About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Monday, 30 November 2015

Global Terrorist Are Doomed To Destroy One Another Sooner Than Later!

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi , Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 4. NO 120. 29th November, 2015.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).


T hat the Heaven could come crashing to crush the Earth ’s crust to splinters would not constitute fright to one particular country but would generate among all nations, in stant response of necessary safety measures that would protect and preserve lives , properties and infrastructures irrespective of political religious or cultural differences ! It is therefore not surprising that World Powers have decided to unite more than ever since the establishment of N orth Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), at the end of World War II in 1945 , to fight the 21 Century common enemy called TERRORISIM which had ascended an unprecedented dimension and had virtually brought every nation no m atter how militarily powerful to its knees! When the Al Qu a eda terrorist group struck a devastating blow on 9 th September, 20 01 , in the United States through bomb attacks on the New York Twin Towers, and destroyed over 3000 lives and properties worth billions of United States dollars, it seemed that the Eastern Russia n Bloc was immuned to terrorism but now that the heat is turned on the region through the downing of two of its aircrafts and a military rescue helicopter within a space of about three weeks interval, the Russian President has come out smoking and threatening! A Russian Metro-jet airliner with 224 passengers and crew on board was shot down by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists over the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt , on 31 October, 2015, and there were no survivors!

Similarly on Tuesday, 24 November, 2015, Turkish Military Forces shot down a Russian Fighter-jet aircraft for violating the Turkey airspace along the Turkey-Syria border, killing the pilot on board while the rescue helicopter crew of two marine Russian pilots was not spared as it was also shot down , for further airspace violation !

Prior to these ugly incidents , pro-Russia n rebels had in April , 2014 invaded eastern Ukraine and forcibly occupied that region in what political analysts perceived as Russian’s further land acquisition ambition since the demise of the Soviet Union and had tacitly supported the rebel with arms, ammunition, funds, logistics, food and drugs, when sovereign Republic of Ukraine troops confronted them in war ! A 15-month Dutch Safety Board (DSB), i nvestigations recently revealed that it was a Russian-made Buk surface - to-air missile launched by the rebels that downed the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 which crashed into the rebel-held eastern Ukraine at the height of the conflict between government troops and the pro-Russian separatists in which a total of 283 passengers, including 80 children and 15 crew members , perished on 17 July, 2015! To date nearly 7 , 000 lives have been lost and the Russian Government kept denying any involvement with the rebels who have now declared the occupied region as, Donetsk Peoples Republic (DNR), although NATO stands firm in support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and has warned the Russian separatists against further Ukraine land grab as they (REBELS), threatened to expand their holdings further westwards!

Could the Russian Government’s present dilemma not be regarded as a reprisal of that act of terror on another sovereign State through subversion by their rebel allies? However, Russia is now prepared to join other world powers to fight global terrorism by jihadist groups which have become more pronounced with the recent downing of their aircraft by ISIL and the escalation of attack s on Paris by the same group which had gained more prominence as a lead terror group of the North Africa Region and parts of Europe! Already , France President Francois Hollande , has called on the United States Britain and their allies to join forces with his country where 130 souls were lost in a dastard ISIL as s aults, suicide bombing and gun attacks in Paris on the night of Friday 13 November, 2015 , to destroy the seeming invincibility of tho s e jihadist s ! The year 2000 was significant for many reasons because it served the dual purpose of ushering the advent of both a new century and millennium simultaneously and also for destroying the myth that the world would end mysteriously through destruction by fire on the very first day of January ! Since the biblical era of longevity which culminated in the record of Pa Methuselah who lived for 969 years (thirty-one year s short of a millennium), hardly had men successfully dwelt in vitality for one hundred years apiece and that perhaps gave vent to the theory that the persistent short span of life on planet earth was an indication of the winding up or extermination of the world population , though God had said that Man should flourish, be fruitful, multiply and subdue the Earth ! And while the United Nations planned the very laudable Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), global policy to lift the living condition s of its developing countries at par with those of the highly civilized climes to take off from the year 2000, some of the third world countries where native religious studies, beliefs, mysteries and fanaticisms had advanced several mystic theories through the worship of terrestrial and celestial gods , were obsess ed that a terminal end of the world by fire was very imminent in that year according to predictions which spur red many of such groups to disappear into caves and ravines to escape death without caring to contribute their own quota to national or universal, scientific and technological advancements !

Many world citizens pe rished in that strategic year 2000 through unwarranted fear, ignorance and faithlessness in the revealed truth as recorded in the Word of God! It is fifteen years (15), of a continuous world without end but of the escalation of terrorism to its highest peak of advanced sophistication in technological warfare in which virtually almost every independent nation has to deal with on e form of terrorism or insurgency or both at the same time! In Mali, West Africa, on Friday 20 November, terrorists of a n off-shoot of the al Quaeda jihadist group stormed a popular international hotel and in the process of hostage-taking and rescue operation , 22 people we re killed while 14 were injured! The Boko Haram terrorism, which was initially restricted to Nigeria’s North East States , has extended to Chad, Niger and Cameroun with recorded casualties, but through a joint multinational military cooperation, the vicious group – though seeking ISIL affiliation – is being totally eliminated and annihilated! Terrorist activities have become synonymous with countries like Syria, Tunisia, Iraq, Iran, Af ghanistan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia , Sudan, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) ; because there is virtually none of them that have not tasted bloodshed through suicide bombings , mass shootings, gun attacks and hostage taking in recent times ; which translates to the truth of an astronomical escalation of global terrorism even against the self-acclaimed world powers and their allies of Britain, Germany and France !

We must not lose sight of biblical prophecies and predictions of Old Testament Prophets in respect of divine judgment of sins against the nation of Israel which have been partially fulfilled through national Dispersion and most importantly the antecedent calamities to occur before the judgment of all nations of the world as predicted by the Lord Jesus Christ who would eventually judge them of all their ungodly deeds! The Lord Jesus Christ declared to His disciples towards the conclusion of His earthly ministry that the Jerusalem Temple would be destroyed because of abominations and that not one s tone of it be left upon another ; and t his prophecy was fulfilled in AD 70 when Emperor Titus of Roman Army besieged and overran the city !

Other predictions of the Lord Jesus Christ which He emphatically stated would occur before His Second Advent included the deluge of impersonators of Him, the Son of God, the sound of wars and rumours of wars which should not frighten true believers as they would only serve as the harbingers but not the end-time judgment! According to Him, “ For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in divers places. ” [Matthew. Chapter.24:1-46; and 25:31-46]. These prophecies are still being fulfilled in spite of the fact that World War 1 and World War II had long been concluded because according the Lord Jesus Christ, those events would only signify the beginning of sorrows and not the end of the world and this is the reason why all sovereign nation s would and must always unite to avert a THIRD WORLD WAR which seemed imminent by the day because of vicious and heinous acts of terrorism being perpetrated by man against man! Be it known that it would not be the combined forces of the United States of America and its allies that would crush, defeat and destroy global terrorism but GOD ; and Heaven would not come crashing down upon the Earth because there is no such item on the LORD’S end-time agenda !

But, one prophecy is sure a nd would definitely come to manifest sooner than later: “God will confound the language s of those jihadist terrorist groups, ISIL, al Queda , al Shabab , Boko Haram , Janja Weeds, Tuaregs and all their affiliates around the world and they would wage internal wars against themselves; slit one another’s throats, devour their own flesh and drink their own blood, believing it is sweet wine and the peace of God that passes human understanding will prevail globally !” Amen . Read Isaiah.49:24-26 and join all world citizens to observe weekly Wednesday intercessory prayers for continuous divine intervention against these enemies of PEACE!

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.

[For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com , https://

www.google.com/+ zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour , don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour . Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon , Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390. g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .

Wednesday, 25 November 2015


ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 4. NO 119. 22nd November, 2015.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).


International accoladesthrough diplomatic channelscoupledwith massivecitizens ’ approvals greeted the choice of the cabinet ministers and permanent secretaries carefully and prayerfull y -selected to serve Nigerians in the new Dispensation of Change being offered the nation by the All progressives Party (APC) . These crops of intelligent, diligent and tested men and women who had s ince commenced to implement Party Manifestoes t hrough positive mission direction being rooted in the var ious Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), in the form administrative re-orientation. Already, both the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), have collaborated to implement the Treasury Single Account (TSA), Policy recently re-invented by President Muhammadu Buhari , to assure Nigerians of his good intentions to ensure prudent and transparent management of all financial resources through ONE SINGLE ACCOUNT that could be scrutinized at all times by all and sundry but it seemed that some renegade Senators in the red chambers were bent on sabotaging the laudable efforts of Mr. President through unfounded allegations that N25 billion was fraudulently withdrawn from the account which is already endeared to all Nigerians ! The duo of Senators Olusola Saraki and Dino M elaye of the APC, who master-minded the Senate Chambers coup of 11 June, 2015, in collaboration with the opposition party, have championed this inglorious peddling of unsavoury untruths which has fully portrayed them and the others in the Senate Committee on Ethics, Pri vileges and Public Petitions, as the household enemies within the APC Camp! According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Saraki had said that no amount of intimidati on or blackmail would stop the Upper H ouse from investigating the alleged N25 billion TSA fraud! Dino Melaye, (Kogi West), had on 12 November, 2015, raised a false alarm on the floor of the Senate that N25 billion was fraudulently paid to an e-Collecting Firm, REMITA, in one day as one per cent of monies transferred to TSA and has thus misled the hallowed house to commence wastage of scarce public funds through fathom i n vestigatio ns , to be conducted for two weeks with the tax-payers money ! Is it not an irony of fate that while TSA Policy was mopping up all sundry accounts together, Saraki and Melaye were busy squandering the same funds through unwarranted Committee meetings presently in sessions! Facts of the TSA transactions from our reliable sources are as follows:

1. Melaye’s false motion was tabled on the floor of the Senate TWO WEEKS after all transactions of N7.63billion commission and NOT N25billion of his imagination, had been paid and refunded by the processing fee beneficiaries, comprising of CBN, 20 Commercial Banks and System specs (Remita e-Collection Platform) , due to detection of an anomaly by CBN!

2. CBN has confirmed that total TSA transfers stood at N1.5 trillion and not N2.5 trillion as alleged by Melaye on the floor of the Chambers.

3. Melaye exaggerated all figures in respect of TSA transfers and processing fees barefacedly with a view to scoring cheap popularity but ended up confirming that he was an unserious first term Senator who has devoted more time to paying solidarity to Saraki and his wife rather than to genuine legislative oversights!

We recommend that Melaye and his ilk of fifth columnists in the Senate hallowed chambers should apologize to Nigerians for towing this line of unholy sabotage against PMB , the Lord’s anointed , whose is on a sacred mission of cleansing the nation of all filth of past administrations of which he and Saraki were principal officers! WE MAKE BOLD TO STATE THAT THE RECORDS OF THE TSA ARE CLEAN AND ARE AVAILABL E FOR NIGERIANS TO VERIFY ON AP PLICATION! Nigerians in all walk s of life – especially the down trodden - had clamoured and intensified their agitations for transparency and accountability in governance since it became very glaring that the so-called messiah President from 1999 to 2007, was a wolf in sheep’s clothing – a hireling – who preferred to selfishly perpetrate himself in office rather than fulfil his oath of office! The Treasury Single Account, a mandatory provision , documented in Section 8 (1), of the 1999 Federal Republic of Nigeria Constitution as amended stipulates that : “All revenues or other moneys, raised or received by the Federation (not being revenue or other moneys payable under this Constitution or any Act of the National Assembly into any other public fund of the Federation established for a specific purpose), shall be paid into and form one Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Federation,” Former President Olusegun Aremu Obasanjo, took the oath to implement the letter and the spirit of the 1999 Constitution which included strict compliance to a SINGLE ACCOUNT but flagrantly disregarded the provision by operating multiple accounts for the collection/ disbursement of government’s revenue and bequeathed the baton of disobedience to his successors! The successful fiscal governance of any nation must anchor majorly on the economic direction, destination and transparency of the management team to deliver consistent and concrete democratic dividends that would be evident and visible to the electorate whose patience and resilienc e should never be overstretched! Past administrations in Nigeria – in particular, the very last one of former President Ebele Jonathan, passionately aspired to attain the position of being adjudged as one of the 20 most-economically viable countries of the world in the year 2020 without laying the imperative solid foundation of transparency and righteo usness which robbed that government total compliance when it first introduced the pilot scheme of TSA in 2012 by experimenting with 217 Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs)! Althou gh the sum of N500 billion was saved in frivolous spending , the policy died because the corrupt bosses of MDAs failed to comply thereafter and even until the departure of that government in spite of th reat of sanctions and deadlines ! Jonathan’s Administration could not successfully implement the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information Scheme (IPPIS), which was introduced late 2014 to block the ghost workers debacle but was also resisted, neither could it harmonize the country’s various data banks hosted by different government agencies such as Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), National Population Commission (NPC), Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Customs, Immigrati on Service and others! TSA which has now been re-introduced and became fully operational from 15 September, 2015, as part of the Change mantra of the All Prog r essives Congress ( APC ), was no doubt, a clear indication that fiscal issues could be handled faithfully with the manifestation of a political will and according to the rule of law ! This no doubt is the right direction to go in view of the fact that the legal mind s which addressed the issue of a single account for the Federation had good intentions towards the masses of the people at the lower wrung of the society who deserved better life, and greater attention in respect of government ’s dispensation of funds to meet all of the regular needs in areas of general welfare, health services, education, employment, decent accommodation, adequate security etc. BUT, the few privileged in position of authority have always FAILED to interpret and implement the legal document according to its true intentions! And whereas the preamble of the 1999 Constitution clearly states that SOVEREIGNTY over all government activities and affairs belonged to the people – that is, the electorate MUST an d would always have the supreme authority to decide on all matters through voting at elections to choose their representatives at the National Assembly (NASS)/State Assemblies , through the mechanisms of the RECALL channel or through plebiscite s to decide on important issues of critical national importance , YET crafty politicians have succeeded in the past to sideline them and manipulate the system to their own advantage when it comes to disbursement or appropriation of funds through the multiple instead of a Single Treasury Account as stipulated in the Constitution , though the masses are the nation’s WORK FORCE ! In the past, large sums of funds had been deliberately appropriated to RECURRENT EXPENDITURE (salaries, allowances, transportation, accommodation, vacations etc, at the expense of CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ( major infrastructures for power, energy, water, roads, educational institutions, modern health facilities, agriculture, industries etc,), that would impact positively and benefit the lager population by unpopular and selfish administrations, but the APC Government, through the smart move of the TSA Policy, is no doubt determined to prove to Nigerians at home and the Diaspora that the new administration would be predicated on the principles of faithfulness, righteousness, transparency and accountability !

TSA is a major public accounting system among the numerous financial policies that can be used to check fraud and reckless abuse of government funds ; ensure proper cash management/ accountability, enhance transparency or misapplication of public funds. It is a process and avenue for establishing genuine banking and total-cash-at-a-glance position in one single account! Through TSA, multiple banking arrangements which were open to abuse are eliminated while economy and efficiency into overall management of public finances will ensure effectiveness in government’s spending through an overall picture of account balance at any given time! Between the period of full implementation on 15 , September, 2015, mentioned earlier to the time of this publication, TSA transfers stood at N1.5 trillion, according to CBN, and would continue to rise to the advantage of an economy being conducted under a transparent financial regime! It is unfortunate that Saraki and Melaye are very unhappy with this trend of righteousness in government and until they bend or break, they will remain the CLOG IN THE WHEEL OF PROGRESS; whose judgment is closely at hand! TSA full implementation is a victorious financial emancipation for all Nigerians. “ P ut the money for ground; count am, make all man se e ! Hurray! Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.

[For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com , https://

www.google.com/+ zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390. g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Must Nigerian Youths Be Dragged Into The Trauma of Vicious Deceits Again and Again By The PDP ?

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 4. NO 118. 15th November, 2015.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).


Indeed,these are trying times for some Nigerian Youths who have remained pawn on the chess board of unfaithful politicians who continue to harass, intimidate, manipulate and dazzle the poverty-stricken among them with illicit money to submit to all manner of il legal activities ranging from thuggery to armed robbery, insurgency and even terrorism! Youths fought the Biafra war of the sixties; they were the Niger Delta militants who ravaged the South-South Geo-Political Zone in the eighties and the nineties; they were em ployed as ballot boxes snatchers and election riggers before the 2015 elections which was a knotty nut to crack with the introduction of Voter Card Readers; they were the “Frankenstein Monsters” known as Boko Haram , invented from the political laboratories of rouge politicians between 1999 and 2015; they have been groomed to do the dirty jobs of the immoral and insensitive adult population which engage d them for pittance and dump them at will! Those who had neither vision nor mission direction were sponsored and gathered together again last Thursday, 12 November, 2015, in Abuja to be brainwashed by the opposition party to participate in the mainstream partisan politics of a rebranded Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), hoping to return to power at the Federal level in 2019 and employ 2 million in their first year of return ! The immediate past PDP Youth Leader was 60 years old! It is on record that Nigerian Youths never had it so bad as they did in the last 16 years of PDP governments when they had to spend up to ten years in tertiary institutions instead of five for Arts and seven f o r Medicine Courses, due to incessant strikes by lecturers who did not receive regular salaries! Young people of all nation s should be guided and prepared for leadership positions with t he ideal philosophical doctrine that would enhance and increase development as societies grow and age slowly in order to avoid political, economic or social retrogression ! It is imperative that governments engage in efforts that would harvest the great potentials and positive energies of these youths who a re the nerve centre s or engine room s from which ideas should be regularly generated to replenish and sustain economic development and civilization instead of misdirecting and brainwashing them into believing unholy doctrines of nation-building and democratic principles through forceful agendas should lead them to understand mutual agreements and meaningful dialogue of conflict resolutions ! About 70 percent of the Nigerian population is made up of able-bodied youths! Six years into Nigeria’s nascent democracy, a military coup de’ tat which suddenly changed the political destiny of the nation into a civil war scenario erupted as the then Eastern Nigeria government agitated for self-determination, proclaimed and christened that region as “State of Biafra”! The war lasted for 30 months, 16 July , 1967 to 12 January, 1970! In a declaration over the t hen “Biafran Radio” Major General Phillip Effiong, unconditionally surrendered and was accepted on 15 January, 1970, by General Yakubu Gowon, Nigerian Head of State who declared general amnesty for all those misled into attempting to disintegrate the country and rejoiced that all Nigerians were once again re-united! The Biafran Civil War took an estimated TWO MILLION LIVES, including many Biafran able-bodied me n, children and women and cost over USD $840 mil lion dollars according to the Federal Military Government! W ould it not amount to sheer insensi b i li ty and moral ineptitude for pressure groups from that same region who did not experience the Civil War, to further agitate for a Biafran State which has become a dead delusion already tucked away in the annals of history 45 years ago since the sovereign State of Nigeria moved on to greater heights with 36 States of 774 Local Government Areas (LGA), including those of the Federal Capital Territory !

WHO ARE THE INDEGENOUS PEOPLE OF BIAFRA (IPOB), AND MOVEMENT FOR THE ACTUALIZATION OF THE SOVEREIGN STATE OF BIAFRA (MASSOB)? Are they those who have tasted the bitter pills of war or those who were not even born after the declaration of NO VICTOR NO VANQUISHED? These agitators are mere rabble rousers who would stop at nothing short of attracting attention of inordinate ambition to acquire some illicit financial gains ! Te n years into the new attempt o f fresh democratic experience – precisely from August 2009 - a small religious sect made up of young people and christen ed Boko Haram, rebelled against constituted authority in Bornu State in North East , through organised insurgency which involved the destruction of lives and properties on large scales through acts of terrorism! Until very recently after a change of government, all efforts by the previous administration to curb the situation did not yield meaningful results ! The reasons for the rebellion was predicated mainly on government’s dereliction of duty in respect of delivering on social contract promises of the basic amenities of life – food, clothing, shelter, education and employment opportunities with living wages for the teeming youths who roamed the streets without the hope of where regular income or meals would be obtained! According to available statistics, not less than a million lives have been lost i n this 21 Century mindless w ar of attrition and yet politicians of the failed past administrations are now more concerned about how they can bounce back to “power” in 2019, instead of giving account of their 16 years of stewardship of looting - 1999 -2015, which almost destroyed the economy! Apart from fresh agitations for another state of Biafra which has taken street protest s dimension and which some politicians from the six South Eastern States secretly and succinctly support , some failed politicians of PDP , recently gathered some sponsored youths mentioned earlier from the 774 Local Government Areas, ( two delegates each, male and female), from each LGA to participate in a “wishy-washy” Abuja National Conference rebranding effort which w as still-born on delivery on Thursday, 12 November, 2015, the d ay after the successful inaugur ation of very outstanding and ebullient newly-born Federal Executive Council Ministers who took oath of office and immediately roared into dynamic action! Befor e that infamous convention the C onvener/ Chairman, and former Chief Executive Officer (CEO), of Da ’ ar Communications took time to engage his news dissemination outfit s , African Independent Television (AIT), and Ray Power Radio, which took the centre stage for hate speeches and documentaries against the incumbent President during political campaigns leading to the 2015 General Elections , to now apologize to all Nigerians to forgive the PDP for messing up Nigeria for 16 years of bad administration characterized by ineptitude and impunity of those he described as the garrison commanders of the Party ! M ost importantly, Raymond Dokpesi, apologized to the nation for fielding Goodluck Ebele Jonat han in 2011 and 2015 against PDP’s policy of rotational presidency between the North and South ! We were not surprised when the Party’s spokesman, Olisa Metuh, contradicted Dokpesi’s apologies whom he said made personal statements since he was neither a member of the National Executive Council (NEC ), nor a member of the National Working Committee (NWC) adding that PDP had no apologies for anyone! An appraisal of the so-called rebranding conference exposed vituperations of bad losers - who were yet to pay dearly for looting the Nigerian treasury with reckless abandon for 16 long years - revealed the following outbursts from the unrepentant PDP remnants:
1. Acting Chairman Uche Secundu s, celebrated “victory” of the minority Party (PDP), over the majority Party (APC), at Senate plenary on Wednesday 11 November, 2015, when deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu, presided over the affairs which was disrupted in a walk-out by some APC Senators before Senate President Bukola Saraki, took over mid-way, o n arrival from the inauguration of FEC Ministers at the Presidential Villa! What a small minority mind! We thank God that the leadership of the Nigerian Armed Forces not gullible to be pressured by desperate bloody civilians!

2. Ike Ekweremadu in his own contribution at the rebranding conference exploded without restraint that the ruling Party APC had not fulfilled a single item of its campaign promises and manifestos though it is very glaring that the issue of national security , counter terrorism and the anti-corruption cru sade is gaining strong momentum; that the Boko Ha ram terrorists have arrived the “Waterloo Station” and that all agencies of government are working on full steam to put t he economy on the right footing; that the promised presidential team of minist ers have hit the ground running; yet according to the ir wounded ego, APC was yet to function !

3. Interestingly, only AIT electronic outfit was on duty at the venue which lacked all the pomp and pageantry of previous PDP outings before their defeat and could not even complete the coverage due to the Edo State 7 Anniversary Ce lebration - fully paid for - and which could not be ignored due to the cash crunch situation of the outfit across board!

4. Retired General Ibrahim Babangida rejected the invitation of Dokpesi who could not see him to the Aso Rock Seat in 2011 as his Campaign Director Genera l; so were other absentees; regarded as “founding fathers” and members of the NEC and NWC!

5. Dokpesi continued his lamentations over the failure of the PDP Governments of the past 16 years and concluded by prophesying that the “rebranded” PDP was not dead, would not die and would never die ! “Who is he that saith , and it commeth to pass, when the LORD commandeth it not? [Lamentation.3:37].

6. We believe in the freedom of expression but would advise that the High Chief who could not rebrand Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida ( IBB ); may find it very, difficult to rebrand those who were mentored by the “ Maradonna ” and master drib b ler!

7. Did any YOUTH DELEGATE contribute meaningfully to the rebranding debates, lectures or interactions at the venue? We very much doubt it!

We believe it was high time Nigerian youths resisted all forms of mental and physical slavery to which they have been subjected by discredited politicians who only needed them to desperately get undeserved political offices for the sake of filthy lucre ; take their destiny in their hands and collaborate with this brand new dispensation of the divine Government of Righteousness! The Word of God for the Nigerian Youths: “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee and His glory shall be seen upon thee. Amen. [Isaiah.60: 1-2]. Let all Nigerians s upport the new government to destroy the neo-colonialist tendencies/ manipulations and the wicked attitude of man’s inhumanity to man of the past and together usher a vista of a new dawn and a new hope for these bright generations of future leaders ! PDP is not only dead like Babylon – it has gone under and will never rise again – because its sins are worse than those of Sodom and Gomorrah! Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.

[For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com , https://

www.google.com/+ zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390. g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .

Monday, 9 November 2015

Were The Niger Delta Governors Their Brothers' Keepers ?

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 4. NO 117. 8th November, 2015.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).


Although the Federal Government of Nigeria has constitutional responsibility to judiciously manage and allocate financial proceeds derivable from all exploitable mineral resources in any part of the Federation as stipulated under the Exclusive Legislative List, the Derivation Principle of allocating some percentage of funds as compensation to the exploited States remained a priority according to the principles of fairness, equity and justice! Until recently with the change of administration, lip- service had been paid to diversification from the mono-economic product of Crude Oil to Agriculture and other Mineral resources which are in abundance in all States of the Federation. The oil-producing States of the Niger Delta had always been in the forefront of persistent agitation for increase in the Derivation formula which had been stagnant at 13 per cent since the new attempt at democracy in1999 and as such, Nigerians have been subjected to constant threats of warfare and destabilization of peace by militants of all categories from the region! Certainly it would be unpatriotic for any Nigerian to think that the Niger Delta region would not need extra funds outside of their Federation Account share to take care of the avalanche of devastation of the landscape which resulted from exploration and exploitation especially by foreign oil companies which were more concerned about profits than their corporate social responsibility pact! Fellow Nigerians domiciled in the hinterland, outside of Rivers, Bayelsa, Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Delta, and some parts of Edo and Ondo States, needed to physically visit and experience at first hand, the mental, emotional, intolerable and inconducive environmental trauma, the indigenes of those areas had been condemned to for over 40 years of bad management by successive administrations! However, there is a twist to this line of thought even though about 90% of Nigeria’s economic income was derivable from crude oil extraction from the Niger Delta; if other Nigerians who benefit immensely from this oil funds should have empathy and join in demanding for an increase of Derivation percentage, should their Governors and politicians be insensitive to the plight of their own kith and kin by taking undue advantage of those who were restricted to rural livelihood?

A new line of thought points to the axiom which states that a person who had not complained of pain or general debility of the body needed not be over pampered with unsolicited hospitality which might turn out to be unappreciated as it was in case of two emerging groups who claimed: That no one should ‘poke nose’ or comment on how their governments dispensed both the affirmative 13% Derivation Fund and the monthly allocation from the Federation Account because they were in collusion with the management team in charge of the funds, and Those who became militants to take their own share of the national cake by force! During the National Political Reform Conference convoked by former President Olusegun Obasanjo, some Northern delegates drew attention of the whole House to the recklessness of Niger Delta Governors and their accomplices who virtually embezzled State funds with reckless abandon; but surprisingly, the delegates from that region seemed unperturbed as they neither contested nor denied the allegations but brazenly told anyone who cared to listen that they were content with whatever the Governors did with the allocations since the money in question belonged to their States!

That response of the Niger Delta delegates will remain intriguing to Nigerians as it would to posterity because as at that time the late Governor of Bayelsa, Diepreye Solomon Peter Alamieyeseigha, who outsmarted the London Police was already on trial in Nigeria for money laundering and embezzlement of public funds. Likewise his Delta State counterpart James Ibori, (presently serving jail sentences in a London Prison), was also under investigations by Economic Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), for similar offences! To date, at least five governors from the Niger Delta States, have been accused of financial misappropriation and embezzlement and three of them (including, Lucky Igbinedion of Edo State), have been successfully prosecuted and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment! The plight of the suffering masses of Niger Delta should be of utmost priority to all Nigerians who believe in the doctrine of fundamental human rights for all law-abiding citizens because neither the Conference Delegates nor the agitating Militants had ever spoken the minds of these helpless citizens who dwell and die in the most degraded manner in slums of oil pollution and acid rain of the worst type of ecological terrain! They are the THIRD voiceless group whose farmlands and fish ponds have been overrun by oil spillages and who were never compensated even when compensations were paid by the oil exploiters and who are the voiceless ones to have a say on how they were governed!

On 3rd November 2015, Amnesty International ( A Non-Governmental Agency which protects human rights, stands up for justice, fairness, freedom and truth world-wide), drew the attention of both the Federal Government and all citizens to a fresh wave of connivance between an international Oil Company, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), and a Nigerian environmental agency, National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA), to alleged forgery and embezzlement of funds allocated for clean-up of oil spills sites in the Niger Delta , which were not cleaned but for which CLEAN-UP CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION had been issued! Amnesty Country Director, Mr. Mohammed K. Ibrahim, who made the disclosure, according to the News Agency of Nigeria (NANS), urged President Buhari to look into the fraud and that Nigerians should sue the two collaborators and partners in crime to get redress for the environmental injuries already afflicted on the psyche of the innocent and helpless indigenes of Niger Delta! The Human Rights Group had accused SPDC and NOSDRA of connivance and false claims of CLEAN-UP of oil spill contaminated sites in the oil-producing States some years ago when in actual fact, their claims were nothing but a well-calculated fraud and also suggested that the two agencies be charged to court and made to pay for damages and cited similar erring organizations like BP in the United States which had to pay heavy fines through criminal and civil litigations for justice to take its course! The Group also urged President Muhammadu Buhari to ensure that recommendations of the United Nations Environmental Program on the clean-up of oil spills sites in the Niger Delta region were implemented adding that its latest findings had placed a question of credibility of NOSDRA, the agency involved in the fraudulent exercise issuing certificates for unexecuted jobs in the first instance! Shell Petroleum Development Company (SDPC), has played pioneering roles in the Nigerian crude oil exploration and exploitation industry in the past 50 years and one would expect diligence, quality, dexterity, versatility, sincerity, uprightness, righteousness and perfection in all its business transactions but the reserve of all these qualities are what they have on display! Could it be that the corruptive portfolio of past administrations since independence had smeared on SDPC or that the malaise was actually part of their own business baggage to break through and maintain monopoly of the petroleum industry in Nigeria? But the crux of the matter is that, should the indigenes of a developing nation connive with foreigners to sabotage the main-stay economic product of their country and in aid of the love of money? *Did you know that the Yar’Adua-Jonathan Administration in 2007 flagged off the Amnesty program for Niger Delta militants which proffered peace for that region till date when the contract should be reviewed in December 2015? *Did you also know that,starting with Jonathan who studied Hydrobiology/Fisheries and Biology and was Assistant Director in the defunct Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development Commission (OMPADEC), between 1993-1998, prior to his political career, Niger Delta indigenes had always been saddled with environmental degradation issues with the strong belief that they would identify where the “shoe pinches”! The Federal Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs was at different times headed by indigenes who also had higher percentage of staff; all other Environmental Agencies including NOSDRA, which has colluded with SDPC, all have larger share of workers and Board members as indigenes with a view to ensuring quality delivery of all contracts! With this shocking revelation about NOSDRA, the big question now is that, WHOM WOULD THE NIGER DELTA STATE VOICELESS INDEGENES NOW DEPEND ON FOR JUSTICE WHEN THEIR OWN KITH AND KIN HAVE ALLEGEDLY HI-JACKED THEIR MONETARY COMPENSATION FOR UNEXECUTED CONTRACT BY ISSUING FAKE COMPLETION CERTIFICATE AND HAVE LEFT THEM HIGH AND DRY?

The ball is the domain of PMB who we expect to probe this grave allegation against NOSDRA and bring all erring back-stabbers to quick justice and also sanction SDPC officials who were also involved in this shameful contract which have destroyed hundreds of hundreds of lives and properties, just because of the love of money……they should be named, shamed, prosecuted and jailed to serve as deterrent to the present and up-coming generations of NIGER DELTA indigenes who deserve a better deal from their brethren and fatherland! Please always remember that only the TRUTH shall set us free as a people and that only RIGHTEOUSNESS will exalt NIGERIA as a nation because SIN remains a reproach to all of us!

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.

Monday, 2 November 2015

MTN Must Face The Consequencies of Covetousness !

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 4. NO 116. 1st November, 2015.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).


Before the year 2014 when Nigeria was adjudged the largest economy and international commercial destination in Africa, South Africa had been the commercial nerve centre and the industrial attraction of world business gurus but with Nigeria’s superficially imposed image, a very cold diplomatic war brewed silently between the two big developing black nations! First, a privately-owned jet aircraft loaned by a Nigerian Pastor to transfer raw green notes of United States dollars totaling $9.3million, was apprehended and seized by South African anti-graft security agents in one of their local airports in view of the illegality of the whole transaction which involved the physical presence of an ex-South-South militant who escorted other members of crew to “purchase arms for the Federal Government of the Peoples Democratic (PDP), government of that period to fight Boko Haram terrorism! We have been reliably informed that the said amount would now be repatriated to Nigeria on 30 November, 2015, as a gesture of camaraderie to the new Change government of President Buhari! Second, in that same year, another diplomatic row ensued when a pastor’s six-storey building in Lagos State collapsed suddenly and killed more than 89 South Africans on pilgrimage to a self-acclaimed prophet in Nigeria – the flame of the ugly incident is yet to die! Now, MTN Nigeria, a subsidiary of MTN South Africa, Africa’s biggest mobile phone operator, is kicking off another diplomatic row by imploring the South African government to intervene and mitigate a fine imposed on it by Nigeria’s communications regulator, in the third week of October 2015 for contravening communications regulations in Nigeria! We will implore South African authorities to stand clear of this case which smells of covetousness and greed and by extension, a security breach on the part of their over ambitious ambassadors! A common trait of impunity runs through the veins and arteries of criminals, law breakers, covenant and truce breakers who, having infringed and contravened all manner of statutes or commandments either by default, commission or omission would always prefer to escape the consequences of chastisement or punishment! The recent exhibition of protests displayed by MTN Nigeria – a subsidiary of MTN South Africa, over a fine of N1 .4trillion (USD $5.2billion), by communications regulator, Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC), for infringement over Subscriber Identification Module (SIM), deactivation, was the highest form of irresponsibility and impunity by a major service provider of its caliber, and a show of executive rascality by its management board because the organization was privy and also a signatory to the fine template of N200.000 naira per unregistered SIM after the set deadline! MTN Nigeria failed to fully deactivate 52 million subscribers with unregistered SIM Card details on its networks within the stipulated deadline given to all mobile phone operators in the country to comply with its directive! THIS SERVICE PROVIDER WAS GIVEN TILL 16 NOVEMBER, 2015 TO PAY UP THE FINE OR FACE STIFFER PENALTIES! It should be noted by all and sundry that the era of disobedience to lawful orders and business as usual in Nigeria where the doctrine of rule of law is now well-grounded would no longer be tolerated – not by alien corporate bodies which were always out to infringe and corrupt governance through all forms of manipulations of the system. MTN Nigeria should understand that the time of bribing Nigerian Legislators with exotic mobile phones plus customized SIM Cards and the annual supply of credit cards are over and discarded in this period of national re-orientation, stabilization and sanitization! MTN Nigeria had displayed reckless greed and covetousness since 2002 when it debuted as a major service provider because it found gullible officials who would collect bribe even from the dead during failed administrations which were laced with executive-aided corruption which stank to high heavens! In spite of the fact that it came second after ECONET, it quickly embraced the fifty naira per minute billing without caring for the economic conditions and pecuniary situation of the masses – in fact it foisted a mantra of restricting the facility to the upper echelon of the society that can afford the exorbitant rates to the detriment of other considerations of citizens civil obligations like information gathering for crime prevention and security breaches! MTN SIM cards were sold for between N16.000 and 20.000 while the least of small handsets sold for N30.000 naira and above and the least amount of credit that could be loaded at that obnoxious period was N1.500. 00, until Globacom, an indigenous communications Service Provider invaded the scene in 2003 and broke MTN’s jinx by introducing per second call billing charges which the MTN claimed would take about FIVE YEARS to achieve because of their greed! According to REUTERS NEWS AGENCY, MTN Group now seeks to reduce the sanction by involving diplomatic intervention as its Shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), fell continuously following the news of the USD $5.2 fine imposed on the company’s Nigerian subsidiary as investors scrambled to cut their losses which had gone up to 16% in the last week of October, 2015! It is on record that MTN Nigeria garnered at least ONE BILLION NAIRA daily from subscribers for very poor, very irritating and very nauseating services rendered in the last 10 years of stiff competition by other major service providers and in a particular year declared a profit of N72 billion naira after tax, so it is convenient to assume that it could pay the fine without a sweat although their apologists insinuated that the fine could wipe out more than two years of their annual profit! Although MTN is still pursuing the possibility of canvassing a reduction of the fine, we opine that they be reminded of the African adage which states that: “Whatever a covetous person greedily amassed would always turn out as his undoing in monumental loss!” Some commercial analysts have expressed that MTN’s loss could also affect Nigeria’s international investment portfolio negatively if the fine was not reviewed downward but we beg to disagree and opine that it was better that the service provider outfit pay its fine to the last cent, sell or dismantle its operations in Nigeria in order to save Nigeria the continuous embarrassment of constant COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY BREACHES! *Did you know that SIM Cards registration was the brain-child of all Nigerian security agencies initiated since 2008 to assist in resolving crimes perpetrated through the use of phones in which criminal elements could not be identified with the number of the phones they used? *Did you also know that that the kidnapping of elder statesman and former Secretary to the Federal Government (SGF), in September 2015, further compounded matters for MTN Nigeria, according to Reuters, when the service provider could not provide requisite information on its mobile numbers that were used by the kidnappers to negotiate a ransom with Falae’s family members? We would want to ask Nigerian subscribers who have been shortchanged for so long this very salient question, “Should MTN be allowed to jeopardize and breach our security arrangements with impunity or made to pay the fine and thereafter be expelled to allow for a quick end to Boko Haram terrorism or be allowed to continue business as usual to the detriment of other service providers which had consistently provided patriotic, diligent and quality services? Should we quickly forget MTN’s many deficiencies and fallibilities? Regular failure of network connections, breaks in conversation transmissions, outrageous billing systems, outright deductions from clients’ accounts for services not rendered, UNSOLICITED AND VEXTATIOUS SMS’s; deliberate invasion of private phone with all manner of perverse advertisements, forceful and criminal “conscription” of the clientele’ to subscribe to all manner spurious and dubious scams; bombardment and abuse of phone privacy though incessant and irrelevant calls 24/7; disappearance of credit balance from phone at the whim and caprice of the MTN service provider ; data plans conscription under the unknown “terms and conditions applicable”! Those who were patient to pursue their fundamental rights to the MTN Nigeria CUSTOMER CARE CENTRE have many sorry tales to tell – “you can stay glued forever without being attended to”! Should we go on? THE 10 COMMANDMENT SAYS, “THOU SHALL NOT COVET…….”! Other service providers should learn their lessons and remain focused as partners in progress with the new government which is progressively cleaning and cleansing the AUGEAN STABLE! The security of Nigeria must always take precedence in all business and commercial transactions ! A word is sufficient for the WISE! Amen. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.