About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Monday, 16 February 2015

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 3. NO 79. 15-02-15.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32). A UNITED STATES OF NIGERIA [USN] IS BORN, HALLELUJAH! A silent but very powerful spiritual earthquake is moving through the land! It is devastating and calamitous because it is consuming and swallowing up the Korahs, Dathans and Abirams of Nigeria who have challenged God to a contest of superiority! [Read, Numbers. 16:1-35]. *Did you know that the presidential and legislative elections scheduled for the 14th February, 2015, actually took place in God’s Supernatural Realm and that the divine winners would be divinely announced to the world at the end of the first quarter? *On the 28th of February, 2015, God’s appointed Governors and Members of State Assemblies would also emerge in the same spiritual pattern and a brand new United States of Nigeria [USN], will debut according to God’s purposive plan while the new dates of 28th March, 2015 and 11th April, 2015, will go down in history as mere human frailty which remain inferior to God’s supernatural powers! *THIS IS THE WORD OF GOD! AMEN. *The earthly Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ are divided into two parts: *The first was concluded over two thousand years ago when He willingly surrendered His life as the only acceptable sacrifice that could save the world’s population from their intractable sins! The Word of God says: “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” [Romans.5:7-8; compare with, John.3:16]. *The second part which is shrouded in divine mystery, according to revelation, would entail the judgment of all nations at His Second Advent, as recorded in Matthew. 24:29-42; ..….”But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (verse 36; compare Matt.25:13). *The good news is that, the Lord Jesus Christ is still seated at the right hand of God the Father in heaven as you read this treatise, which means that there are ample opportunities for repentance, restitutions, spiritual re-adjustments/ re-alignments, attitudinal amendments, transformation, reconciliation etc., for everyone in whose body is deposited, the God-endowed breath of life! *Before His departure, the Lord once asked His 12 Disciples, “When I return to the earth, would I find FAITH on the earth?” The answer to that question may have to wait until His return, because the disciples had no clue as to what would manifest in the future! *The biblical definition of Faith in Hebrews.11:1 is: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen;” and though Christians are enjoined to walk by faith and not by sight, the true situation on ground is that most people depend on the ‘arm of flesh’, or physical solutions to challenges; which translates to walking by sight! *This story is told that after Jesus went back to heaven, one day, an angel said to Him, “Now that You are back in heaven, how will the gospel be carried around in the world? Did You leave a plan?” “Yes I did,” replied Jesus. “Is it a good one? Will it work?” Again Jesus replied, “Yes it will.” “What is Your plan?” asked the angel. “I left a group of people who are to share the gospel with the whole world.” The angel was startled and said, “Do You think that is a good plan? Suppose they get tired and quit? Suppose they are indifferent and don’t care? Suppose they are too busy with their own plans they don’t have time? What other plan do You have?” Jesus answered, “I have no other plan. I’m trusting them.” *As the Lord is trusting His Apostles in the world, so should Nigerians continue to trust all children of God who on bended knees are engaged in intercessory prayer-chain for overwhelming victories over all the forces of darkness militating against this nation that they would keep faith alive! We believe that, that this nation remained united in diversity, though immersed in man-made economic quagmire and that our military through the special grace of God is able to contain the Boko Haram terrorism, is answer to such unceasing prayers! *Nigerians have never been so united as they were from Saturday, 7th February 2015, when the ruling party almost truncated the fragile democracy through an arbitrary postponement of the general elections for six weeks! *Instead of a civil commotion, unrest or disobedience, Nigerians closed ranks to press home the imminent process of a revolution of issues-based politicking by utilizing the forced recess to closing ranks and forging ahead to achieving a free, fair, credible and violence-free elections on the man-invented days of 28th March,2015 and 11th April, 2015, respectively! *The opposition should be commended for taking a peaceful stand which forced the ruling party to retrace their initial diabolical plans of truncating peace by announcing through their Chairman, Adamu Mu’azu, that they were very confident and convinced that Professor Attahiru Jega and his team were capable of conducting credible elections on the new man-appointed dates! *Prior to this clarification, the duo of Dr. Ahmadu Ali and ‘Femi Fani-Kayode had heated up the polity by blaming INEC for the debacle of postponement, dereliction of duties and shoddy preparations including a disparaging accusation of fraternity between Jega and top members of the opposition in Dubai, United Arab Emirate, with a view to rigging the 2015 elections! *In other climes where leaders believe that only righteousness would exalt a nation and that SIN would constitute an albatross, a united front of the President and members of his council or cabinet would champion prayer and fasting programmes to keep the nation on course unlike was is presently playing out In Nigeria! *Let us glorify God with the lyrics of this song by John Newton, 1779. * “But for your grace I (we) could not be saved; “But for your grace I (we) would go my (our) way; “I ‘m (we) forever grateful that You have been faithful to me (us) L o rd; “For Your Amazing G r a c e! CHORUS: “Amazing grace how sweet the song; “That saved a wretch like me (us); “I was (we were) once lost, but now ‘am (are) found; “Was (were) blind, but now I (we) see! *During the tenure of Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth American president three separate days of national humiliation, prayer and fasting were proclaimed. The prime cause for each of these was the Civil War, and the central theme of petition was for the restoration of national peace and unity. *Below is the first proclamation which was requested by a joint committee of both Houses of Congress and the day set apart, was the last Thursday in September 1861. The following is part of the proclamation: *Whereas a joint committee of both Houses of Congress has waited on the President of the United States, and requested him to “recommend a day of public Humiliation, Prayer and Fasting, to be observed by the people of the United States with religious solemnities, and offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States, His blessing on their arms, and a speedy restoration of peace. “And whereas it is fit and becoming in all people, at times, to acknowledge and revere the Supreme Government of God; to bow in humble submission to His chastisement to confess and deplore their sins and transgressions in the full conviction that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and to pray, with all fervency and contrition, for the pardon of their past offences, and for a blessing upon their present and prospective action…… Therefore, I ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States, do appoint the last Thursday in September next, as a day of Humiliation, Prayer, and Fasting, for all of the people of the nation. And I do earnestly recommend to all the people, and especially to all the ministers and teachers of religion, of all denominations, and to all heads of families, to observe and keep that day, according to their several creeds and modes of worship, in all humility, and with all religious solemnity, to the end that the united prayer of the nation may ascend to the Throne of Grace, and bring down plentiful blessings upon our Country.” [Appendix no.8 of volume12 of U.S. Statutes At Large.) *It is instructive to notice that “all heads of families” were specifically mentioned in the proclamation because it was envisaged that the united prayer and fasting of the masses of the nation would touch the Big Heart of the LORD and carry greater spiritual weight! *President Abraham Lincoln spent one term of FOUR YEARS in office, he made indelible impacts on his nation and is still being sung across the whole universe in the 21st Century! *In our publication No.29 of 02-03-14, Zion B-BC Newsletter, titled, “SOCIAL JUSTICE, BOKO HARAM TERRORISM, JONATHAN’S ROLE AND DIVINE SOLUTION”, almost one year ago, we posited the following views on page 3, based on divine revelations: “When an amnesty channel for dialogue with the Boko Haram was initiated by the Federal Government between 2012-2013, the insurgents bluntly refused financial inducements as bases for cessation of atrocities unlike the case with the Niger Delta militants, which was initiated by the late President, Umaru Yar’Adua in 2008. “To every problem, there is always a godly SOLUTION and having prayed and fasted over this persistent issue of Boko Haram insurgency, we are divinely favoured to prophesy the following solutions: (1). A NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING FOR REPENTANCE, TO BE SPIRITUALLY CHOSEN BY MR. PRESIDENT GOODLUCK EBELE AZIKIWE JONATHAN, WHO MUST HAVE THE HOLY CONVICTION THAT ONLY RIGHTEOUSNESS WILL EXALT NIGERIA AND THAT SIN WILL CONSTITUTE AN ALBATROSS AND A DISGRACE TO THE CITIZENS! [Read, Proverbs.14:34; and 2Chronicles.7:14-15]. (2). Authentic declaration of financial and immovable assets by all civil servants, from Mr. President to the Clerks at the Local Government Areas, be carried out without delay and all excess funds not commensurate with salaries or allowances, be voluntarily relinquished to government without legal action against the righteous new Nigerians. (2a) A consensus People’s Account to be christened, THE ZACCHAEUS REHABILITATION ACCOUNT, and backed by an Act of Parliament, be opened with immediate effect to accommodate the voluntary monetary returns and supervised by a committee of nominees from the six geo-political zones.[Please read, Luke19:1-10]. (2b). Another committee of trustees from the zones should be put in charge of all immovable assets to be turned over, to commercialize, manage and turn them into viable ventures that would continue to boost the new account. (2c). All monies that will accrue to the Zacchaeus Rehabilitation Account, including huge sums to be recovered from the NNPC after the FORENSIC AUDITING, will be permanently dedicated to succour, rehabilitate, re-orientate and heal all indigenes, re-build and reconstruct the home and the institutions, of our NORTHERN STATES brethren who have been devastated by the Boko Haram insurgency since 2009! (3).All illegal Federal Government accounts, namely, (a)Excess Crude Oil Sales Account, and (b)Sovereign Wealth Fund, must be collapsed into the Federation Account according to constitutional provisions, a LUMP SUM OF FIFTY BILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS be transferred into the Zacchaeus Rehabilitation Account and all legitimate withdrawals be subjected to due process at all times! IT WAS TIME WE BECAME OUR BROTHERS’ KEEPER!” *Of all of the above prophetic recommendations, only the areas of reconstruction of buildings and rehabilitation of some indigenes of the devastated North East Nigeria are being given presidential and federal attention because they are not the ruling party’s States! *Even at that, the most important divine instruction of setting apart a National Day of prayer and fasting to be SPIRITUALLY CHOSEN BY MR. PRESIDENT, have been in abeyance, though we repeated this call after our first publication reproduced above! *Mr President has lost a golden opportunity to comply with GOD’S DIRECTIVE and now 29th May, 2015 is knocking at the door! * “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the Word of the LORD, He hath also rejected thee from being king.”[1Samuel.15:23; compare verses, 10-11]. If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]

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