About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Monday, 30 November 2015

Global Terrorist Are Doomed To Destroy One Another Sooner Than Later!

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi , Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 4. NO 120. 29th November, 2015.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).


T hat the Heaven could come crashing to crush the Earth ’s crust to splinters would not constitute fright to one particular country but would generate among all nations, in stant response of necessary safety measures that would protect and preserve lives , properties and infrastructures irrespective of political religious or cultural differences ! It is therefore not surprising that World Powers have decided to unite more than ever since the establishment of N orth Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), at the end of World War II in 1945 , to fight the 21 Century common enemy called TERRORISIM which had ascended an unprecedented dimension and had virtually brought every nation no m atter how militarily powerful to its knees! When the Al Qu a eda terrorist group struck a devastating blow on 9 th September, 20 01 , in the United States through bomb attacks on the New York Twin Towers, and destroyed over 3000 lives and properties worth billions of United States dollars, it seemed that the Eastern Russia n Bloc was immuned to terrorism but now that the heat is turned on the region through the downing of two of its aircrafts and a military rescue helicopter within a space of about three weeks interval, the Russian President has come out smoking and threatening! A Russian Metro-jet airliner with 224 passengers and crew on board was shot down by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists over the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt , on 31 October, 2015, and there were no survivors!

Similarly on Tuesday, 24 November, 2015, Turkish Military Forces shot down a Russian Fighter-jet aircraft for violating the Turkey airspace along the Turkey-Syria border, killing the pilot on board while the rescue helicopter crew of two marine Russian pilots was not spared as it was also shot down , for further airspace violation !

Prior to these ugly incidents , pro-Russia n rebels had in April , 2014 invaded eastern Ukraine and forcibly occupied that region in what political analysts perceived as Russian’s further land acquisition ambition since the demise of the Soviet Union and had tacitly supported the rebel with arms, ammunition, funds, logistics, food and drugs, when sovereign Republic of Ukraine troops confronted them in war ! A 15-month Dutch Safety Board (DSB), i nvestigations recently revealed that it was a Russian-made Buk surface - to-air missile launched by the rebels that downed the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 which crashed into the rebel-held eastern Ukraine at the height of the conflict between government troops and the pro-Russian separatists in which a total of 283 passengers, including 80 children and 15 crew members , perished on 17 July, 2015! To date nearly 7 , 000 lives have been lost and the Russian Government kept denying any involvement with the rebels who have now declared the occupied region as, Donetsk Peoples Republic (DNR), although NATO stands firm in support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and has warned the Russian separatists against further Ukraine land grab as they (REBELS), threatened to expand their holdings further westwards!

Could the Russian Government’s present dilemma not be regarded as a reprisal of that act of terror on another sovereign State through subversion by their rebel allies? However, Russia is now prepared to join other world powers to fight global terrorism by jihadist groups which have become more pronounced with the recent downing of their aircraft by ISIL and the escalation of attack s on Paris by the same group which had gained more prominence as a lead terror group of the North Africa Region and parts of Europe! Already , France President Francois Hollande , has called on the United States Britain and their allies to join forces with his country where 130 souls were lost in a dastard ISIL as s aults, suicide bombing and gun attacks in Paris on the night of Friday 13 November, 2015 , to destroy the seeming invincibility of tho s e jihadist s ! The year 2000 was significant for many reasons because it served the dual purpose of ushering the advent of both a new century and millennium simultaneously and also for destroying the myth that the world would end mysteriously through destruction by fire on the very first day of January ! Since the biblical era of longevity which culminated in the record of Pa Methuselah who lived for 969 years (thirty-one year s short of a millennium), hardly had men successfully dwelt in vitality for one hundred years apiece and that perhaps gave vent to the theory that the persistent short span of life on planet earth was an indication of the winding up or extermination of the world population , though God had said that Man should flourish, be fruitful, multiply and subdue the Earth ! And while the United Nations planned the very laudable Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), global policy to lift the living condition s of its developing countries at par with those of the highly civilized climes to take off from the year 2000, some of the third world countries where native religious studies, beliefs, mysteries and fanaticisms had advanced several mystic theories through the worship of terrestrial and celestial gods , were obsess ed that a terminal end of the world by fire was very imminent in that year according to predictions which spur red many of such groups to disappear into caves and ravines to escape death without caring to contribute their own quota to national or universal, scientific and technological advancements !

Many world citizens pe rished in that strategic year 2000 through unwarranted fear, ignorance and faithlessness in the revealed truth as recorded in the Word of God! It is fifteen years (15), of a continuous world without end but of the escalation of terrorism to its highest peak of advanced sophistication in technological warfare in which virtually almost every independent nation has to deal with on e form of terrorism or insurgency or both at the same time! In Mali, West Africa, on Friday 20 November, terrorists of a n off-shoot of the al Quaeda jihadist group stormed a popular international hotel and in the process of hostage-taking and rescue operation , 22 people we re killed while 14 were injured! The Boko Haram terrorism, which was initially restricted to Nigeria’s North East States , has extended to Chad, Niger and Cameroun with recorded casualties, but through a joint multinational military cooperation, the vicious group – though seeking ISIL affiliation – is being totally eliminated and annihilated! Terrorist activities have become synonymous with countries like Syria, Tunisia, Iraq, Iran, Af ghanistan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia , Sudan, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) ; because there is virtually none of them that have not tasted bloodshed through suicide bombings , mass shootings, gun attacks and hostage taking in recent times ; which translates to the truth of an astronomical escalation of global terrorism even against the self-acclaimed world powers and their allies of Britain, Germany and France !

We must not lose sight of biblical prophecies and predictions of Old Testament Prophets in respect of divine judgment of sins against the nation of Israel which have been partially fulfilled through national Dispersion and most importantly the antecedent calamities to occur before the judgment of all nations of the world as predicted by the Lord Jesus Christ who would eventually judge them of all their ungodly deeds! The Lord Jesus Christ declared to His disciples towards the conclusion of His earthly ministry that the Jerusalem Temple would be destroyed because of abominations and that not one s tone of it be left upon another ; and t his prophecy was fulfilled in AD 70 when Emperor Titus of Roman Army besieged and overran the city !

Other predictions of the Lord Jesus Christ which He emphatically stated would occur before His Second Advent included the deluge of impersonators of Him, the Son of God, the sound of wars and rumours of wars which should not frighten true believers as they would only serve as the harbingers but not the end-time judgment! According to Him, “ For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in divers places. ” [Matthew. Chapter.24:1-46; and 25:31-46]. These prophecies are still being fulfilled in spite of the fact that World War 1 and World War II had long been concluded because according the Lord Jesus Christ, those events would only signify the beginning of sorrows and not the end of the world and this is the reason why all sovereign nation s would and must always unite to avert a THIRD WORLD WAR which seemed imminent by the day because of vicious and heinous acts of terrorism being perpetrated by man against man! Be it known that it would not be the combined forces of the United States of America and its allies that would crush, defeat and destroy global terrorism but GOD ; and Heaven would not come crashing down upon the Earth because there is no such item on the LORD’S end-time agenda !

But, one prophecy is sure a nd would definitely come to manifest sooner than later: “God will confound the language s of those jihadist terrorist groups, ISIL, al Queda , al Shabab , Boko Haram , Janja Weeds, Tuaregs and all their affiliates around the world and they would wage internal wars against themselves; slit one another’s throats, devour their own flesh and drink their own blood, believing it is sweet wine and the peace of God that passes human understanding will prevail globally !” Amen . Read Isaiah.49:24-26 and join all world citizens to observe weekly Wednesday intercessory prayers for continuous divine intervention against these enemies of PEACE!

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.

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www.google.com/+ zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour , don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour . Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon , Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390. g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .

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