About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Wednesday, 16 August 2017



(Looking at Nigeria's Political System from a godly Perspective).

A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 6. NO 209. 13th August, 2017.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You   Free! (John.8:32).


Solar and Lunar Eclipses had been common phenomenon in the firmament from time immemorial! Since global acknowledgement of SCIENCE in the 16th Century,  eclipses have remained under strict observation in succeeding generations, but no form of collision or disaster among ecclesiastical bodies has ever been recorded!
The Sun, Moon, Earth, Stars and other planetary objects have rotated along their divinely pre-determined orbits in a systemic order from the FOURTH DAY of creation. (Genesiss1:14-19).

An eclipse occurs naturally in the firmament when a planetry object as the Moon, comes between the Sun and another planetary object (the Earth), with the resultant effect of a shadow being cast by the Moon on the Earth! This firmament wonder usually occurred in the course of their solo orbiting which at some appointed times put them in STRAIGHT ALIGNMENT!
Between 9.22 pm 7th August and 2.20 am 8th August, 2017, a penumbral (peripheral), eclipse occurred in the Far East and was visible in City of Mumbai, India and the adjoining terrestrial settlements as the MOON eclipsed the SUN in a partial lunar eclipse another display of the Divine Wonder in the sky when the Moon was sandwiched between the Sun and the Earth! Eclipses occurred without any form of adverse effect on human, animal or vegetation creation because like the RAINBOW, they are designed to register the Covenant and the Awesome personality of the sovereign God to His Creation without casting mythological nor religious influences on the human minds as some tend to believe!

But doomsayers around the world are predicting total solar eclipse in 14 States in US later this month of August, 2017, which could cause a mysterious planet called NIBIRU to CRASH into the Earth as soon as the SUN was completely (though temporarily), blotted out of existence. They have also juxtaposed this prophesy - which has neither biblical nor scientific support with North Korea's threat to attack the US Base of GUAM  by mid-August and have envisaged that the outraging reaction of President Donald Trump would precipitate not only the THIRD WORLD WAR, but the END OF THE WORLD AS PRESENTLY CONSTITUTED!

North Korea says it would launch FOUR Hwasong- 12 Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles which would hit Guam in 14 minutes, in response to the "fire and fury" warning of President Trump!
It is evident that the US and its allies (South Korea, Japan, France, Britain, etc,), having introduced the doctrine of Human Eclipse of Obscurity against North Korea, should also expect the backlash of the doctrine of DETERRENT in return from the latter which regards US warning as unwarranted aggression of a BULLY!

The United States has never denied North Korea's accusations in respect of its massive production, acquisition and pillage of NUCLEAR WAR HEADS, contrary to its propaganda of global ban of nuclear weapons of mass destruction! North Korea claims that its pillage of nuclear arsenals was to protect its territories and citizens from US aggression! IS THE US ALSO PILLING UP NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO PROTECT ITSELF FROM NORTH KOREA'S AGGRESSION?

The adage has not changed - WHATEVER IS GOOD FOR GOOSE IS GOOD FOR THE GANDER - but the danger of this cliché  is that what is good for both "BIRDS", in the prevailing scenario, would spell DISASTER to the entire universe if not quickly nipped in the bud! Guam is a strategic and very important air and naval base for the US Military and is over 3.000 kilometres south east of North Korea. Guam also has missile-defence launchers on the island!

In our Vol. 6. No. 204, of 9th July, 2017, titled, "North Korea's Kim Jog-un Should Be Handled With Care To Avoid World War III!," we counselled the US and its allies to tred softly and apply utmost diplomacy in dealing with President Kim Jog-un who is filled with youthful exuberance and could PRESS A VERY DANGEROUS NUCLEAR BUTTON that would re-write world history negatively!

Human Eclipses are not limited to the preceding exposition but are viciously exhibited in everyday life:
PEER GROUPS eclipse one another in the Civil Service to curry favour from higher authorities and gain relevance; they also operate on social platforms; especially in Arts, Entertainment, Films and Tourism industries to achieve dubious fame and out-do the other;
BUSINESS ENTREPRENUERS/MOGULS eclipse themselves in the struggle for juicy government contracts in the commercial race of survival of the fittest;
UNIVERSITY STUDENTS gang up to eclipse one another in CULT activities; in order to exact undeserved favours by force, from both fellow students and lecturers;
POLITICIANS always eclipsed the masses through acquisition of illicit wealth with brazen impunity while in government; etc.!
Human government was purposely approved by GOD (Genesis.8:15-11:32; spanning a period of  427 years, from the Flood to the call of Abram:
(1) To promote moral and civil government for the highest good of all among themselves (Romans.13:1- 7);
(2)  Preserve human societies on Earth through well-articulated programmes on socio-economic welfare;
(3) Enforce law and order and punishments for offenders in other to maintain discipline;
(4) Establish, maintain and support government to preserve the society; etc,
but, was that plan of GOD during the Old Testament Bible period respected by Man? Is it even recognised now in the 21st Century Universe? NO, because in spite of the divine goodwill, the Earthlings have refused to shed the leopard skins inherited from the Adamic Dynasty (the first sinners), who disobeyed God's Command (Genesis.2:16-17; compare, 3:1-25), and lost their first estate!
Human Eclipse unlike those of the astronomical objects, always produced negative results in view of the fact that some species are out to predate others in a vicious circle of global Rat Race as being witnessed between the US and North Korea.
First among their weapons of Human Eclipse is OBSCURITY, which is the most lethal arsenal which would cast SHADOWS OF INCREDIBILITY, INCONSEQUENTIALITY AND IRRELEVANCE in the form of a permanent eclipse of REPROACH and everlasting shame upon their targets! Others include the orchestration and precipitation of the DECLINE AND DOWNFALL of targeted victims as being witnessed across the world today.

In NIGERIA some misguided renegades who claimed to speak for indigenes of the 18 Northern States (comprising of at least 80 ethnic tribes), declared an ultimatum that all IGBOS of the South East Geo-Political extraction MUST quit the Northern States by 1st October, 2017 and return to their native land for persistently demanding that an Independent State of Biafra should be carved out of the Nigerian Federation! Can any person or group of persons speak on behalf of the NORTH or NIGERIANS without a PLEBISCITE even if they originated from the Hausa/Fulani stock - which constitute about 29% of the entire population of Nigeria?
Was such an unholy attitude not deliberately predicated to place the IGBOS in permanent OBSCURITY in a constitutional democracy which can take care of all challenging national issues?
Have this bunch of semi-illiterates studied the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, to ascertain their limitations under Chapter IV, Section 43, Fundamental Rights, in which it is clearly stated that every Nigeria has the right to dwell and possess landed properties anywhere in the country? Did those Youths think of the several fall-outs of their QUIT THREATS like inter-tribal marriages, strategic economic affiliations in commerce, trade/businesses, transportation, immovable properties, education etc.?
Although the Igbo Youths did not help matters through their reciprocal blanket demand that all Nigerians of Northern extraction domicile in the South East, should also quit their homeland by 1st October, 2017; because they have both portrayed Nigeria to the World as a nation without direction when the focus of the APC Change Government is on how to improve the lot of the downtrodden who - through no fault of theirs - now shamefully dwell as REFUGEES AND INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY!

How many of the over TWO MILLION IDPs in Nigeria are these LOUD MOUTHS catering and succouring to return to normal livelihood since they are bent on increasing the figure through their senseless demands? Are these unpatriotic persons aware that though Nigeria is an independent nation, INTERNATIONAL DONOR AGENCIES HAVE NEVER STOPPED TO PROVIDE FOR MOST OF OUR ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL INADEQUACIES THROUGH MISGOVERNANCE, MISMANAGEMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL CORRUPTION IN ALL GOVERNMENTS FROM 1960-2015, BECAUSE OF THEIR LOVE FOR HUMANITY?

SHAME on the so-called Arewa and Igbo Youths (the doomsayers), for their disrespect for constitutitionally-constituted authorities of the Nigerian Federation and to all Nigerians by extension whose psyche and sensibilities have been hurt, insulted and terribly damaged by these MISCREANTS who have no sense of direction and neither ambition nor hope for a better life for their own generation! It is time for them to APOLOGIZE TO REPENT AND RETRACT their heinous threats in other to be spared from the impending DIVINE PUNISHMENT; because on SUNDAY 1st October, 2017, Nigerians WILL celebrate the 57th Year of Independence from the Colonial Task Masters and also felicitate in victory over the forces of destabilisation as constituted by the so-called Youths who have donned the garbs of Neo-Colonialists and also the unmasked ENEMIES OF THE NIGERIAN STATE!

No human being is created by GOD TO OBSCURE another through carnal eclipse. We should always be our BROTHERS KEEPERS and dwell in peace according to His divine purposive WILL. AMEN! 

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to:  facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/ zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390.  08080243066   g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.

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