flea.
It is so named, for the characteristic feature of ‘buboes’, (painfully enlarged lymph nodes or glands), in the groin, armpits, neck and elsewhere. Other symptoms include, headache, fever, chills and weakness which can lead to gangrene (tissue death) of the fingers, toes and even nose-bleeding!
Ebola is equally a deadly virus that causes severe, uncontrollable bleeding within and without the human body as it spreads to damage the immune system and other organs!
Because EVD spreads to people by contact with the skin or bodily fluids of an infected animal, like monkey, chimpanzee of Fruit Bat, touching contaminated needles or surfaces, it is very important to quickly spot the symptoms to prevent viral spread!
*What are the Ebola symptoms and how are they diagnosed?
*Ebola symptoms can show up from between 2-21 days of incubation while those of Bubonic Plague which is deadlier, is between 2-3days!
The following symptoms are noticeable in any case of EBOLA VIRUS INFECTION: Sore Throat, Lack of Appetite, Stomach Pain, Head Ache, High Fever, Weakness, Joint and Muscle Aches; but it could be difficult to rely on these symptoms which are also common to other diseases like Cholera, Malaria or even Typhoid! However, it is important to know that, after 21 days, symptoms of Ebola virus could get worse and cause internal haemorrhage, that is, excessive bleeding within the body and external, through the eyes, ears, nose, bloody diarrhoea, coughing up of blood, vomiting and rashes!
Therefore, scientific tests must be quickly carried out by medical experts to diagnose Ebola virus infection through blood and tissue tests! The high-risk individuals to the Ebola virus who MUST be adequately protected with effective modern garbs are the HEALTH WORKERS and MEDICAL PERSONNEL who, professionally care for those infected through the isolation process, to which they are exposed and also the burial of Ebola-deceased patients!
Although, the Ebola hemorrhagic fever kills up to 90% of infected people, a person who, though, infected, but had not shown any symptoms, cannot spread the disease! EBOLA CANNOT BE CONTACTED THROUGH AIR WATER AND FOOD according to scientific experts, if painstaking CAUTIONS are exercised! Immediate ISOLATION from the public domain of all suspected cases to avoid and prevent the spread, personal hygiene and sanitation of hand washing with soap and water, or sanitizers, round the clock, become IMPERATIVE!
From the foregoing analysis, it is crystal clear that MAN, through his own actions and inactions, separated himself from divine love. He has sinned and has thus come short of the glory of God!
This treatise will be incomplete if we are not reminded of the CURSES PRONOUNCED FROM MOUNT EBAL during the life and times of the small tribe of Israel, whom God presented to His universe as the delectable show-piece of His Holy standards.[ please read Deuteronomy 27:13-26 and also The Song of Moses Chapter 32:1-47].
Israel, is still embroiled in war with its Arab neighbours over homeland disputes, because of the unbroken curses upon them as a people and all other nations of the world because of the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis. 12: 1-4.
Nigeria in 54 years of independence from colonial bondage cannot claim to have known peace, even for one single year. The masses, who are in the majority, keep wallowing in poverty, while a handful of the new Masters pocket the commonwealth and dwell in affluence and luxury!
No matter how much they stole, rulers in Nigeria do not go to jail, even, when found “guilty” – they normally paid fines with the stolen money!
Definitely, God is angry with the few who are benefiting from the predicament of the Nigerian poor masses who bear the brunt of Boko Haram terrorism, armed robberies, murders, arsons, etc, and now EBOLA! His judgement is at the door of all who have been fingered to have had hand in the shedding of the blood of innocent Nigerians!
This edition is a clarion call to all God-fearing children to repent from all ungodly attitudes, embrace the Lord Jesus Christ for divine defence and protection in order to escape these pestilences which are prompted by the accuser of the brethren because of our multiple acts of disobedience to God’s holy laws!
The hand writing on the wall speaks very clearly that Satan had instigated all curses that have befallen mankind from the beginning of creation. He is very envious of the human race because he lost his position of honour/glory and has been judged by God to spend eternity in Hell Fire!
We must no longer allow Satan to place the animals above us because we are God’s highest and most intelligent creation; our position must remain at the TOP as it is written that we shall be the Head and not the Tail! GOD HAS PREPARED THE CITY OF GOSHEN FOR ALL HIS OBEDIENT CHILDREN AND THEY WILL NOT BE AFFLICTED BY EBOLA OR ANY PLAGUE IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME! AMEN.
If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.
[For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08058436756 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .
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