About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Wednesday, 25 November 2015


ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 4. NO 119. 22nd November, 2015.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).


International accoladesthrough diplomatic channelscoupledwith massivecitizens ’ approvals greeted the choice of the cabinet ministers and permanent secretaries carefully and prayerfull y -selected to serve Nigerians in the new Dispensation of Change being offered the nation by the All progressives Party (APC) . These crops of intelligent, diligent and tested men and women who had s ince commenced to implement Party Manifestoes t hrough positive mission direction being rooted in the var ious Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), in the form administrative re-orientation. Already, both the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), have collaborated to implement the Treasury Single Account (TSA), Policy recently re-invented by President Muhammadu Buhari , to assure Nigerians of his good intentions to ensure prudent and transparent management of all financial resources through ONE SINGLE ACCOUNT that could be scrutinized at all times by all and sundry but it seemed that some renegade Senators in the red chambers were bent on sabotaging the laudable efforts of Mr. President through unfounded allegations that N25 billion was fraudulently withdrawn from the account which is already endeared to all Nigerians ! The duo of Senators Olusola Saraki and Dino M elaye of the APC, who master-minded the Senate Chambers coup of 11 June, 2015, in collaboration with the opposition party, have championed this inglorious peddling of unsavoury untruths which has fully portrayed them and the others in the Senate Committee on Ethics, Pri vileges and Public Petitions, as the household enemies within the APC Camp! According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Saraki had said that no amount of intimidati on or blackmail would stop the Upper H ouse from investigating the alleged N25 billion TSA fraud! Dino Melaye, (Kogi West), had on 12 November, 2015, raised a false alarm on the floor of the Senate that N25 billion was fraudulently paid to an e-Collecting Firm, REMITA, in one day as one per cent of monies transferred to TSA and has thus misled the hallowed house to commence wastage of scarce public funds through fathom i n vestigatio ns , to be conducted for two weeks with the tax-payers money ! Is it not an irony of fate that while TSA Policy was mopping up all sundry accounts together, Saraki and Melaye were busy squandering the same funds through unwarranted Committee meetings presently in sessions! Facts of the TSA transactions from our reliable sources are as follows:

1. Melaye’s false motion was tabled on the floor of the Senate TWO WEEKS after all transactions of N7.63billion commission and NOT N25billion of his imagination, had been paid and refunded by the processing fee beneficiaries, comprising of CBN, 20 Commercial Banks and System specs (Remita e-Collection Platform) , due to detection of an anomaly by CBN!

2. CBN has confirmed that total TSA transfers stood at N1.5 trillion and not N2.5 trillion as alleged by Melaye on the floor of the Chambers.

3. Melaye exaggerated all figures in respect of TSA transfers and processing fees barefacedly with a view to scoring cheap popularity but ended up confirming that he was an unserious first term Senator who has devoted more time to paying solidarity to Saraki and his wife rather than to genuine legislative oversights!

We recommend that Melaye and his ilk of fifth columnists in the Senate hallowed chambers should apologize to Nigerians for towing this line of unholy sabotage against PMB , the Lord’s anointed , whose is on a sacred mission of cleansing the nation of all filth of past administrations of which he and Saraki were principal officers! WE MAKE BOLD TO STATE THAT THE RECORDS OF THE TSA ARE CLEAN AND ARE AVAILABL E FOR NIGERIANS TO VERIFY ON AP PLICATION! Nigerians in all walk s of life – especially the down trodden - had clamoured and intensified their agitations for transparency and accountability in governance since it became very glaring that the so-called messiah President from 1999 to 2007, was a wolf in sheep’s clothing – a hireling – who preferred to selfishly perpetrate himself in office rather than fulfil his oath of office! The Treasury Single Account, a mandatory provision , documented in Section 8 (1), of the 1999 Federal Republic of Nigeria Constitution as amended stipulates that : “All revenues or other moneys, raised or received by the Federation (not being revenue or other moneys payable under this Constitution or any Act of the National Assembly into any other public fund of the Federation established for a specific purpose), shall be paid into and form one Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Federation,” Former President Olusegun Aremu Obasanjo, took the oath to implement the letter and the spirit of the 1999 Constitution which included strict compliance to a SINGLE ACCOUNT but flagrantly disregarded the provision by operating multiple accounts for the collection/ disbursement of government’s revenue and bequeathed the baton of disobedience to his successors! The successful fiscal governance of any nation must anchor majorly on the economic direction, destination and transparency of the management team to deliver consistent and concrete democratic dividends that would be evident and visible to the electorate whose patience and resilienc e should never be overstretched! Past administrations in Nigeria – in particular, the very last one of former President Ebele Jonathan, passionately aspired to attain the position of being adjudged as one of the 20 most-economically viable countries of the world in the year 2020 without laying the imperative solid foundation of transparency and righteo usness which robbed that government total compliance when it first introduced the pilot scheme of TSA in 2012 by experimenting with 217 Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs)! Althou gh the sum of N500 billion was saved in frivolous spending , the policy died because the corrupt bosses of MDAs failed to comply thereafter and even until the departure of that government in spite of th reat of sanctions and deadlines ! Jonathan’s Administration could not successfully implement the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information Scheme (IPPIS), which was introduced late 2014 to block the ghost workers debacle but was also resisted, neither could it harmonize the country’s various data banks hosted by different government agencies such as Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), National Population Commission (NPC), Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Customs, Immigrati on Service and others! TSA which has now been re-introduced and became fully operational from 15 September, 2015, as part of the Change mantra of the All Prog r essives Congress ( APC ), was no doubt, a clear indication that fiscal issues could be handled faithfully with the manifestation of a political will and according to the rule of law ! This no doubt is the right direction to go in view of the fact that the legal mind s which addressed the issue of a single account for the Federation had good intentions towards the masses of the people at the lower wrung of the society who deserved better life, and greater attention in respect of government ’s dispensation of funds to meet all of the regular needs in areas of general welfare, health services, education, employment, decent accommodation, adequate security etc. BUT, the few privileged in position of authority have always FAILED to interpret and implement the legal document according to its true intentions! And whereas the preamble of the 1999 Constitution clearly states that SOVEREIGNTY over all government activities and affairs belonged to the people – that is, the electorate MUST an d would always have the supreme authority to decide on all matters through voting at elections to choose their representatives at the National Assembly (NASS)/State Assemblies , through the mechanisms of the RECALL channel or through plebiscite s to decide on important issues of critical national importance , YET crafty politicians have succeeded in the past to sideline them and manipulate the system to their own advantage when it comes to disbursement or appropriation of funds through the multiple instead of a Single Treasury Account as stipulated in the Constitution , though the masses are the nation’s WORK FORCE ! In the past, large sums of funds had been deliberately appropriated to RECURRENT EXPENDITURE (salaries, allowances, transportation, accommodation, vacations etc, at the expense of CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ( major infrastructures for power, energy, water, roads, educational institutions, modern health facilities, agriculture, industries etc,), that would impact positively and benefit the lager population by unpopular and selfish administrations, but the APC Government, through the smart move of the TSA Policy, is no doubt determined to prove to Nigerians at home and the Diaspora that the new administration would be predicated on the principles of faithfulness, righteousness, transparency and accountability !

TSA is a major public accounting system among the numerous financial policies that can be used to check fraud and reckless abuse of government funds ; ensure proper cash management/ accountability, enhance transparency or misapplication of public funds. It is a process and avenue for establishing genuine banking and total-cash-at-a-glance position in one single account! Through TSA, multiple banking arrangements which were open to abuse are eliminated while economy and efficiency into overall management of public finances will ensure effectiveness in government’s spending through an overall picture of account balance at any given time! Between the period of full implementation on 15 , September, 2015, mentioned earlier to the time of this publication, TSA transfers stood at N1.5 trillion, according to CBN, and would continue to rise to the advantage of an economy being conducted under a transparent financial regime! It is unfortunate that Saraki and Melaye are very unhappy with this trend of righteousness in government and until they bend or break, they will remain the CLOG IN THE WHEEL OF PROGRESS; whose judgment is closely at hand! TSA full implementation is a victorious financial emancipation for all Nigerians. “ P ut the money for ground; count am, make all man se e ! Hurray! Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.

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If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390. g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .

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