Thursday, 21 May 2015
ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 3. NO 92. 17-05-15.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32). BETWEEN FRAUDULENT OIL MARKETERS AND THE ANGUISHED NIGERIANS, THERE IS GOD! The sleaze factor or low political morals is a major reason why the inadequate economic gains from Nigeria’s mono-product, the Crude oil, now selling for less than $60 US dollars per barrel, cannot meet national demands in spite of the painful affliction of austerity measures, forced on the population! On the one side of the last minute brazen robbery of the nation’s coffers are, Federal Ministry of Finance, Major Oil Marketers Association of Nigeria (MOMAN), National Association of Road Transport Owners (NARTO), and Petroleum Tankers Drivers (PTD) and the other side are the hapless and downtrodden masses whose only hope is divine defence by their Father who is in Heaven! *A dispute broke out at the end of the first quarter of 2015 when MOMAN, NARTO and PTD tried to outsmart the outgoing Federal Government by claiming N69 billion in excess of the outstanding debt owed them! The finance minister said the debt was N131billion while MOMAN, the spokes group for the trio, said it was N200billion which must be paid on or before 29th May, 2015; the change-over date that will usher in the government of the Lord’s anointed, Muhammadu Buhari. Although the majority Nigerian masses are suffering the brunt end through endless queues at filling stations and sleeping overnight in many cases, the quarrel between the partners in corruption is a very glaring case of divine intervention! Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, the Finance Minister whom we of this Editorial Board had warned severally to back out of this infamous government because of her outstanding academic excellence, an impeccable antecedent and pedigree, has now put herself in a tight corner that is oozing of sleaze! *At a recent meeting with her creditors, the minister was probably coerced to double speak as follows: “It will be very difficult to get exact figure for subsidy arrears owed oil marketers owning to the ROLLING NATURE, of the business. “With the understanding reached with the oil marketers all outstanding debts would be paid based on the claims processed by the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA). “What I want you to understand is that this is a rolling business and there is no one DEFINITIVE FIGURE. Even as we talk today (4th May, 2015), by the time we leave, the Executive Secretary of PPPRA may have cleared some more Sovereign Debt Notes. “As we speak, the Executive Secretary has been clearing and certifying payments and that is why it is really not of fixed sum. “We should not get fixated about that particular number because once they keep supplying fuel to Nigerians, there will always be something to pay and government is continuous. “When we came in there was money owed and we have continued to clear the money as we go”, she said. *We, like millions of well-meaning Nigerians, are very disappointed with Ngozi’s double speak which carry more meaning than meets the eye! *How can she peg outstanding subsidy debt to N131billion and in a twinkle of the eye, turns around to deny and regard the shrouded business as one without definitive figure because of its “rolling nature”! From her statement, it is very clear that she has lost grip as Co-ordinating Minister of the Economy over the financing of petroleum importation and has relinquished her authority to the Executive Secretary of PPPRA who scrutinizes and verifies all claims made by MOMAN. *PPPRA has become the final clearing house for claims made by marketers whether they were genuine or falsified without any other form of due process! Nigerians are all witnesses to the terrible fraud of recent years in the government subsidized oil importation programme during which unregistered Nigerian Companies submitted and claimed billions of naira from the nation coffers with the tacit connivance of the Ministry of Finance and the PPPRA. And because no one has been successfully prosecuted by the outgoing government of impunity, it has remained business as usual! *Some of the brains behind the massive fraud were investigated and arraigned before the law courts, but no conviction has so far been achieved as serial adjournments became the style of the courts where the cases are still pending in over five years! Both the Minister of Finance and PPPRA’s Executive Secretary were in office then to scrutinize and verify all claims submitted by the FRAUDSTERS who collected billions of billions without detection and they are still the same government officials calling the shots at the dusk of the inglorious Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP), administration of 16 long years! *As at the time of this publication some PPPRA officials are in court in respect of allegations of criminal connivance, falsification of figures, verification and approval of false documents presented by fraudulent Nigerian companies which had collected billions of naira for false importations! All manner of fraudulent practices, double speak, falsification of figures and outright embezzlement of crude oil sales funds, have characterized the PETROLEUM SECTOR of the economy with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), comfortably positioned at the top of the corruption graph. While all of the above imbroglio manifested, NNPC on the 3rd of May, 2015 claimed that it had enough stock of petrol to service the country for 27 days at national consumption rate of 40million litres per day even as it has stepped up efforts to end the distribution challenges in the fuel supply system through its Coastal Depots in Port Harcourt, Warri and Calabar, besides the stock in the National Strategic Reserve. All these claims by NNPC have turned out to be untrue because the scarcity got worsened with that official statement as the promised supplies turn out to be the exclusive preserve of the black marketers who are having the field day on roads, streets, nooks and crannies of Nigeria! *The true position of fuel situation at the moment is that MOMAN has carried out its threat to call on the Petroleum Tankers Drivers (PTD), to embark on an indefinite strike until the N200billion balance of arrears was paid in full because they believed that the in-coming administration would not pay them a kobo; so the suffering by the innocent masses would have to continue! We have never changed our position that the whole gamut of petroleum subsidy is nothing short of a MONUMENTAL FRAUD AGAINST THE NIGERIAN MASSES, and we still maintain our stand for the following salient reasons: An oil producing country as Nigeria should have no business in importing finished products if a God-fearing management rules the nation. Refineries would normally be the first consideration as soon as oil exploration and exploitation commenced. Oil blocks should not have become Party patronage issue of who is closest to Mr. President as it has been since 1999, when the outgoing government began to rule but should be allocated to States of the Federation and responsible business groups instead of individuals as it is presently practised. The present scenario of the Petroleum Sector portrays a deliberate and well-calculated plan of a cabal in government to buy up Nigeria with wealth stolen from its ‘belly’ and they almost succeeded if it were not for divine intervention! In one night the PDP raised over N22 billion for their presidential campaign and one large-hearted contributor who was said possess an oil block, donated N2billion for himself and a friend! Starting with former President, Olusegun Obasanjo, no PDP administration has built a refinery in 16 years! Outgoing President, Ebele Jonathan, admitted that 60% of subsidized petroleum products was smuggled out of the country by fraudulent marketers and their collaborators in government! *Much as it desirable to allow market forces to determine petroleum products prices, we would advise that until at least Six new refineries are built within the next three years, the in-coming administration should set up a TASK FORCE to take over the importation of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), for better operational effectiveness, accountability and outright removal of fraudulent practices of the outgoing administration and their collaborators! *Patriotic Nigerians should heave a sigh of relief that in the next TWELVE DAYS from the date of this publication, a government of righteousness will be instituted by the God of Heaven, whose PURPOSIVE WILL must be done on Earth and Nigeria as it is in His Kingdom. *Saint Paul, the great Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ states as follows: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. “For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope. “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. “And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the spirit, even we ourselves, groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. [Romans.8:19-23]. Though Nigerians have been groaning in pain and anxiously looking forward with a united faith to the removal of the curse of perpetual agony of bondage of moral corruption, decay, ruin, depravity and wickedness, placed on the nation by successive PDP administrations, we are still enjoined to be patient as glorious liberty is at the door! Definitely, the blessings that will flow from Heaven to assuage all present sufferings, are abundant, unimaginable, limitless, in fact they are eternal! *OUR FINAL REDEMPTION AS A NATION BEGINS AS SOON AS THIS ABBERATION CALLED INSTITUTIONAL CORRUPTION IS CLEARED OUT PERMANENTLY! Amen. If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: or, +zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- .] Zion B-BC Newsletter Is a Literary Exposition From A Godly Spiritual Angle.. It’s a Must Read! In spite of the universal acknowledgement that all men are created equal and possess divine inalienable rights to life, liberty, equity, pursuit of happiness and justice, we are still confronted with discrepancies of wealth and poverty, of abundance and hunger, of opportunity and absolute neglect that issue from the ineptitude of political and economic players in global democracies! Unalienable rights cannot be surrendered, sold, battered away or transferred to someone else, except in an autocracy, despotism or in punishment of crime in accordance to the rule of law. IF DEMOCRACY IS ACCLAIMED THE BEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT, THEN THE WISH OF THE PEOPLE TO WHOM SOVEREIGNTY BELONGS MUST BE PRIORITIZED! We of the Zion B-BC Newsletter are ethically and religiously sensitive to the doctrine of equity and feel anguished as fellow human beings are reduced to the underclass of unemployed and aimless citizens who have very slim chance of survival in countries that flow with “milk and honey”! Our divinely-appointed role is that of the Ombudsman, who is committed to exposing bad governance, and selfish politicians in world democracies –with Nigeria as Case Study – because we do not have a profound PUBLIC THEOLOGY – a deep and broad concept of what GOD requires of humanity in our public behaviours in this broken, divided, terrorised and threatened world! A combination of very serious literary and spiritual treatise in weekly dosages is served to our teeming readers in unique and exquisite manner to sensitizing citizens rights in democratic dispensations! The Nigerian Project is the major focus of the Editorial Board because the country occupies a strategic position as the most-populous global black nation and one with the highest rebased Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Black Africa! In spite of this economic “laurel” and in spite of the fact that able-bodied but unemployed youths occupy between 65-70 per cent of the country’s population of about 200.000 million people, Nigeria is very popular for CELEBRATING CORRUPTION! Prophet Amos of the Old Testament Bible period was remarkable for his outspokenness and prophecies against erring nations, which cared only for the affluence to the detriment of the poor! The tone of his message was set by the great proclamation at the beginning of his prophecy that from Zion the LORD’s voice, like the roar of a lion, will be heard in judgment. [Amos.1:2]. Beneath the respectable surface of material prosperity, Amos uncovered the decaying mass of religious formalism and spiritual corruption. [5:12, 21]. He points out the total disregard of human rights and personality [2:6], and the deterioration of morality and social justice. [2:7, 8]. The prophet had a remedy for the disease that threatened the life of the nation: “….let men seek the LORD, let them repent and establish justice and they might live.” [5:14, 15]. But to emphasize the hopelessness of the situation, the prophet warns that those responsible for the evil in the land are not “grieved” over the threatened disaster. [6:6]. Prophet Amos’ message was largely a “cry for justice”! Prophet Moses also cried to Pharaoh, “Let my people go….!” Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, John the Baptist and even Jesus Christ spoke against injustice! THE CRY FOR JUSTICE AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL NIGERIANS AND DIASPORIANS IS ALSO OUR VISION, MISSION AND CONVICTION! WE ALWAYS ANALYZE GLOBAL ISSUES AS THEY UNFOLD! WE PUT THEM IN THEIR RIGHT PERSPECTIVES..ALWAYS THE TRUTH! *Join the Torch Bearers for weekly access to read Zion B-BC Newsletter as a reference and authoritative document of immense value on: or, . I am, Yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390. g-mail- .
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