[ A Publication of the Zion
Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. ] { VOL.
2. NO 52. 10-08-14.}
Newsletter is 52 Weeks Old, Hurray !
*This Edition is a TRIBUTE
to the thousands of our esteemed Readers,
Followers and Viewers [Home & Abroad].
CONSCIOUSNESS”, was the title of the very first edition of Zion B-BC
Newsletter, published on 18-08-13.
Here are some excerpts: “If you are conscious of the existence of
God and you have accepted His son Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Saviour, then
you are in a position of a cordial relationship with Him. It is written,
‘Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed
away; behold, all things are become new.’ [II Cor. 5: 17]; meaning that God in
His infinite mercies terminates the ‘old man’ of sin and replaces him with the
‘new man’, the Lord Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world. However, certain
attitudes of man can still disqualify or alienate him from God’s holy presence.
For instance, a constant life of iniquity, in the midst of a carnal world;
[Isa.6:5, cp. V.1-4 and 6-8], must be shunned because the LORD, in grace,
requires that none should perish, ‘…..but that all should come to repentance.’
[II Pet.3: 9]. ”Since our debut, Biblical doctrines on spiritual discernment, reverence,
obedience, worship, adoration and glorification of our Creator, remained
permanent reference issues, running through every edition. In the Biblical
account of CREATION and not the scientific theory of EVOLUTION, God completed
His assignment in seven calendar days and not several centuries! Through the
first human couple, Adam and Eve, world population has multiplied into over SEVEN
BILLION mass of people across the length and breadth of the Earth, as God
commanded in the Book of Genesis: 1:28-29.
What we have today as technological high-definition and digitalized world,
began as a result of the global dispersion of the multitude, who ingeniously produced
an architectural master-piece, embarked on the construction of a city and a sky
scrapper, biblically known as the TOWER OF BABEL that would reach to the
Heavens! According to Genesis.11:1-9
*the whole world (ie. the post dilluvian remnants of the universal
flood), had one language and a common speech;
*they moved eastward, found a plain called SHINAR and settled
* they moulded and baked bricks thoroughly, substituted bricks for
stones and tar for mortar, for the ‘laudable project’, because of the scarcity
of stone and mortar in the region where they intended to make a name for themselves
so as not to be scattered by God, over the face of the earth!
*In verses 5-9, of this biblical account, (compare,Gen.10:8-13), God
perceived that their motive for unity was self-aggrandizing, rebellious and
designed to dominate His creation. He therefore, confused their language and
scattered them over the face of the whole earth!
Those self-conceited leaders, no doubt bequeathed the idea of
autocracy and despotism to the present generation, who had consistently
suppressed popular opinions in respect of TRUE FEDERALISM and were always ready
to kill and maim to maintain status quo of being the overlords with the iron fists!
Look around you and observe the wide gulf between the rich and the
poor, the dichotomy between the lifestyles of leaders and their followers and
you would not need a soothsayer to tell you that majority of world leaders are
in government to get rich at the expense of the poor masses!
In the EARLY CHURCH GOVERNMENT, there was the close-knitted
fellowship among believers in which no one lacked the basic necessities of life
because all available resources were distributed according to NEEDS! [Acts.2:42-47;
What obtains now in most nations is the greedy acquisition and
brazen possession of the COMMONWEALTH by a minority group who also, with
impunity, deploy security agencies, funded with tax-payers money, to oppress
any form of opposition by the people.
*Recently, a similitude of
the “Tower of Babel” conference was replicated in Nigeria when 492 wise men and
women, were gathered together from the six – geo political zones to brainstorm
on how to move the country forward!
But it ended abruptly
through Divine intervention because it
was another conduit pipe of sharing the NATIONAL CAKE to some few in the divide-and-rule game by the
incumbent administration, to keep the Nigerian masses in perpetual slavery in
their own fatherland! Is not an
undisputable truth that all monies that accrue to the Federal and State
governments of Nigeria and other nations of the world ARE SQUEZED FROM THE
In spite of the fact that
the 492 hand-picked delegates could not reach consensus on the REAL ISSUE OF
TRUE FEDERALISM because of hidden motives and agenda which were already
revealed to GOD, over N7billion naira went into selective pockets in respect of
an issue that was a ‘done-deal’, before commencement!
(1) They were divided over Derivation Principle, ie. the
percentage to be paid to Mineral Producing States(Areas)!
(2) Most delegates from the North supported that the current 13
per cent derivation formula should remain.
(3) The Southern delegates, demanded between 21.5 to 50 per cent!
(4) They also disagreed over the recommended, Stabilization,
Reconstruction and Development Fund, for the States that were ravaged by
insurgency and terrorism!
(5) These disagreements lingered for seven days, July 8 to15,
2014, when “50 wiser men and women” were selected by Mr. Chairman and his
advisory team, to ‘think-tank’, for the rest and report back on August 4, 2014!
(6) In view of glaring North and South divide, they believed that
the period would create avenue for wider consultations with their “home groups”
and also enable them to collate other recommendations that would be forwarded
to Mr. President in August 2014!
(7) Acceptable terms of co-existence between the diverse tribes
and tongues could not be reached as conference wound up in view of the
polarization of interests!
(8) They described the contentious issues as TECHNICAL IN NATURE
and that ONLY MR. PRESIDENT could handle them by setting up ANOTHER COMMITTEE
comprising, professionals, experts, advisers and technocrats! All delegates
voted in agreement to the recommendation!
The conference which began
in March, was originally scheduled to hold for three months, but was extended
to enable delegates finish the onerous task which could pave way to ironing out
contentious areas of the constitution that needed urgent amendments.
Is it not very clear, even to the dumbest, that the gathering was
a mere diversionary ploy to paved way for CONTINUITY since the assignment had
been returned to sender uncompleted!
Their major assignment was to ‘Chart a New Nigeria of our Dreams’,
and re-structure the platform to ensure a feasible system, that would embrace
all interests of the diversified people!
Nigerians, (except the
politicians), have all complained about wastages in governance since the
adoption of a presidential system in 1999 which encouraged stupendous
appropriation on salaries, allowances and other emoluments like gratuity and
pensions after FOUR YEARS of the politicians “service” to the nation!
We have witnessed mass looting of the treasury through failed
leadership policies which have produced emergency billionaires who now
terrorize the impoverished Nigerians with siren-fitted, bullet-proof Sport
Utility Vehicles (SUVs), and state-of-the-art PRIVATE JETS which have forced
both the, commercial and NIGERIA AIR FORCE aircrafts out of our airspace, in
spite of the airmen indispensability at this critical moment of insurgency!
Modern World leaders cannot practice the True Federalism of the
Early Church
because, most of them are agents of Satan who, as the prince of
this world in charge of all ephemeral and mundane things, controls their minds
and hearts to trust only in physical possessions and not the truth of the Word
of God which says, “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life…..what
shall we eat…..drink……wear?…..for the pagans run after these things, and your
heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His Kingdom and His
Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” [Matthew.
The adoption of True Federalism (TF), as a system of government
should henceforth be the only acceptable norm in every country of the world for
the following incontestable reasons:
* TF, is the real path, the Biblical ‘narrow road’, that leads to life/secured
future and only few find it. [Matt.7:14].
*TF creates room for more decentralization and greater devolution
of power.
*TF allows for States to develop at their own pace with less
*TF creates the enabling atmosphere for massive infrastructural
and socio-economic development of the various parts of the country which, in
turn, allows for healthy economic rivalries among the Federating States.
*TF creates the platform of financial empowerment for States to
contribute quality percentages of earnings from natural resources to the centre
for expedient and critical national expenditures.
*TF could also be in the form of a bigger sub-national structure of
Nigeria’s six-geo political zones, instead of the creation of additional
States, which would give every corrupt political jobber the opportunity of being
addressed as an “Excellency”!
Although the Conference accepted the recommendation of its
Committee on Politics and Governance, to return Nigeria to a ‘true federal
structure’, with the States as federating units, and for States to create local
governments as they deemed necessary, they FAILED TO REJECT THE PRESIDENTIAL
SYSTEM of massive fund wastage, which has engendered systemic and endemic
corruption to the detriment of the masses!
The United States of America, a nation of immigrants, populated
with over 300 million people of different nationalities, stands out to be the
best democracy the world has ever known because its governance is based on the
principles of True Federalism!
We dedicate this edition to you our esteemed global DEMOCRATS, who
share the authentic views on the WEEKLY ZION B-BC NEWSLETTER and encourage you
to speak out against bad governments and leaderships; form PRESSSURE GROUPS and
demand for TRUE FEDERALISM in your various countries, from Africa to the Middle
East, Arabia, Central Asia, Nepal,
India, Pakistan, European States, Iceland, Greece, the Far East, China, Japan, Korea,
Australia, New Zealand, South America, Russia, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Canada, Java,
Sumatra, Porto Rico; etc.! Your government officials exist to serve you because
you are the source of their authority!
Always remember that you
Let us keep the democratic flag
you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t
miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer:
Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of
the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every
sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and
write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.
If you
prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and
daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. Please look forward to more divine revelation
in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and
remain blessed in the Lord.
[For weekly access,to this newsletter, log on
facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch &
Zfbbc1.blogspot.com . I am, Yours sincerely,Dr.
David B.A. Olufon, Resident
Pastor and Editor.08058436756 08098194390.g-mail-
dvdolufon@gmail.com .]
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