About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Saturday, 26 October 2019



(Looking at Nigeria's Political System From a Godly Perspective).

A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church Kpeyegyi Abuja Nigeria {Vol. 8.NO 317. 8th September, 2019.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You   Free! (John.8:32). . PRAY & FAST EVERY WEDNESDAY TO STOP BLOODSHED IN NIGERIA!


The White minority South Africans who lost power to the majority Blacks in 1994, when the African National Congress (ANC), won the presidential elections for the very first time in the nation's history were never comfortable in defeat! It has been 25 years when fortunes were reversed, when the Enslaved legitimately took over the Masters tables and the once powerful and mighty task masters became the subservient in the equation; but as bad losers, had surreptitiously sponsored deliberate and regular XENOPHOBIC ATTACKS from Mandela to Ramaphosa, against African immigrants across the nation by applying the wicked and insensitive doctrine of divide and rule!

From prison to palace, late President Nelson "MADIBA" Mandela, proved to be magnanimous in victory, brushed aside the pains of 27 years of incarceration at the dreaded Robben Island, the massive slaughter of about 700 innocent SA SOWETO BLACK SCHOOL CHILDREN and an estimated 1,000 injured, on 16th June, 1976, for protesting against the "Afrikaans Medium Decree of 1974, which forced all Black schools to use Afrikaans and English in a 50-50 mix, as languages of instruction!
He equally waved off crimes of Boers massacres of his fellow country men/women over trumped-up charges by consecutive White minority governments which were the worst kinds of racism/apartheid/xenophobia against fellow citizens of the same country! He forgot that the bestial act of that cold-blooded murder of school children precipitated a setback to child education/ mentoring and simultaneously created a deficit in the overall education sector for massive illiteracy to flourish! AND NOW, IT IS VERY EASY FOR THE WHITE BOERS TO EASILY MANIPULATE THE ILLITERATE AND JOBLESS SOUTH AFRICANS INTO XENOPHOBIA!

And when he climbed the podium on 10th May, 1994, Mandela in his inaugural speech, solicited that "bygones be bygones" but forgot to bequeath a bonding legacy that South Africans should remain eternally grateful to their African brothers/sisters especially governments of Nigeria, Congo, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Lesotho plus other African countries,  which allied to put an end to the evil practice of "apartheid" with huge fundings and effective advocacies, and effected the desired democratic administration where the majority blacks eventually won the 1994 elections to break the shackles of bondage by White supremacists of several decades!

BLACK South Africans must definitely have short memories! Once upon a time, THEY WERE NOT A PEOPLE and virtually had no citizenship because their WHITE TASK MASTERS burdened them with an everlasting servitude, treated them worse than second class citizens and yoked them as SLAVES in their fatherland where they had no respite and no one to rescue them but successive NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT AND ITS PATRIOTIC CITIZENS!
The story of Apartheid began in 1948 when the White-supremacist government of that dispensation introduced an inhuman and detestable policy of racial separation/discrimination purposely against the majority indigenous Blacks, who actually owned the land and successfully enslaved them until 1990, (42 consecutive and uninterrupted years of man's worst kind of wickedness against his brethren), when the MADIBA, President Nelson Mandela, who had been in the forefront of the emancipation of his great fatherland from colonial domination, was released from 27 years of prison incarceration and emerged through an overwhelming popular votes to become the first-ever Black SA President! Right from independence in 1960, successive Nigerian governments and its patriotic citizens condemned APARTHEID in all its ramifications and mobililized international support for a crusade against the obnoxious and very irratitating policy in which PETS OWNED BY WHITE SOUTH AFRICANS HAD SUPERIOR RIGHTS THAN THE BLACK CITIZENS!

Under the policy, Blacks were forbidden to dwell in cities and urban centres with their White counterparts; they must not ride in the same public transportation with the whites, must never share public toilet facilities, schools, churches etc, with the Whites because they were regarded as slaves and very inferior to their masters and MUST ALWAYS PRESENT OFFICIALLY-APPROVED IDENTIFICATION CARDS for employment unlike the Whites! South Africans owe Nigerians an everlasting GRATITUDE!
The present generation of South African blacks who lacked historical knowledge of past contributions of other African States to their liberation and independence, had continuously blamed their massive jobless woes (about 48%), on legitimate African immigrants who are engaged in honest businesses, instead of directing their venom on the Whites and the few RICH conniving-Blacks, who owned virtually all the thriving business in their country!
Xenophobia is synonymous to apartheid/racial insensitivity/bigotry/segregation/discrimination of an immense dimension that could provoke the kind of atrocities displayed through massive daylight destruction of valuable properties, lootings and killings of Africans by Africans for the umpteenth time on the streets of Johannesburg and Pretoria as they were ferried with BUSES FROM ONE LOCATION TO ANOTHER WHILE SA POLICEMEN, CONNIVED BY STANDING ALOOF!!
The White BOER minority which perpetrated APARTHEID (racial discrimination), through government machinery for decades (1948-1990), following de-colonization of SA territory, [though hidden in the background since May 1994, when Nelson Mandela became the first black President], still lay claim to a superior skin ego and also undue socio-economic headstart during the dark days when the SA blacks dwelt in squalor and abject poverty in their fatherland!

Whatever unfortunate pains/agonies/sorrows/losses, and collateral damages suffered by Africans through xenophobic attacks of the past or present, MUST be squarely laid at the doorsteps of all past and present South African presidents, including the "Madiba", who honourably bowed out after ONE TERM of five years but failed to educate their citizens on the need for unity and brotherliness with all African nations which supported them in their time of need!
Presidents Thabo Mbeki, Jacob Zuma, and the incumbent, Cyril Rhamaphosa, (believed to be multi-billionaires), cannot feign ignorance of the enormous contributions of Nigeria and their neighbouring African country during the painful/agonising years in the struggle against APARTHEID regimes of White minority!

Late President Robert Mugabe critics would fault him for his solo effort of trying to put his country on the pedestal as a sit-tight for 31 years! But Mugabe fought the minority dominant Whites of the then Southern Rhodesia Government to a standstill until victory was achieved for him to take over the mantle of leadership in 1980!
From1980-2018 - ROBERT MUGABE who passed on at 95 on Friday 6th September, 2019, bequeathed a LEGACY OF SOUND EDUCATION to his citizens and earned for his country the credit of being placed as the only African country with the highest percentage of literacy! Mugabe was well educated. He was a teacher-turned-politician and had to his credit at least seven academic degrees. He did not only educate his people, he also empowered them through a deliberate agricultural revolution which transferred all Whites owned lands/farms to the rightful Zimbabwean black majority, who had been largely marginalized through racial bigotry of past White administrators! This true pan-Africanist would be fondly remembered for educating a people who do not believe in XENOPHOBIA!

We join all Nigerians, from the Presidency/Legislature/Judiciary, including Nigerians in the Diaspora, to condemn the most recent SA xenophobic attacks which began from Thursday, 29th August, through Tuesday, 3rd September, 2019, and advocate for legal, economic, diplomatic sanctions against SA this time around - but We vehemently oppose and discourage any form of reprisals against SA interests or citizens in Nigeria!
On the legal plank, We support the suggestion that SA Government be dragged before the AFRICAN HUMAN AND PEOPLES RIGHTS COURT - based in ARUSHA, TANZANIA, to seek redress in the form of compensations for Nigerian victims in the unabated confrontations both in 2016 when 26 African immigrants, including Nigerians were killed and especially the18th February, 2017, reign of xenophobic terror which resulted in destruction, burning, looting of homes, workshops and properties of Nigerians - worth millions of US dollars, with professionally-documented evidences, authentic video footages, industrial experts/eye-witnesses reports!
Economic Sanctions: Trade between SA and Nigeria favours the former because its business interests in Nigeria spanning all areas of communications, industry, manufacturing, banking and commerce, are enormous; therefore, Federal Government should invoke economic sanctions against it without further delay! MTN which was slammed with a fine of US $5.2 dollars by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), in 2016, for impropriety in business transactions, and is yet to pay the in full, should be forced to pay with interests. Some Nigerians have even suggested that all SA business interests should be NATIONALIZED AND THEIR LICENCES WITHDRAWN immediately to send strong messages to the nation!
On the diplomatic front, most Nigerians opined that all relations with the HOSTILE NATION should be severed, that our High Commission and Consulate shut down, our ambassadors recalled, while all immigrant Nigerians repatriated! We will not support extreme measures especially when Nigeria's Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Information and Culture, have confirmed that no NIGERIAN LIFE was lost in the fracas but stand by our President's statement in the belief that there would be no future occurrence!
‘’And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise (Luke 6:31)’’.

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to:  facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/ zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390.  08080243066. G-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.

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