About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Thursday, 2 February 2017


(Looking at Nigeria's Political System From a godly Perspective)

A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 5. NO 178. 8th January, 2017.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You   Free! (John.8:32).


The colonial amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria was effected in 1914, with good intentions, for the diverse tribes, tongues, castes, traditions and cultures to fuse, blend and harness their great agricultural/natural potentials to build a united Black African nation of great economic advantage that would attract foreign entrepreneurs to explore/exploit opportunities of investment and industrialization of the large market space! That purpose was achieved because the period between 1914-1960, turned out to be 46 years of  tremendous economic activities of exports, imports and massive industrialization of Nigeria from South to North and East to West; - construction of motorable roads and railways for transportation of goods and services from the hinterland to sea ports along the coastal regions in the South. Transportation was also introduced when the first airport was constructed in a Royal Air Force Station, Makia, Kano, long before Independence in 1936, and later in other regional capitals.
In all those years, NIGERIANS had everything in common! Economic and unrestricted commercial/trade zones between the three regions of North, East and West, inter marriages, cultural and traditional exchanges of dress codes, encouragement of the study of the three major languages of Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba from the primary education level, and legalization of COMMON OWNERSHIP of proceeds from commercialization of mineral resources in any part of the federation! The Minerals and Mining Act of 1947 which was enacted by the British colonial masters and which eventually found its legislation in our traditional consecutive Federal Constitutions, readily comes to mind. Under the SECOND SCHEDULE, LEGISLATIVE POWERS, Part I, Executive Legislative List, No. 39, "Mines and minerals, including oil fields, oil mining, geological surveys and natural gas", operations shall be the exclusive preserve of the Federal Government. Also under Chapter II, Fundamental Objectives And Directive Principles Of State Policy, Section 16, (2),(a),(b),(c), in summary legislated for a PLANNED AND BALANCED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, under the ECONOMIC OBJECTIVES OF GOVERNMENT; i.e. that the material resources of the nation are HARNESSED AND DISTRIBUTED, as best as possible to serve the common good; and that the economic system is not operated IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO PERMIT  THE CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH OR THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION AND EXCHANGE IN THE HANDS OF FEW INDIVIDUALS OR OF A GROUP!

When the above analysis is juxtaposed with the current agitations for RESTRUCTURING OF NIGERIA for diverse reasons and intentions by the unpatriotic and the charlatan, it becomes crystal clear that the good intentions of the colonial masters for Nigeria to utilize her unique diversity advantageously for collective strength and be united as one indivisible people, has been truncated because it did not take long after INDEPENDENCE before that dream fell like a pack of cards through a bloody military coup and since 15th January, 1966, all things had fallen apart and the centre could no longer hold, according to renown late author and writer, CHINUA ACHEBE!

In the Word of God, a song of degrees of David states as follows: "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aar'on's beard; that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Her'mon and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion, For there the LORD commanded the blessing , even life for evermore." (Psalm. 133).This Godly exhortation according to the International Bible Commentary titled, “ALL IN ONE GOD", states as follows: "The opening verse is a wisdom saying which originally discouraged brothers from setting up separate households and so dividing the family estate (cf. Dt. 25: 5). Here it is put into an eider use, as v. 3b and the religious nature of the comparisons in vv. 2-3a reveal. From all over the country pilgrims would converge on Jerusalem to celebrate the festival in worship. The crowded Keswick-like scene was a fine representation of the unity of the covenant community, bound by a common faith. "The gathering in Zion is no mere nationalistic demonstration but the seeking of God's appointed means of grace for the renewal of life in its fullness. FOR (v.3b), justifies the pictures: the PRIESTLY OIL stands for BLESSING and the DEW for LIFE in store for God's family." Except for animals and inorganic elements, all human beings - even idol worshippers - have consciousness of the existence of the LIVING GOD OF HEAVEN who has sovereignty over all of His creation on Earth and who alone must be revered, worshiped and obeyed in all matters of life's situations/circumstances and whose divine Will must always have priority in all matters. (Psalm. 24). God teaches unity of purpose in all endeavours of life as it was in Creation when the TRINITY united to create Man in His image and likeness! (Genesis. 1: 26-28).


1. BIAFRA SECESSION: Col. Odumegu Ojukwu’s act of secession of the Eastern Region (christened "Biafra"), from Nigeria which led to a 30-month-old Nigerian Civil War (16th July, 1967-12th January, 1970). The senseless war claimed an estimated 2 million lives - including many Biafran women and children and cost over $840 million US dollars to prosecute, according to the Federal Military Government! "OJUKWU AND BIAFRA REPUBLIC FAILED"!

2. MOVEMENT FOR THE EMANCIPATION OF THE NIGER DELTA! (MEND): Towards the dying days of military administration in the 90s, a group of restive youths of the Niger Delta extraction took up arms to agitate for EMANCIPATION of the region by violence through destruction of critical crude oil exploration infrastructures as they demanded for higher revenue percentage according to the principles of derivation, until the late President Umaru Ya'Ardua presented the "Olive Branch" through mouth-watering pipelines protection contracts to the warring vandals before peace was temporarily restored! "THE SELFISH AGITATION FOR EMANCIPATION FAILED BUT NIGERIA MATCHES ON IN VICTORY"!

3. BOKO HARAM INSURGENCY: In 2009, a remnant of an Islamic fundamentalist called MAITATSINE which group was suppressed during the 80s and 90s, also resurfaced under a new leader called MOHAMMED YUSUF, with new Islamic ideologies completely opposed to the Muslim norms and practice in Nigeria and also to Western Education as entrenched in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999. The small group eventually metamorphosed into armed insurgents the moment their leader was extra-judicially killed and for over SEVEN years, the nation had grappled with massive slaughtering of innocent Nigerians of about one million of civilians and soldiers while the terrorists overran 14 Local Government Areas in the North East which they claimed as their CALIPHATE! Today, the story is different because BOKO HARAM has been defeated by the superior power of God's Army, which led the Federal troops to recapture the 14 LGA’s and to destroy all their hide outs in SAMBISA FOREST! "THE TERRORISTS HAVE DISCOVERED THAT NIGERIA CANNOT BE BROKEN BECAUSE IT IS ESTABLISHED BY THE ALMIGHTY GOD WHO IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS AND WHOSE AUTHORITY CAN NEVER BE CHALLENGED!"

4. EX-PRESIDENT EBELE JONATHAN'S 2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE: That Conference was "cleverly" put together by the ex-President to perpetrate himself in office and elongate the era of corruption with impunity by thieving politicians and greedy government officials, many of who have embezzled so much from the consecutive crooked system and were unmistakably richer than most State Governments! All selected 492 delegates, conference officials and staff CONSUMED AND GULP a sum of about N20 billion naira of the tax-payers monies to cater for accommodation allowances, hotel bills and feeding! They spent about FOUR MONTHS without any new recommendations different from previous similar conferences and even shamelessly referred the controversial/contentious issues of RESOURCE CONTROL AND PRINCIPLES OF DERIVATION FORMULA TO A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TECHNICAL COMMITEE WHICH SHOULD BE SET UP TO DETERMINE THE KNOTTY MATTER! That Government squandered all available collective wealth and bequeathed a virtually EMPTY TREASURY for the in-coming administration to contend with! "THE PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC PARTY AND JONATHAN WERE DISGRACED AT THE 2015 GENERAL ELECTIONS THAT THEY WERE UNABLE TO HAND OVER UNTIL FEW DAYS TO THE INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENT BUHARI!

5. THE CONFEDERATION OF NIGER DELTA CRUDE OIL PIPELINE VANDALS: Pipeline vandals/terrorists began a violent crusade of secession from the rest of Nigeria since the advent of the Change Administration of President Buhari because, according to them, over 80% of the Federal Government's annual revenue was derived from their region while they had nothing in form of social development or infrastructures to show for the oil rich geo-political zone! From  2015 to December 2016, the vandals practically sabotaged Nigeria's economy and forced THREE CONSECUTIVE RECESSIONS on the citizens who had to endure very high inflation on goods and services due to the inordinate ambition of "fellow citizens"!  "IT HAS DAWNED ON THE VARIOUS VANDALS THAT THEY AND THEIR ELDERS WERE COMPETING WITH ONE ANOTHER FOR SELFISH REASONS, AND THAT IS, WHO GETS THE HIGHER BARGAIN FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN TERMS OF PIPE LINE PROTECTION CONTRACTS!

6. INDEGENOUS PEOPLE OF BIAFRA (IPOB), AND MOVEMENT FOR THE ACTUALIZATION OF THE SOVEREIGN STATE OF BIAFRA (MASSOB): These are a confused and disoriented group of youths who either ignorant of historical facts or are deliberately being mischievous or misguided to continue to waste their precious lives like heathens! They need to be reminded that late Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu, the "Biafra Republic" arrow head, was defeated, escaped to Ivory Coast, where he lived on exile until he was granted amnesty - having repented and renounced secession - and eventually returned to Nigeria to collect all of his entitlements in the Nigerian, NOT BIAFRAN ARMY! "IT IS BETTER THEY BACKED OFF AND PITCH THEIR TENT WITH THE WINNING TEAM OF PEACE-LOVING AND LAW ABIDING NIGERIANS WHO BELIEVE IN THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD OVER THE NATION"!

Patriotic Nigerians and economists have at different forums canvassed for fiscal federalism in which federating States which are economically viable in mineral resources and mining should be at liberty to keep larger percentage of proceeds from internally generated revenue and to remit an agreeable portion to the Federal Government for its overall commitments/services to the federation in respect of defence, currency, immigration, customs, internal security etc. But to achieve this noble suggestion, both the Executive and the Legislature have to agree to reach a consensus to amend the Constitution for legal effect. But until then, SECESSION AGITATORS should realize that NIGERIA'S UNITY IS NON- NEGOTIABLE! NAKED WE CAME INTO THE WORLD, NAKED WE SHALL RETURN!
The lyrics of a Unity Song by Hezekiah Walker is very appropriate to close this treatise: "I need you, you need me, we’re all a part of God's Body; Stand with me, agree with me, it's His will that every need be supplied, you are important to me, I need you to survive. I pray for you, you pray for me, I love you, I won't harm you with the words from my mouth, I love you, I need you to survive." "THY KINGDOM COME; THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. AMEN. (Matthew. 6:10).

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to:  facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390.  08080243066   g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.

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