About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Thursday, 1 September 2016


ZION B-BC   NEWSLETTER. (Looking at Nigeria's Political System from a Spiritual Perspective).

A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 5. NO 158. 21st August, 2016.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You   Free! (John.8:32).


Nigerians at home, the Diaspora and the international communities were witnesses to the unprecedented violence and brutality unleashed upon this most- populous African nation, by the Islamic Boko Haram terrorists, whose heinous crimes of "man's inhumanity against man" between 2009-2015, was worse than Nazi's holocaust against the Jews during World War I and II, and are therefore wiser not to believe any utterance by the barbaric and beastly group! Much as President Muhammadu Buhari and his Change Administration, all concerned and patriotic Nigerian citizens, especially the biological parents, pressure and peer groups of the abducted Chibok Girls, would wish for a quick swap of Boko Haram hardened criminals in exchange for the unfortunate female youths, great caution and diplomacy at the highest level of government, must be exercised without sentiments to avoid a major set-back to the tremendous victories already achieved by our combined security  forces against the terrorists! After the first anniversary of the abduction of over 250 Chibok Secondary School girls from North East Bornu State, on 14th April, 2015, Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau, boasted that the kidnapped girls would never be found again because he had married them off to his followers and sold them to suitors across the world for handsome fees! In several internet broadcasts thereafter, he confirmed over and over again that the unfortunate teenagers were far from the shores of Nigeria but now that he had been overthrown by ISIS Terrorists leadership to whom he owed allegiance, he wants to re-group with the release of his captured accomplices in government's detention by trading with "Chibok Girls"?
But now, and according to his latest video posting, four months after the second year anniversary of the missing girls, Shekau claimed that he was prepared to swap about 50 of the girls who were still alive in Sambisa Forest with his commanders in Nigerian prisons' custody. He claimed that the Nigerian Air Force recent aerial bombings had claimed the lives of some of the girls!

What blatant lies and which Chibok girls is Shekau talking about?
The desperation of Shekau is very open to discerning minds since his "commanders" in Federal Government's detention are the devious technicians behind the local manufacture of most of the Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), which had sent hundreds of hundreds of innocent Nigerians to early graves! Nigeria's brave, gallant and resilient Federal soldiers must be congratulated for liberating all 14 local government council areas in the North East previously captured by Boko Haram terrorists who even hoisted their flag; and for driving them out from all Nigerian territories, within the first year of the Change Administration of President Muhammad Buhari to establish the current peaceful atmosphere being celebrated all over the geo-political zones. The present combined military campaign by the Nigerian Air Force (NAF), and the Nigerian Army ground forces marshalled to flush out the remnants of the offensive terrorists from the Sambisa Forest, and which was well co-ordinated with the precision of aerial surveillance to avoid civilian casualties, had destroyed all of their arms and fuel depots and kept them on the run and scampering for safety! The combined counter-terrorism security agents are in control of the theatre war now as they dictate the tempo of engagement and were able to identify, track down secret locations and hide outs of the remnant Boko Haram terrorists, dislodged and destroyed their cells with military precision! FROM RELIABLE INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION AT OUR DISPOSAL, THE ABDUCTED CHIBOK GIRLS WHO ARE STILL ALIVE ARE NEITHER IN A GROUP NOR ANYWHERE CLOSE TO THE SAMBISA FOREST AS CLAIMED BY SHEKAU WHO IS ONLY STALLING FOR MORE TIME TO RE-ORGANIZE HIS GROUP WHICH IS ONE OF THE THREE, NOW IN EXISTENT! Shekau is in a dire strait and very desperate to re-group and unleash fresh terror in the North East, since he has  become a figure head and a spineless leader who sold his accomplices allegiance without their consent to the Islamic Terrorist Group (ISIS), in North Africa!

We Oppose Any Form Of Negotiation (Stick or Carrot), With Terrorists And Militants!
Any form of negotiation with terrorist will be a big slap on the face of the new, combined, formidable, determined, re-invigorated and encouraged security team, under the watchful eyes of Mr. President who is the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria! How can the Boko Haram terrorists, who had destroyed thousands of lives, properties worth billions of naira and placed citizens on the edge for over a period of almost seven agonizing years brazenly turn round to demand release of detained ranking leaders of the militant group in prison incarceration in exchange for less than one sixth of about 275 Chibok Girls abducted between 2013-2014 in the war-torn North-East States of Bornu, Yobe and Adamawa! The news making rounds is that President Muhammadu Buhari, a retired military General of great experience, could be willing to use THE STICK AND CARROT APPROACH to open a channel of dialogue and negotiation with the ruthless terrorists who slaughtered Nigerians citizens irrespective of age, religion, tribe, culture or gender like animals and posted such horrible and heinous crimes against humanity on internet videos and we opine that neither President Buhari nor any Nigerian Government Security Agency, individual or group, should ever dialogue or negotiate with Boko Haram terrorists!

In our 100th Edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter, we posited the following cogent, reasonable and truthful reasons for non- negotiation:
1)That this terror group is on "REVENGE MISSION"!
2)That in October 2014, when the militants structure had virtually collapsed for shortage of military hardware supplies, their sponsors deceived the failed Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Administration into a cease-fire agreement only to re-equip, refurbish, re-organize and re-group to unleash further havoc on the populace of that region!
3)That  the Chadian President was said to have negotiated on behalf of that administration at an Saudi Arabia location but from denials and rebuttals, it turned out to be a hoax and an easy avenue of BLOOD MONEY for the purported “negotiators”!
4)That whosoever sponsored a dialogue negotiation was a “mole” who wanted to cash-in on the President’s inaugural speech which promised proper attention to the Chibok School Girls' issue with express dedication of resources at securing their release.
5) That over 600 people were killed since that inauguration speech; should they have killed more people before seeking for a swap?
6)Between Saturday 4th, and Tuesday 7th July, 2015, alone, 400 deaths were recorded when terrorist suicide bombers struck in some remote villages of Bornu State, attacked a church in Potiskum, Yobe State, detonated twin bombs in Plateau State and also another attack in Zaria, Kaduna State.
7)Let us assume Boko Haram key leaders are exchange as requested, what next? Would they go into limbo? Would they surrender or cease fire? Would the insurgency sieve like the Biafra War which ended in January, 1970?
8)The militants are out to BUY TIME and re-equip like previous times but this is the time to deal the decisive blow on these enemies of Nigeria, their sponsors and collaborators.
9)If Nigeria negotiates, what becomes of its Commander's role in the Multi National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) to which it is a signatory and to which millions of US dollars had been committed?
10) Should our friendly neighbors who have shown such solidarity just pack their bag and baggage and return to their homelands while we negotiate with revengeful, heinous and unrepentant terrorists? God forbid!

How Were Terrorists Dealt With In Other Climes?
How had the United States, Britain, Israel and other serious foreign countries in Europe and Asia coped with insurgency and terrorism issues in their various nations without dinning with their enemies? The answer is simple; they built, sponsored and financed formidable security and intelligence gathering institutions of patriotic, fearless and dedicated men and officers who were well-motivated, as expressed in earlier analysis, to take extreme defence measures to protect their countries and citizens - even with their lives when unavoidable! These governments regularly appropriated sufficient monies into the defence, security and intelligence gathering sectors, procure, employ and install the latest, newest and top grade state-of-art technological equipments like the  satellite-controlled  Close Circuit Television (CCTV), cameras, metal and bomb detectors, in all government structures, on the highways, streets, motor parks, amusement and fun-centers, including all shopping malls and open markets, public conveniences in all  locations up to the rural areas! In addition these governments subsidized customized versions of these security gadgets, especially the CCTV cameras for installations on all private and commercial residences, schools, hospitals and health care centers! The United States has 50 independent States and none is bereft of these security devices that have helped to prevent, detect and solve crimes in its 240 years of independence!

The Opportunity To Finish Off Terrorism Is Now!
This is Nigeria’s opportunity to go for the “KILL” and smash the Boko Haram cells once and for all because they are in disarray! They must not be allowed to regroup; their food supply network must be identified and blocked; their arms and ammunition supplies including communication links must be intercepted and cut off; they must not be given any breathing space at all! The remaining numbers of the Chibok Girls (who are not together in one location), would all be located in due time, through a well-co-coordinated intelligence gathering strategy, which has revealed that, most of the girls were married off into neighboring countries of Niger, Cameroun and Chad while some were forcefully married to the terrorists and had become mothers just like AMINA ALI, who was rescued with a baby and a "husband" in May 2016! We are aware that the erstwhile Chief Security Officer (CSO), has some explanations for President Buhari over the 2014 one billion dollars mis-appropriated fund for military hardware and also, proper briefing on a seized helicopter tranche of  $9.3 million dollars hard currencies, property of the Federal Government, now in the custody of the South African Government which suspected a crime of money laundering, but the Commander-In-Chief, must as a matter of utmost priority release funds through due process to address the very urgent supply of security hard and soft ware of CCTV cameras, metal and bomb detectors, thermal imaging, etc., to the North East for faster intelligence gathering and crime detection to crush these enemies of the State of Nigeria without further delay! “If God be for us, who can be against us?”   (Romans. 8: 31).

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to:  facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com, https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390.  08080243066   g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.

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