About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Friday, 27 May 2016



A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 5. NO 142. 1st May, 2016.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You   Free! (John.8:32).


Most Nigerians have penchant for religiousity! They worship God from different spiritual perspectives. Some statistics state that Christians and Muslims dominate the religious space while those who prefer the Traditional mode of worship occupy a negligible portion of about five per cent! Since religion is the belief in the worship of the GOD of Heaven by Christians and also the worship of traditional gods fashioned through man's imagination by idol worshippers, and because it is assumed to be a peaceful vocation, governments classify it as a fundamental and inalienable human right of freedom of worship which should neither be legislated against nor tinkered with, because of its sensitivity and sacredness!
Nigeria proudly boasts of the biggest Pentecostal Church in the world with the auditorium capacity for 500.000 worshippers seated at every service and hundreds of forests/wilderness Christian religious gatherings hosting unlimited and unrestricted adherents running into over five million in some weekly/monthly REDEMPTION meetings across the nation in which it is believed that thousands of  such lives were always surrendered to the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, through unction of the Holy Spirit! However, the annual escalation of crime statistics  which portrayed graphic rise in cars and bank robberies, human kidnappings, assassinations, arsons, murders, insurgency, militancy, violent crimes of cultism, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, wife-battering, child abuse/molestation, gangsterism and most recently, the ravaging and rampaging of private farmlands across the nation by Fulani herdsmen, armed with sophisticated military weapons who operate like the  Boko Haram terrorists, through gun attacks, dispossess defenseless villagers of their farmlands, killed them in their scores without pity, and burnt down their homes, has given much  concern as to whether, Christians prayers were ever answered by the God of Heaven, since people of His creation, whatever their religious belief, perpetrate these heinous crimes!
We cannot but also mention the persistent Boko Haram terrorism which had devastated the Nigerian landscape, people and the economy for seven years on! With about 85million Christians, 30 million Churches and about 40 million Pastors in Nigeria, faithfully worshipping the God of Heaven, should there be such a gory scenario as we practically experience today, in which no one is spared of pain and agony, except the rich, affluent and powerful in the government and society who surround themselves with State security apparatuses 24 hours daily! Christians tag their weekly and monthly mammoth gatherings, in those far-flung forests, "redemption atmosphere for lost souls" and we wonder why since the 1990s till date when the fire of Pentecostal Christianity had raged relentlessly, lost souls remained unredeemed and unredeemable in Nigeria! Did you know that though those forest/wilderness mammoth crowd were fashioned after the Lord example of preaching and feeding of 5.000 people, but because new generation pastors could not attain to miracle feeding like the Lord, they always abandoned the multitude of people to feed themselves during every break of the all night vigils which in most cases were held for a whole week! On those occasions, the congregation could hardly wait for the spiritual food to be distributed before declaring open their bazaars and barbecues to serve grilled chickens/assorted beefs, fried/jollof rice, "isi ewu" pepper soup delicacies, various exotic snacks and chilled red wine brands to calm strained and stressed nerves from "spiritual ecstasies"! If the General Overseers or Superintendents claimed ignorance of the regular break-time jamborees, and the bad character influence of the old believers over the fresh converts at such gatherings, what about the hundreds of ushers and assistant pastors who mingle with the multitude to ensure orderliness and godly behaviors throughout those occasions? Our research pointed in one direction, which is that an unchristianly attitude of backpedaling on one's spiritual belief, which is termed APOSTASY, has not only crept into the Church, but has taken the front seat from where it operates conveniently from the pulpit teachers (2Timothy.4:3; 2Peter.2:1-19; Jude.4,8,11-13,16), to Galatian congregations of the present age! (Galatians.3:1-5f).
Biblical apostasy ( 2Timothy 4:3-4), is a religious rebellion against the Body of Christ, which tenets are founded on holiness, righteousness, truth and perfection of God the Father, it is a falling away by Christians from the faith and not the outward profession of Christianity! ( 2Timothy.3:5). It is an act of a professed Christian who deliberately rejects revealed truth as to the Deity of Jesus Christ and redemption through His atoning and redeeming sacrifice on the Cross. ( I John.4:1-3); Philippians.3:18; 2Peter.2:1). Apostasy in the Church, as in Israel (Isaiah. 1:5-6; 5:5-7), is irremediable and awaits judgment (2Thessalonians. 2:10-12; 2Peter.2:17,21; Jude 11-15; Revelation.3:14-16). On noticing the unending cycle of human religious retrogression and the Scripture which states that those who pay lip service to the Lord Jesus Christ, would not spend eternity in the Kingdom of God, (Matthew.7:21), we embarked on marathon intercessory prayers for God to quicken the spirits of His faithful and devoted remnants whom He had always preserved for His Holy name for immediate intervention because there was no way that the sinful man can ever measure up to God's plan for the ages and please Him throughout all different dispensations, and fulfill His purposive Will! In a similar case of apostasy in Israel, Fire Prophet Elijah the Tish'bite was told by God: "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all knees which have not bowed unto Ba'al, and every mouth which hath not kissed him". (I Kings.14-18). What were our prayer thrusts? That the Shepherds of the Christian Flock in Nigeria should boldly preach the TRUTH! That they should tell members of their congregation about God's expectations of complete obedience to His holy laws without any form of compromise because of ephemeral financial or property gains that should accrue to them through tithes, offerings and very expensive gifts! That they should be rigid and fearless to preach the Word in and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering against gluttony, immoral tight-fitted dressings that enhance and pronounce their cleavages in or out of church, the use of attractive lip sticks, sensuous beauty make-ups, outrageous and repulsive perfumes; but emphasize the doctrine of moderation in all manner of human behaviour!

We did not have to wait long, for God raised a lone voice from the wilderness in the person of Pastor William Kumuyi, of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry, aka."Deeper Life", whom the Holy Spirit recently used as His vessel to voice a timely warning against the dangers of coveting or romancing the Spirit of Apostasy in the Christendom and shouted unequivocally at the top of his voice to his million of millions members of congregation and by extension to all Nigerian christians/all good people of the good nation; and we quote his exhortation in a recent sermon in Lagos titled: "Heaven's Response To Earth's Request", which was in fact God's speedy answer to our request in the preceding paragraph!
Pastor Kumuyi in the strongly-worded sermon on 24th April, 2016, warned Deeper Life members that Hell would be hotter than normal for them if after being regularly fed with God's Word, they missed the opportunity to repent and did not make heaven adding that the hottest part of hell would be reserved for them because they knew the truth and did not do them! "Turn away from your secret sins; I don't know how you can be in a church like this and there is fornication, adultery, lying and others in your hands. All your work in the church will be useless if you don't repent of your sins. You need to run away from your sins and run into Jesus. If you say you have repented, you will not continue to spend stolen money. You need to restore all the stolen money if the repentance is genuine. Those who steal church money and government money have not truly repented; except they repent they would go to hell"!
This a challenge to all other "God's Generals" who control mammoth weekly/monthly forest/wilderness crowds to preach the truth and nothing but the truth like Pastor Kumuyi and save their naive multitudes who are so mentally and spiritually lazy to study the bible to show themselves approved unto God, workmen/women that needed not be ashamed and rightly dividing the word of truth at all times from spending their eternity in the deepest part of hell fire! (2 Timothy. 2:15; Revelation. 21:8). Did you remember that Prophet Moses, the Deliverer, who was divinely assigned to lead the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land with all his spiritual forthrightness, fire for the holiness and righteousness of God, faithfulness, resilience and diligence to the mandate, lost the over two million able-bodied men of war, their wives and children in the 40-year wilderness wanderings? He also did not enter into the Promised Land not because of bad leadership but because of righteous anger that led him to disobey God's instruction to "speak to the rock" and not smite it as he did! (Numbers.20:7-13). If the present generations of Christians would miss eternity with Christ, it should not be adduced to the fact that millions of millions perished in hell fire due to the Pastors' selfish pursuit for illicit wealth through the cunning and deceitful collection of tithes and offerings for aggrandizement in trendy fashion outfits, state-of -the-art automobiles, most expensive houses, modern jet aircrafts; dining and wining with corrupt politicians for filthy lucre through false prophecies etc. This is the time for those of them who are still alive to preach the truth, save lives and rather dwell in penury instead of coveting Jacob's RED POTTAGE that would steal, destroy their anointing and blessings together!

Must Worshippers Perish In The Wilderness To Make Pastors Rich?
Are there spiritual takeaways from these forest/wilderness vigils? The answer is a capital NO! The whole exercise is nothing short of robbing Peter to pay Paul! For instance, the biggest church auditorium can sit only half a million people! If on the average offertory falls between N200 and N500 per member/worshipper, inclusive of regular payment of tithes from genuine living wages and not BLOOD MONEY, total collections would translate to some millions and not billions of naira which some pastors were always targeting to live big like their European Union and United States counterparts! Therefore their solution to that challenge lied in the forests/wilderness vigil gatherings to fleece worshippers of their monies, possessions and all means of livelihood through night vigil false prophesies, instead of feeding them with the solid Word of Truth! We were able to establish that clever USHERS/CASHIERS in charge of the EXCHEQUER at those gathering are also members of the Millionaire Club!
For the past quarter of a century Christian evangelical crusades took the front burner of religious activities in the Christendom yet, more Christians are languishing in prisons yards at home and abroad. They are all over Italy, USA and the EU countries engaged in prostitution, drug and human trafficking, crude oil bunkering, money laundering, internet fraud activities etc. They are not the replica of the EARLY CHURCH! (Acts of the Apostles.2:41-47; compare verses 14-40). It is time to bring true believers back into the Church structures and Home Cells as practiced in India where everyone would imbibe the true doctrine of the Word of God under the tutelage of genuine pastors like the BEREA Christians of the early Apostolic period, who had opportunity to be taught and to cross-check the Word of God in their homes to prove its authenticity!  IT WAS HIGH TIME NIGERIAN CHRISTIANS DEPARTED EVIL FORESTS AND WILDERNESS VIGILS IN ORDER TO ESCAPE THE ANIMALISTIC INTUITION AND MENTALITY WHICH IS DEVOID OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND TRUE EXISTENCE OF THE LIVING GOD AND HIS EXPECTATIONS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AMONG HIS HIGHER CREATION!

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to:  facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390.  08080243066   g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.

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