About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Monday, 16 March 2015

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 3. NO 83. 15-03-15.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32). THE FEAR OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) SHOULD FRIGHTEN NIGERIAN POLITICIANS! The recent Abuja Pact for peaceful and non-violent 2015 General Elections between major Nigerian political parties had no backing of the Law and therefore could not be enforced! How then, can any social analyst be surprised about the unfolding scenarios of pre-meditated and orchestrated acts of brigandage, hate publications, hate speeches and even murder, that have dominated the political space since the signing of the agreement in January! *Past “democratic” administrations (including the incumbent), had the penchant for disobedience to lawful court orders and would therefore not blink an eye lid in respect of an ORDINARY PEACE AGREEMENT which is very inferior to legitimate court orders! *A very important question that should agitate the minds of all right-thinking and patriotic Nigerians is, “Could it be said that this nation called Nigeria is being governed with the fear of God, in accordance with the doctrine of the rule of law and of international best practice like other developing and evolving nations of the world?” *WHY WOULD ANY SERIOUS GOVERNMENT ENACT LAWS (CIVIL/CRIMINAL) FOR THE COMMOM GOOD OF ALL CITIZENS AND TURN AROUND TO DISOBEY COURT VERDICTS WHICH EMANATED FROM THOSE LAWS, ONCE THEY WERE CONTRARY TO ITS INTERESTS, DESIRES AND EXPECTATIONS? *The most plausible answer to this question is that MAJORITY of those who found themselves in these positions of authority and power were NEITHER PREPARED NOR ELECTED BY THE LEGITIMATE VOTES OF THE PEOPLE and since the majority would always have their “WAY” while the MINORITY would continue to have THEIR UNAPPLAUDED AND INEFFECTIVE “SAY,” the nation is forced to continue in a vicious cycle of seeking SURVIVAL IN THE MIDST OF POLITICAL CHAOS AND INSTITUTIONAL DECAY! * What do you make of MRS. PATIENCE FAKA JONATHAN’S, (Nigeria’s First Lady)RECENT VITUPERATIONS OF HATE SPEECHES AGAINST THE MAJOR OPPOSITION POLITICAL PARTY, ALL PROGRESSIVES CONGRESS(APC) AND THE PERSON OF ELDER STATESMAN, FORMER MILITARY HEAD OF STATE AND THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE OF THE APC, GENERAL MUHAMMADU BUHARI (RTD), which could precipitate social disorder and civil disturbances within the geographical state of Nigeria at this very delicate period of frayed nerves in respect of the postponed 2015 general elections? *Mrs Jonathan was quoted by the news media as follows: “If you see anybody mentioning CHANGE, stone that person to death.” *APC’s political slogan is “CHANGE” and the First Lady who has ordered her supporters to stone dead such Nigerians who chant “CHANGE”, has neither denied nor retracted the inciting, condemnable and hate utterance made at the Peoples’ Democratic Party(PDP) Women Rally in Calabar, Cross Rivers State on 25 February, 2015. *Patience Jonathan was also alleged to have said at another women’s rally in Lokoja, Kogi State capital, that General Buhari was “BRAIN DEAD”! Neither the First Lady, PDP as a political party nor her husband, President Ebele Jonathan, have denied these allegations including others that, “APC WOULD SOON TURN TO EBOLA AND THAT NORTHERN NIGERIAN WOMEN HAD NO CONTROL ON CHILD-BEARING!” *Patience Jonathan is an adult who was born on 25 October, 1958, which makes her 57 years old, next birthday! She is in full control of her mental faculties, meaning that, she is no longer propelled by the idiosyncrasies of youthful exuberance which is classified as a carefree period of growing up! *Paul the Apostle says as follows: “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”[ICorinthians.13: 11]. *The Lord Jesus Christ while reproving transgressions said, “For God commanded, saying Honour thy father and mother: and He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death…… He also said, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”[Matthew.15:4; 19:19]. *We strongly believe that Patience had been an ardent Christian from childhood and is conversant with the doctrine of supreme reverence to God, parents and the elderly and also knows the divine penalties and punishments for defaulters! *Since the First lady also doubles as Nigeria’s No.2 Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and cannot be arrested on Nigerian soil, the APC has lodged an official and formal complaint of her alleged offences to the International Criminal Court (ICC), which last week sentenced a former Ivorian First Lady, Simone Ehivet Gbagbo, to 20years imprisonment for similar offences (crimes against humanity) committed against the people and State of Ivory Coast during disputes on presidential election results between 2010-2011! *It is generally believed that a MAN/WOMAN, is not held responsible for the BEGINNING of his/her LIFE but for the END thereof. The characters mentioned above and others of their ilk would definitely be held responsible by the rule of law, national/international, Posterity and by GOD for their action and inactions while alive! *Ethical Renaissance and Character Reformation are two strategic ideologies that must occupy the centre stage of Nigeria’s political space at this set-time of its political emancipation! But from all indications, unethical behaviours and character assassinations are being promoted by the very elderly custodians of ethical orientation in the various evolving Nigerian societies! We need to re-emphasize here and again for parents to train their children in the way they should go so that in adulthood, they would not depart from such doctrine of good behaviours of godly foundation! *IT IS ALSO NECESSARY TO REMIND ALL CHILDREN OF GOD OF THE PERPETUAL EXISTENCE OF THE INVISIBLE SPIRIT WORLD WHICH HAS DIABOLICAL INFLUENCE OVER OUR VISIBLE UNIVERSE TO THE EXTENT OF CONTROL AND DOMINANCE IF FRATERNIZED BY THE HUMANS! *The Bible describes the SPIRIT WORLD as, “….that invisible realm inhabited by holy angels who actively serve GOD for our good (Hebrews.1:14) and by Satan’s demonic forces who oppose God and seek to harm us.”(Ephesians.6:12); and this is one of the primary reasons why things in our PHYSICAL WORLD are not always as they seem. *You must always wonder why some people are so devious, ruthless and very wicked in their behavior while others are calm, peaceful, meek and very gentle! The reason is because everyone of God’s creature holds allegiance to either God the Trinity and His holy angels or to Satan and his fallen angels who have been judged and are doomed to burn in the everlasting Hell fire! *The word of God says that people become enslaved to whosoever they preferred to obey because when Satan was cast out of heaven, he was not stripped of his powers and that is why it is very easy for CARNAL PERSONS who love sinful pleasures and ephemeral powers of the world to consult for his service which is always readily available. *We must not forget that Satan is an enemy of God and of His children and could bodily possess his own disciples to cause massive confusion all over the world! *Otherwise there should not have been the likes of the Boko Haram, Al Queda, Al Shabab, ISIL terrorists, murderers arsonists, rapists, armed robbers, election riggers, political thugs, hate broadcasts, hate speeches, tribalism, nepotism, religious bigotry, large scale corruption in all facets of life, human kidnapping and trafficking, child and wife abuse, incest, bestiality….etc. *ALL OF THE ABOVE VICES AND SO MANY OTHERS WHICH ARE EXIBITED BY VICIOUS HUMAN BEINGS ARE HAMPERING THE GOOD PLAN OF GOD FOR THE AGES BECAUSE THEY ARE BEING TELEGUIDED BY SATAN AND HIS ANGELS TO PERPETATE EVILS AS WE NOW WITNESS THEM! *With regard to these fallen angels (created spiritual beings), two classes are mentioned in the Bible: (1). “The angels, who kept not their first estate [place], but left their own habitation” and are chained under darkness, awaiting judgment (Jude.6-7; 2Peter.2:4; compare John 5:22; 1Corinthians.6:3). Some hold that the “sons of God” of Genesis.6:4; were fallen angels! *An attempt by Satan (the chief fallen angel), also known as the dragon, old serpent and devil to corrupt the human race in Genesis.3:1ff, so that the Messiah would not redeem man, was thwarted through divine intervention in Gen.3:15 and God salvaged a remnant (Gen.6:8ff.), a godly line which was preserved for His holy name! *This godly line are the Nigerian politicians and citizens who in the face of the present spate of intimidation, provocation, harassment, tribulation and other numerous man-made challenges by “FELLOW NIGERIANS,” in position of authority, have remained cool, calm, patient and trusting God for their protection and defence! *However there is no remedy for rebellion against God; the judgment predicted by Noah’s ancestor fell; (Jude 14:15; cp.Gen.7:11; Isaiah.1:2-7, 24-25). (2).The angels who are not bound, but go about doing the will Satan, apparently created as one of the cherubim which are symbolic of God’s holy presence and unapproachability. *The cherubim are celestial beings who guard and vindicate the righteousness of God[cp.Gen.3:24;Exodus.26:1,31; 38:8,35), the mercy of God (cp.Exo.25: 22; 37: 9), and the government of God (cp.1Samuel.4:4;Psalm.80:1;99:1; Ezekiel.1:22,26). In the holy of holies, God’s glory dwelt between the cherubim. *Satan as cherubim was anointed for a position of great authority fell through pride (Isa.14:12-14). His “I will” (Isa.14:13) marks the introduction of sin into the universe. Cast out of heaven (Luke.10:18) he makes earth and air the scene of his tireless activity (Ephesians.2:2; 1Peter.5:8), and the present world system (Revelation. 13:8) organized against the principles of FORCE, GREED, SELFISHNESS, AMBITION AND SINFUL PLEASURE, is his work and was the BRIBE which he offered to CHRIST(Matthew.4:8-9). *Fallen angels may be identical with demons which are also spirits and Satan’s emissaries which are so numerous as to make Satan’s power practically ubiquitous.(Mark.5:9; compare, compare Matthew.7:22), and demon are capable of entering and controlling both men and beasts (Mk.5: 2-5,11-13), and earnestly seek embodiment, without which, apparently, they are powerless for evil(Matt.12:43-44; Mk.5:10-12). *Though demons are unclean, sullen violent and malicious, they know the Lord Jesus Christ as Most High God and recognize His supreme authority (Matt. 8:31-32; Mk.1:23-24; Acts.19:15; James.2:19), they recognize genuine children of God who can bind and cast them at will and they also know their eternal fate to be one of torment (Mt.8: 29; Luke.8:31). *The Christians’ resources are prayer and bodily control (Mt.17:21), “the whole armour of God” (Ephesians.6:13-18); but all unbelievers are open to demon possession (Eph.2.:2), as it being exhibited and witnessed in Nigeria and around the universe as MANIFESTATIONS OF SATANIC INFLUENCES OF THE END TIME! *In spite of the fact that Patience Faka Jonathan, has been dragged before the ICC at the Hague, Switzerland, for preaching violence through hate speeches and pronouncements during several political rallies and campaigns, she seemed remorseless! She has neither retracted the alleged statements nor apologized to Nigerians for overheating the polity! *No wonder, Groucho Max defined politics in this manner: “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” *However, we, as good people of this great nation need to remind the First Lady to immediately and quickly act very fast on all of the above before it is too late; because Mrs. Simone Gbagbo also thought it was just a joke until she was arrested in March, 2012 and kept in house custody before the trial’s verdict of 20 YEARS IMPRISONMENT which was pronounced just last week! *We are fully aware that Nigeria is not the only country blessed with THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND UNRECOGNIZED OFFICE OF FIRST LADY, but others around the world are working quietly and effectively to support their husbands without overheating the polity. * “I TREMBLE FOR MY COUNTRY WHEN I REFLECT THAT GOD IS JUST; THAT HIS JUSTICE CANNOT BE HID FOR EVER.” (Words of Thomas Jefferson, (1743-1826; Founding father, 3 President and Principal author of the Declaration of Independence,(1776) of the United States of America). * He that hath an ear, let him hear what the SPIRIT saith unto the CHUCRCH! If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]

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