About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 2. NO 64. 02-11-14.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32). JONATHAN OF ISRAEL – A MAN OF HONOUR AND INTEGRITY! Covenant is a promise; it is a formal agreement between two or more people. Covenants could be struck between tribes, clans, communities, nations, though in modern times they prefer to call such agreements, TREATIES. It is on record that the idea of making a treaty pervades almost the whole history of the ancient Near East, of which Israel remains a prominent player; so it should not be surprising that God used covenants to cement relationships with His children and with nations during the Old Testament Bible times and even today! GOD made covenants with: *Noah, [Genesis.6:18; 9:8ff]; *Abraham, [Gen. 15:7-18; 17:2-14; Luke.1:72-75; Acts.3:25; Galatians.3:16]; *Moses, [Exodus.24; compare with Chapters 21-23]; *David, [2Samuel. 7; 23:5; Psalm. 89:3-4]; *Isaac, [Gen. 17:19, 21; 26:3-4]; *Israel, [Exodus.6:4; Acts.3:25] and *Jacob, [Gen. 28:13-14, compare with 1Chronicles.16:16-17]. In religious history of the world, the Israelites, also identified as Jews or Hebrews, are the most distinguished because they were the first to be elected by God as His special people and the first also to believe in one and only God, whom they called Yahweh or Jehovah.[1Peter.2:9-10]. Though, a small desert nation, Israel has impacted the world positively in religious, political and economic issues and warfare matters that continue to baffle modern day historians! Is it therefore a wonder that the whole world population of Christians, Muslims even Pagans, flock to JERUSALEM (the City of God), in Israel, to seek religious solace? Jewish writings which consist of their history, laws, customs, culture, tradition, poetry, prophecies of men of God, religious music and hymns were all documented in the TORAH (a wonderful collection of unique literature), or the Old Testament Bible as we now know it, before the first advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, over two thousand years ago, to edify our generation and posterity. Like the Lord Jesus Christ, JONATHAN was also an Israelite, who loved and feared Jehovah. He was a man of an impeccable character, who in spite of his antecedent, believed in fulfilling covenants or treaties. The literal meaning of his name is “Yahweh, (Jehovah) has given”; he had many credits to his advantage; born with the ‘silver spoon in his mouth’, heir-apparent to the throne of ISRAEL, male first-born of the first King of Israel, though of the royal breed and blood, was trained as a combatant of the Israeli Army, an able and courageous warrior who fought side by side and made friends with the peasants! [2Samuel.1:22]. In one of his military exploits, Jonathan sprung a surprise attack with his armour bearer on the Philistines who were Israel’s perpetual enemies and with that singular act of bravery, Israel defeated them overwhelmingly! In the process of time, Jonathan struck a PACT OF FRIENDSHIP with David, another fearless warrior who defeated Goliath in another encounter with the Philistines![1Samuel.14:6ff;17:1-54]. The most outstanding and sterling attributes of Jonathan of Israel were his honour and integrity to fulfil the COVENANT made to protect (Peasant David), who by divine providence, ascended the throne as the second King instead of Jonathan! This heir-apparent at the risk to his own life, defied his father the King, saved David from being assassinated by his father and this distinctive characteristic singled him out as a role model of loyalty to TRUTH and the most-distinguished biblical COVENANT-KEEPER, during and after his glorious lifetime![1Samuel.19-20]. *Jonathan of Israel was born great and he achieved greatness in his short-lived life! *He was not intoxicated with power or position in spite of his pedigree. *He was neither proud nor puffed up! *There are still many JONATHANS in the world today but they may not be covenant keepers! They may be Christians and might have worshipped in many temples, toured many “Holy sites”, including those of Jerusalem, but would be quick to betray Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver! *Because these set of Jonathans have neither GODLY nor Royal characteristics /antecedents and greatness was not even thrust upon them but, grabbed positions of authority through the barrels of the guns or electoral manipulations/malpractices, they are prone to become very desperate in the process of clinging to ephemeral position of authority! *They are scattered all over Africa, from Cape to Cairo, Senegal to Sudan; they rule without set agenda, ideology or manifestoes, but with only one determination, and that is, TO RULE WITH IMPUNITY AND DIE IN OFFICE! *It is only in Africa that Presidents have ruled their countries for 44 years, (Libya); 33,(Congo Kinshasa); 30, (Zimbabwe), 26(Sudan); 27,(Burkina Faso); etc, as they, in collaboration their cronies, tinkered with their Constitutions to allow for term extensions! Is the HEART OF THE BLACK MAN TRULY BLACK? *WHY DO PEOPLE BREAK COVENANTS AND WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCIES AND PUNISHMENTS FOR COVENANT-BREAKERS? In the Old Testament Bible times, conditions of covenants were clearly specified, (1Sam.11:1-5; Deuteronomy. 11:6); confirmed by oath, (Gen.21:23, 31; 26:31); witnessed, (Gen.23:17-18; Ruth.4:9-11); written and sealed, (Nehemiah.9:38; 10:1). They were designed to establish friendship, peace, mutual protection, procuring assistance in war promoting commerce, land sale etc, and GOD WAS ALWAYS CALLED TO BE WITNESS (Gen. 31:50,53) because COVENANTS ARE REGARDED AS SACRED.(Joshua 9:16-19, Psalm.15:4). *Both in the Old and New Testaments, Covenants were violated by the WICKED!(Romans.13.:31; 2Timothy.3:3; compare with Ephisians.2:12), not because they were not well-drafted and CRAFTED, but because, the human heart is continuously evil! *In 2003, a former Nigerian President prostrated (full length), for his very influential deputy to RUN for a second four-year tenure and when granted, used the entire period to consolidate his position, back-stabbed his political “benefactor” and brazenly plotted to forge the Constitution in order to serve a THIRD TERM! He was rebuffed by the great PEOPLE – the POWER BROKERS! *In 2011, another President also lobbied to be allowed to serve ONE TERM to complete a Northern joint ticket which began in 2007, but was aborted due to the sudden demise of his Principal. His wish was also granted but three months into office, he began to strategize with an Executive Bill for a single term tenure of SIX or SEVEN years for all Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the Federation; Presidents and Governors and National Assembly CEOs! HE FAILED DUE TO PUBLIC OPPOSITION! * He pretended to have forgotten his ELECTIONEERING COVENANT OF ONE TERM ONLY with the Nigerian people in 2010 and his speech to Diaspora Nigerians in Addis- Ababa, Ethiopia, during the African Union (AU),Meeting of January31, 2011, which was recorded as follows: “I would have loved that Nigerians in Diaspora vote this year. But to be frank with you, that is going to be difficult now. “Nigerians in the Diaspora will not vote, but I will work towards it by 2015, even though I WILL NOT BE RUNNING FOR ELECTION”! Since January 2013 and to date, this President who denied ever making such a statement, has lobbied every member of his ruling party for sole candidacy position for the 2015 Presidential and has successfully “won” the offer of first refusal with fanfare while the door was shut against two other party members who dared to apply for the RESERVED MUMBER ONE POSITION! What will be the punishment for Covenant Breakers? They will have to answer to God and also the People! The Grapevine whispered to us that one modern NOSTRADAMUS Man of God, Prophet Marcus Tibetan, (not T.B. Joshua), respected for accuracy of prediction has revealed, that the President in question MAY BE JAILED, SEVEN (7) YEARS AFTER HIS TENURE! And if we may ask, ‘WHICH TENURE’? *Speaking through one of the major characters, (Antony), in the drama of Julius Caesar, British Poet and Playwright, William Shakespeare says, “For Brutus is an honourable man; so are they all, all honourable men”! [Marcus Brutus was the highly-respected Roman Senator who master-minded the brutal assassination of General Julius Caesar within the Red Chambers!] Honour implies the attributes of great respect, privilege, uprightness, honesty, truthfulness or high moral standards to feel honour-bound to do something one has promised to do! * ARE THE PRESENT GENERATION OF AFRICAN LEADERS AND POLITICIANS HONOURABLE MEN? THE BUKINABE POWER BROKERS HAVE DRIVEN OUT THE 27-YEAR-TERM SIT-TIGHT PRESIDENT! WHETHER IT IS SIX YEARS OR DONKEY YEARS, ALL DISHONOURABLE LEADERS MUST BE SHOWN THE WAY OUT! Amen If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]

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