About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Saturday, 23 December 2017



(Looking at Nigeria's Political System from a godly Perspective).

A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 6. NO 227. 17th December, 2017.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You   Free! (John.8:32).


The unpredictable weather conditions in the form of wild storms, tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes and floodings that are devastating and destroying landscapes, the eco-systems, critical infrastructures, lives and properties in recent times across the globe, are most intriguing phenomenon of great concern outside of terrorism, to world citizens who now dwell in constant fear of annihilation and extermination by natural forces!

Is it not ironic that a natural force such as weather could get uncontrollable, like a ravaging inferno and cause terrible havocs with the support of wild winds or hurricanes?
The bitter truth is that the universe is experiencing very bad weather conditions through the atmosphere that should be friendly under normal conditions and scientists, ecologists including environmentalists strongly believe that deliberate MAN-MADE degradation of the environment through gas-flaring/green-house emissions, deadly carbon emissions through acts of World Wars I & II Atomic and Hydrogen bombs, and from crude oil in the course of oil and gas exploration/exploitation, were mostly responsible for incessant global warming and ozone layer depletion!

Planet Earth in view of lts spherical shape is divided into continental weather regions: equatorial, tropical, temperate, arctic, arid, savannah, desert, the poles etc, and each is controlled by atmospheric pressures through the force and frequency of all manner of winds: calm winds, cold winds, hot winds, wild winds, including storms, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, sand storms or cyclones, depending on the climatic region's temperature, humidity, solar precipitation and most importantly earth's rotation which determines ascending and descending winds!

Like the Earth, Wind is also an ACT OF GOD which creation is beyond human or scientific comprehension! The Word of God says: "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth: ......". (John.3:8).  Wind, is an induced atmospheric motion or movement caused  through air pressure when hot or cold, and being an act of God, the wind should not be a destructive element but complimentary to man's engagements and occupation when handled with competence.

It is no longer news that through man-made activities and incursions into modern civilization and technological advancements, the earth CRUST had suffered extensive damages which resulted in severe climate change as listed in an earlier paragraph but the fall-out is a general consensus by all and sundry that drastic measures MUST be expeditiously and urgently taken to rescue MAN from being totally predated and consumed by the earth and its inflamed/agitated atmospheric environment!

This irrepressible concern was responsible for Heads of States and Governments from about FIFTY countries, including Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari, to converge in Paris, France, from 12th-14th December, 2017, at the ONE PLANET CLIMATE SUMMIT, to deliberate for the third time in three years, on how global nations could be more environmentally and atmospherically-friendly to assuage aggressive weather conditions which had consistently devastated Planet Earth un-abatedly!
Except for America's Mr. Donald Trump who opted out of the Planet Earth Summit Leaders in 2016 on assumption of office, the conference enjoy robust contribution of ideas that would mitigate causes of irreparable damages of environmental degradation/pollution and ensure official and practical measures for cleaner energy and societies.

The One Planet Summit which was organized by the United Nations/World Bank concluded on the following planks to turn the tables against CLIMATE NEGATIVE CHANGE:
(1) World Bank would stop financing oil and gas exploration and extraction from 2019;
(2) French Insurance Giant, Axa, would cease to invest in any company involved in the construction of COAL PLANTS and will withdraw 2.5 billion Euros (US$2.9 billion dollars), from the sector.
(3) Axa will also pull 700 million Euros from projects linked to tar sands pipeline projects and put Nine  bullion Euros into "green" infrastructural investment through 2020;
(4) More than 200 large- scale investors across board have agreed to pressurize the world's 100 most-polluting companies to persuade them to reduce carbon and gaseous emissions;
(5) French Development Agency (AFD), will set aside 30 million Euros for 15 developing countries over a period of four years; and
(6) The European Commission (EC), promised to earmark more than $600 million for agricultural research to combat the effects of climate change, while another sum of US $ 315 & $ 318 dollars were pledged by Gates Foundation and EC respectively to support African nations adapt to global warming.

Nigeria's regular attendance is evident that the country is also in dire straits and PMB did not mince words when he boldly requested for international financing to assuage climate change challenges in Africa especially his country's LAKE CHAD which waters receded suddenly some three years ago and required total re-filling to resume AQUACULTURE FARMING and create fresh employment opportunities for the citizens in that basin.

Could it be an irony of fate that between 2016-2017, years of Trump's Republican Administration, the United States of America has suffered the WORST environmental disasters ever recorded in their national history which made a Meteorological Director, Jeff Masters to declare categorically that, "Nature's gone crazy", in a story written recently by Seth Borestein and Researcher, Monika Mathur. Below are some excerpts:
"With four big hurricanes, a powerful earthquake and wild fires, it seems that nature recently has gone nuts. Some of these disasters, like Friday's earthquake in Mexico are natural. Others may end up having a mix of natural and man-made ingredients after scientists examine them. We also tend to look for patterns and order in chaos, even when they aren't there, psychologists say. Welcome to the future. Extreme weather like this is going to be occurring simultaneously more often because of global warming"

This writer cannot be contradicted because climatic events in the US during the period under scrutiny recorded unimaginable casualties!
There was the Hurricane Harvey which had hardly fizzled out in Houston, North America, when Hurricane Irma, formed and also grew into a powerful Category 4 storm and following closely on its heels was Hurricane Jose, which powered to another Category 4 storm, which though was unusual, but not unprecedented to have back-to -back storms of that strength, according to the story.
There were the Atlantic hurricanes/storms, and one of the strongest earthquakes in the country's history which hit the Pacific Coast near Guatemala border, felt for more than 1.000 km. away! There are 82 wild fires burning in the US involving nearly 1.5 million acres in nine States in the West, and this 2017, more than 8 million acres have burned - only behind 2015 and 2012; - the latest being the California wild fires, and all of these disasters are blamed on GLOBAL WARMING, according to the story!
Drought and Heat Wave also contributed their quotas! Maybe President Trump will reverse himself and re-join the FENCE-MENDER NATIONS to save the Earth!

Luckily, modern scientists have universally acknowledged the superior argument of theologians that Planet Earth did not emerge through their "evolutionary theory", which posits a gradual directional change of substance into a more complex form through "a BANG", - but was an act of creation by the supernatural powers of the sovereign GOD, Who owns all organic and in-organic matters of His creation! (Genesis.1: 1-30; Psalm. 24.1-2).

Beginning with the devastating TSUNAMI storms (a series of underwater quakes, volcanic eruptions.  and explosions), which swept across Indonesia the at the turn of the 21st Century to the recent and consistent hurricanes, floodings and fires which did not spare any country on Planet Earth, GLOBAL WARMING, has been accused of being responsible for all disastrous weather conditions from Africa to the Middle East, China, Japan, the Koreas, Europe; Britain, Germany, Russia, the United States, North and South America, Mexico, Canada, Australia etc.!

World citizens needed to be more environmental-friendly in order to save Planet Earth from further degradation of the OZONE LAYER which, if further depleted, could spell disaster to human, animal and vegetation existence! The Ozone is a supernatural celestial covering, which prevents the fiery sun rays from consuming all living things on earth.

From the scriptural books, quoted earlier, it is very clear that, although divine emphasis of creation was on Planet Earth, verse 16b of Genesis Chapter One, also mentioned other planets which were described as "stars"; and scientists have been able to discover a total of NINE PLANETS altogether, but Planet Earth is the third closest to the SUN and the only one suitable for human existence. One Planet Summit is an indication of global unity against Climate Change. Individual support is also advocated from citizens of developing nations who should desist from felling trees for firewood and opt for cooking gas which is being subsidized by their governments. We must join hands to save the EARTH and by extension save ourselves. It is a good starting point!

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to:  facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390.  08080243066. g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.

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