About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Monday, 6 October 2014

ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER. [ A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL. 2. NO 60. 05-10-14.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32). 54 YEARS OF NIGERIA’S “BREAD AND BUTTER” POLITICS! Politics in Nigeria is a game of moving in the direction of where your interests are best catered for; where your “bread is well-buttered”! No wonder the recently-concluded National Conference Delegates still endorsed the Nigerian CUSTOMIZED PRESIDENTIAL SYSTEM of wastages in government through which most appropriations of the nation’s commonwealth are consumed by RECURRENT EXPENDITURES in every annual budget while CAPITAL PROJECTS of pseudo electioneering campaign promises, take the back seat! From Independence in 1960, the Nigerian politician had the penchant for opulence which he admired in the Colonial Master’s lifestyle during his long years of APPRENTICISHIP! He could hardly wait for the UNION JACK to be lowered for him to dip his hand into the PEOPLE’S TILL to consummate his covetous desires! Historians cannot easily forget the treasury-looting of the FIRST REPUBLIC championed by none other than the SECERTARY OF THE EXCHEQUER [Minister of Finance], custodian of the commonwealth and his partners in crime and the back-lash of several military coups and the lingering economic retrogression being witnessed 54 years on! Let no one deceive Nigerians about the economic jargons that the country recorded the highest Gross Domestic Product [GDP] In Africa and also adjudged the 26 in the world, when over 70% of 170million citizens live below the poverty line, (one US dollar and fifty-cents per day) and when more than 60% of able-bodied and employable youths, mostly university graduates are unemployed! What is the meaning of Nigeria being the ENTREPRENEURIAL DESTINATION OF AFRICA, when all businesses destined for Nigeria are usually hijacked by SURROGATES AND PORTFOLIO CONTRACTORS of those at the helm of affairs in Government! Let us beam the searchlight on all Ministries, Departments and Agencies [MDG’s] of Government and even the Household of God since independence and we will see exactly the abominable and detestable acts of covetousness, avarice, self aggrandizement, rivalry, back-stabbing and acts of all forms of idolatory, lying divinations, witchcraft and wizardry, which Prophet Ezekiel saw in a VISION in 597BC! [Ezekiel.8:1-9:11; 11:1-15; 13:1-23]. Those visions are still very real in this dispensation of the end-time! Are our Political Chief Executives and their stooges (since 1960), not been patronizing SHRINES, CHURCHES, MOSQUES, DIVINERS, SORCERERS, ENCHANTERS, FALSE PROPHETS AND PROPHETESSES, MARABOUTS, SOOTHSAYERS, FORTUNE TELLERS, METAPHYCISISTS, MAGICIANS and their likes to acquire, “power” to subdue the masses and remain in elective offices forever? Have the members of this present ruling party not boasted that they WOULD RULE NIGERIA FOR 100YEARS? On whose authority did they base their assumption if not on the occult support of Satan and his fallen angels? Their strategy is fashioned after the constitution of the venomous OCTOPUS, a sea creature with a soft oval body, which possesses EIGHT tentacles (very long and vicious arm-like parts round-about), with which it hunts for its preys! The Octopus never lacks in victuals with the advantage of its TENTACLES! In comparison, the Octopus in government employs the tactics of a well-conceived defection of its members (tentacles), to other parties to infiltrate their ranks under the pretexts of lack of “internal democracy” and after winning elections on those external platforms, return with a large crowd of compromised and covetous “new members”, to boost their ranks for subsequent elections! Right now, an unbridled athletic cross-carpeting and criss-crossing from one political party to another, has become the order of the day in Nigeria, as the 2015 General Elections approach without recourse to stipulations in the 1999 Constitution. Chapter 5, Part I, Sections 68(1-3), 69(a-b) and Part II Sections 109(1-3) and 110 (a-b), applicable to Federal and State Legislators, in respect of TENURE OF SEATS OF MEMBERS and RECALL PROCEDURE, stipulate that ABSENTISM AND DEFECTION, should be punished with the RECALL of defaulting legislators through petitions of loss of confidence by more than one-half members of their constituencies. The Constitution states as follows: “A member of the Senate or of the House of Representatives shall vacate his seat in the House of which he is a member if….(1)(g), ….being a person whose election to the House was sponsored by a political party, he becomes a member of another political party before the expiration of the period for which that House was elected: Provided that his membership of the latter political party is not as a result of a division in the political party of which he was previously a member or of a merger of two or more political parties or factions by one of which he was previously sponsored;…..” *How many legislators have, members of their constituencies successfully recalled in the past 54 years, or especially, in the last 15 years of our fresh attempt at “democracy”, when, this attitude of defection became a free-for-all affair? A serving Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in a very recent televised global interview, affirmed that ideologies and manifestoes of major political parties were virtually the same – authored by one man – a late Minister of Justice and Federal Attorney-General of the Federation- which makes any of these parties a veritable platform through which politicians could express political ambitions! The Senator in question is an authority on the subject of CROSS-CARPETING, having migrated into FIVE parties within eleven years of THREE GENERAL ELECTIONS [2003-2014]! The Peoples Democratic Party [PDP], which took over from the military and has clung to power since 1999, controls and appropriates monies accruing from CRUDE OIL, AGRICULTURAL AND MINERAL RESOURCES sales, through annual budgets usually expended on juicy weekly-billion naira contracts by the illegal Federal Executive Council (FEC) meetings, which is not recognized by the Constitution! Award of contracts is the responsibility of the, Federal Ministry of Finance as guided by the Appropriation Act/Due Process and not the party caucus! Many Nigerian politicians, the likes of our distinguished Senator, who lack scruples and purity of soul, always manoeuvre with well-calculated strategies to become members of any winning or ruling party, provided they could always have their regular shares of the “national cake”! Though corruption is not supported by the Constitution, accusations of corruption by the citizens are readily countered, resisted and denied by government officials! *Where is the forensic audit report instituted to unravel the “missing or unremitted” $20bllion USD from the financial accounts of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation [NNPC], by the Minister of Finance, several months ago? *Why would the ruling party operate, illegal financial accounts of the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Excess Crude Oil, when the 1999 Constitution recognizes only one Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Federation, into which all accruable revenues of the Nigerian nation should be deposited? *From which of the above ACCOUNTS are the regular Legislators quarterly CONSTITUENCY ALLOWANCES of billions of naira paid? *Why was Transformation Agenda of Nigeria [TAN], a pro-Jonathan campaign organization, allowed by Independent National Electoral Commission [INEC], to freely campaign in the past one year for continuity in government, on bill-boards, television, radio and newspapers, to the detriment of the ELECTOTATE and in contravention of the Electoral Laws and process without legal sanctions? *How did President Jonathan emerge as the consensus candidate of the ruling party, in spite of the “GENTLEMAN’S AGREEMENT OF, ‘ONE TERM ONLY’?” *Why did the PDP’s faction of “Nigeria Governor’s Forum” [NGF], the National Working Committee,[NWC], the Board Of Trustees, [BOT], a faction of the House of Representatives members, the Women’s and Youth Wings, approve the consensus agenda? There is only one answer to all of the above questions: ENDEMIC CORRUPTION OF THE SYSTEM AND THE INORDINATE AMBITION OF THE NIGERIAN POLITICIANS SINCE THEIR CREATION BY GOD! Let us check the ensuing and very ugly portfolios of these carnal beings: (a)Those who had NO SHOES, aspire to break the former Philippine’s First Lady’s record of a wardrobe of 5.000 shoes! (b)Those who have completed the mandatory EIGHT YEARS as governors want to retire into the cosy chambers of the SENATE and continue the accumulation of wealth in addition to RETIREMENT BENEFITS of houses, vehicles, pension entitlements and employment of a retinue of paid-servants, which run into billions of naira of their States tax payers’ money! (c)All PDP Legislators, including the incumbent Senate President, intend to return unopposed; (d)The custodians of the Secretariat machinery are also poised to maintain status quo or be elevated into the POLITICAL PLAYING FIELD! Everyone in the ruling party is anxious about his/her “tomorrow”! HERE ARE SOME EXCERPTS OF THE INTERVIEW OF THE CROSS-CARPET RECORD HOLDER: (1)On corruption: “It is endemic in Nigeria…no nation is corruption free. The student who malpractices in examination, the Teacher who connives with candidates to cheat with answer sheets, the Parent who buys the original question papers in advance, are all corrupt…..in fact we are all corrupt to some extent! Lack of basic amenities of life and abject poverty in the society could also breed corruption.” (2)On appropriation: “No agency or statutory organ of government must expend funds without the legal appropriation by the National Assembly; any agency that indulges in such attitude should be sanctioned” (3)On rule of law: “President Jonathan is a gentleman who conforms with the rule of law….he is a man of liberal disposition!” (4)On Cross-carpeting: “This is the beauty of democratic principles….there is no difference in parties’ ideologies… “to jump ship” is a kind of revolutionary process since parties are mere platforms to prepare for elections.” *The distinguished Senator began his political career with the All Progressive Party [APP] and cross-carpeted in the following fashion to; Alliance for Democracy [AD], Peoples Democratic Party [PDP], Action Congress of Nigeria [ACN], All Progressive Congress [APC], and back to PDP in that order; BUT NOW TO “CONTEST AS MR. GOVERNOR” in the 2015 General Elections, having thrown ethics and morality to the dogs! You cannot blame these set of gamblers who possess the common trait of GODLESSNESS and are always poised to either swim or sink in their selfish pursuit of ephemeral things of life! The ultimate pursuit of every child of God should be God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness. God is the one who enthrones and deposes those who are in authority according to His purposive Will! [Matthew. 6:25-34; compare John.2:12-17].What you need is GOD’S RECOGNITION FOR ETERNITY IN PARADISE. Amen. Fellow brethren, it is time to clear the AUGEAN STABLES, meaning that it is time to flush out those who reneged on their electioneering promises and have damaged the system with so much impunity believing that political power in Nigeria is their birthright. We implore you by the mercies of God not to sell your votes to those who are determined to enslave you and your generations yet unborn for 100 years! On Thursday 3 October, 2014, the ONDO STATE Governor and his entire cabinet of the LABOUR PARTY, including State and National Legislators also defected to the ruling party to support continuity! Would this fresh effrontery against our collective psyche and Constitution pass unchallenged? Also on the same day, the former Chairman of the ruling party, who predicted the most-covetous 100-year-tenure ambition, was also discharged and acquitted, of a 17-count alleged contract fraud committed in 2001, involving N176million Nigerian Naira, when he was Minister of Special Duties, but his partner was not so lucky, he bagged five years imprisonment, without option of fine! It is very advisable that all legitimate sons and daughters of GOD and bona-fide citizens should not be dismayed about these prevailing carnal events; there are still CREDIBLE MEN AND WOMEN among Nigeria’s over 170million population; let us fish them out, sponsor and vote them into office come 2015. THE MONEY-MONGERS SHOULD BE COMMITTED TO GOD’S IMMINENT WRATH AND JUDGEMENT WHICH WILL HAPPEN SOONER THAN LATER IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME; BECAUSE THE ANGEL OF THE LORD ENCAMPS AROUND THOSE WHO FEAR HIM AND DELIVERS THEM! AMEN. If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.comhttps://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor.08130669886, 08098194390.g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .]

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