About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Saturday, 5 September 2015


ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 3. NO 101. 19th july, 2015.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32). OBAMA’S FENCE-MENDING DIPLOMATIC INVITATION TO NIGERIA!

The emergence of Buhari as Nigeria’s divinely favoured President and the nation’s miraculous victory over America’s false prophecy of total break up of Nigeria by the year 2015 has now precipitated an unusual invitation of Nigeria for unsolicited bi-lateral high-level talks in Washington’s White House!

Repentance, a strategic attitude to salvation was the first step which President Obama and his cabinet had taken to mend fences with Nigeria (Giant of Africa), which they despised and disdained during her days of economic, insecurity and social challenges of the past administration from 2009-2015.

It is no longer news that during those harrowing period of Nigeria’s history, America virtually abandoned Nigerian citizens to their horrible fate of a very bad government which bred and nurtured its uneducated youths to become thugs and miscreants who metamorphosed into insurgents and terrorists whom the new administration is still struggling to rout!

The United States, from time immemorial had been Nigeria’s closest trading partner after Great Britain and a very close ally in security matters to the developing nation which grappled with a 30-month-old civil war shortly after independence.

America might have strong reasons against Nigeria, which according to sources included:

*Imposition of unpopular government on the poor hapless masses;

*Maladministration, ineptitude and impunity of people in authority;

*Deliberate abandonment of the principles and doctrine of the Rule of Law;

*Institutionalized corruption at all levels of government;

*Marginalization and deprivation of Nigerian Youths from basic necessities of life - especially EDUCATION; etc, those misgivings were not sufficient for them to “throw away the baby with the birth water”!

An English adage says, “A friend in need is a friend indeed!”To date, Nigeria is still in the process of diversifying from the crude-oil mono-product to agriculture and mining of mineral resources to augment her foreign exchange earnings which had been depleted through global downturn of oil prices now at its lowest ebb!

Precisely at the beginning of that period in 2014, the United States, the top most importer of Nigeria’s crude, cancelled all import agreements and left the nation “high and dry” all in an effort to compound both economic and security issues and bring the entire nation into confusion, anarchy and civil disobedience - coupled with Boko Haram insurgency - in order to actualize the doom prophecy!

President Buhari inherited all of the above, the non-payment of workers’ salaries in arrears of seven months and a virtually empty treasury, but to the glory of God, Buhari who is an acceptable leader most endeared to majority of Nigerians is now being wooed by AMERICA with economic and security enticements! What an irony of fate?

As at the time of this publication, President Buhari, at the invitation of his American counterpart had travelled on a 4-day official visit to Washington D.C., the United States capital to hold high-level talks with President Obama and very senior officials of the US Government. Topmost on the agenda would be those issues which the United States previously reneged upon; War against terrorism; Institutionalised corruption and Improved trade relations with the USA. Intensification of bilateral and international co-operation against terrorism in Nigeria and West Africa.

*In order to show complete remorse and penitence, President Obama, would break Tradition to host President Buhari at the Blair House, the official guest House of the American President, right opposite the White House, at no cost to the Nigerian Government - a clear departure from the American Government’s attitude to visiting Heads of State, particularly, Nigerian leaders!

*To the ignorant, lame and myopic mind, the United States still held the aura and charisma of being the world “lone super power” but this notion had long been erased by emerging world super power like The People’s Republic of China! The holy truth is that the US lost its position of being a super power the moment it “subtly master-minded the collapse of populist governments of the Soviet Union in 1991!” The God in whom America trusts cannot be mocked or deceived, because, “whatever a man or nation sows, that he would harvest in abundant multiplication.” Russia, the successor nation to the Union Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), was admitted to the G8 Group (most industrialized nations of the world), in 1997 following the collapse of the Communist predecessor, under the leadership of President Boris Yeltsin and had since been the thorn in the flesh of the United States.

Without the Allied Forces, the United States Army is a “lame duck” unable to usurp the self-conceited appellation of “world police nation” and without China’s export commodities America’s economy would be in “shambles”! For how long would US continue to cling precariously to the exalted position of being a lone super power which is being seriously contested with the amount of production and quality of commerce and merchandise from other emerging super powers (The Asian Tigers), like Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea? As of 2015, Russia is currently suspended from the Group of 8 because of its unruly and undiplomatic attitudes especially illegal and unconstitutional incursions into former Soviet Union confederates like Croatia and Eastern part of Ukraine which are virtually annexed to Russia! Last week 17th July, 2015, the world mournfully marked the one year anniversary of the Malaysian flight 17 passenger plane crash which killed 295 people and strongly-believed to have been shot down by Russian-sponsored rebels who have successfully annexed Eastern Ukraine to Russia since April 2014! Apart from joint “stringent” economic sanctions with other members of the G8, United States could not take up arms against Russia to rescue the poor and down-trodden masses, who are subjected to adopt cultures and traditions other than theirs as they did to save Kuwait from Iraq between August 1990 to February 1991?

Nigeria’s foreign policy thrust since independence was hinged on a non-alignment doctrine, therefore, no amount of enticement or coaxing by the Barack Obama Administration during all of the discussions, Nigeria wields the prerogative to associate and trade with whichever nation or nations she pleases without let or hindrance. *We thank God that President Muhammadu Buhari is happily married and Nigeria is legally insulated from same-sex or gay marriages! * China, Japan, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and a host of other economic blocs are on ground in Nigeria are partnering in all areas of reorientation, rehabilitation, reconstruction and the restructuring of Nigeria’s new economic diversification through genuine bi-lateral agreements without hidden agendas or strings attached!

President Barak Obama of the United States of America will wind down from office from November 2016 without stepping the Nigerian soil nor effecting any meaningful economic or substantial military assistance to the last Jonathan’s administration from 2010-2015, so, it is yet to be seen the kind of trade or security compensation he intended to dole out before he departs office! The United States of America would always put its money where its mouth is; it would stop at nothing to employ all artillery of diplomatic weapons to remain the universally acknowledged and unquestionable number one world power broker capable of manipulating other nations for economic advantages and simultaneously pretending to being dependable and faithful allies! *Did you know that Nigeria is now blessed with tonnes of tonnes of liquefied gas and is now a major producer in the world; and you expect America not to woo Nigeria through the doctrine of “you rub my back, and I rub yours!” *Although US spokespersons at different forums denied the 2015 doom prophecy and credited it to the figment of the imagination of rumour peddlers, it is on record that apart from America’s master-mind of the demise of the Soviet Union, it had militarily invaded several weaker nations like Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Cuba and not too long ago, made a subtle move to tinker with Gambia’s independence! In all these countries, the US had deep-rooted economic/military interests to their advantage! For instance, in past times, the US Government: Through its subsidiaries explored and exploited crude oil from Nigeria at great advantages and beneficial profits, but today has no need for the crude since it became the largest world oil producer in the world followed by Saudi Arabia. Trade relation was lopsided as Nigeria was and still import-dependent instead of being export -driven within the contractual economic agreement. The Obama administration tried very hard to convince Nigeria to become a homosexually promiscuous nation as obtains in America where same sex marriage has been legalized by the Supreme Court! US flaunted Nigeria’s shameful global scorecard index as the most corrupt nation, to excuse itself from any form of economic, security and political obligations even during the volatile periods of Boko Haram assaults, before during and after the 2015 General Elections.

*Mr. Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s founding fathers and third President of the United States once said and we quote; “ I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot be hid forever.”

The United States should graciously co-operate with The People’s Republic of China as the emerging economic superpower because a remarkable 44per cent of Americans believe so according to a recent survey for the following reasons: Over the last several decades, China provided an ideological counterpart to the United States, doing business in its push for oil with unsavoury regimes like Iran and Sudan that democracies traditionally would not work with. Now China is gaining influence with America’s closest allies too. During the universal economic melt-down and financial crisis, China doled out billions in contracts in Great Britain and France. In 2009, it surpassed the US to become the largest trading partner of both Japan and Brazil and conducted more than $100 billion US dollars per annum in trade with both the Middle East and Africa, In Africa alone it has laid down highways and other infrastructure projects which about 750.000 Chinese workers are on ground to execute. Successive Chinese Presidents have Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), with World Bank to move Textile Factories from Southern China to Africa as no Western aid money had ever been able to do. About 70 per cent of Chinese conglomerates have planned to use the downturn of world economy to speed up their international expansion, using both acquisitions and organic growth and would specifically tap into the US and Western Europe with their cash wealth. China has transformed into a hotbed of innovation over the years without copying foreign technologies because it has become the main recipient of venture capital money in clean technology. Government is addressing soaring health care costs by reducing pollution and is actively encouraging foreign investment to follow suit. China has spent $9billion US dollars per month in the past five years on clean energy research and has now become the world’s largest producer of solar and wind energy and is already exporting this technology to the United States which is presently being harnessed to build a 36.000 acre wind farm in Texas! China as member of the G -20 group of nations has become more powerful economically over the years and is also exerting political power to push for effective responses to the world financial crisis because this emerging super power is crucial to the world economy with its ever-growing financial clout among the comity of nations. Due to China’s economic influence G-20 is formally replacing the G-8 as the main economic meeting of wealthy nations. China may not be as wealthy as the US and Japan presently but these two nations must begin to lose sleep over the determined and aggressive economic strategy of this unmistakably emerging super power’s influence in Nigeria in particular and Africa in general! *What will Buhari bring out of this US tour? We expect nothing short of truthful deliberations that would establish US presence and sincere supply of military hardware that were once withheld, with a view to annihilating insurgency once and for all if they would remain our partners in progress; but they should be ready for stiff competition with the CHINESE!

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.

[For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .

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