About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Monday, 22 February 2016

Defaulters Should Be Bold To Face The Consequencies Of Crimes And Trespasses!


A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 5. NO 132. 21 Febuary, 2016.} “… ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).


It is a common attitude among those who trespass against enacted laws of constituted authorities to resist and even move to evade penalties for such default s according to the rule of law! This habitual culture of social impunity is so commonplace even among the family units where children rebel against parental chastisements consequential to unacceptable youthful exuberances ! It is also common kno wledge that the Almighty God who has supreme and sovereign power to rule over the entire universe of all created beings and elements demands that the higher creation conformed to His testimonies, commandments, precepts, statutes, laws, treatise etc, diligently or face the ultimate judgment of His wrath !

The Holy Bible is replete with a compendium of offences against God and humanity and relevant judgments against offenders/ defaulters during the Old and New Testament periods of the divine dispensations of Man on Earth . Modern Jews for instance cannot deny that their present predicaments in respect of insecurity and instability among the cluster of aggressive Arab neighbours is traceable to the del iberate sins of their forebear s wi th overflowing ancestral curses of ma ny generations ! The history of Israel actual began through their Progenitor, Father Abraham who was very faithful to God and was divinely informed in a vision that his SEEDS would be enslaved by a foreign nation for 400 years after which they would be delivered from their bondage a nd become His Peculiar Treasure above all people of the earth if th ey imbibed the culture of dedicated and devoted obedience but on the contrary, a fearful judgment of terrible consequenc es upon the nation including world-wide dispersion, if they reneged on the covenant ! The fulfilment of the divine vision wa s recorded from the Book of Exodus Chapter 1 to Deuteronomy Chapter 34 in its first part before the advent of the Major and Minor P rophet s of Israel – from Prophets Isaiah to Zechariah who concluded prophecies of the Old Testament Bible Dispensations !

Cain who was the first murderer according to biblical records in Genesis Chapter 4 resisted God’ s enquiry over his he in ous crime by asking if he were his “brother’s keeper” and also complained that his pun ishment as a wanderer (modern fugitive ), was too much for him to bear !

Fuhrer Adolf Hitler , a sworn enemy of the Jews who was accused with the pogrom (mass extermination), of SIX MILLION Jews in the Nazi German Gas Chambers and who was obsessed with becoming the very first world President , ran and hid in a bunker in 1945 towards the end of World War II to escape being captured as a Prisoner of War (PO W) but was forced to commit suicide on 30 April, 1945 when the Allied Forces closed in to destroy the massive bunker which housed him and his closest aides for a few weeks before the final showdown !

Saddam Hussein, the ruthless Iraqi dictator from 1979 to 2003, committed terrible crimes against humanity, including serial murders and assassinations of the opposition among his people and even annexed the sovereign State of Kuwa it to his country at the height of po wer intoxication, but r an in desperat ion into a artificially-dug cave to avoid prosecution for several months after his regime was toppled by Allied Forces led by the United States and Saudi Arabia ! Hussein who was Iraq’s President for 24 years was eventually captured and after his prosecution was sentenced to death by hanging on 30 December, 2006 !

Muammar Gaddafi , who was President of Libya for over 40 years and aspired to become President of Africa in spite of enslaving his subjects for that long, w as eventually toppled and had to hide in a bunker to avoid the unpleasantness of disgrace and punishment ! He was discovered by a very young Army Private who shot him dead at close range on 20 October, 2011, in spite of all the monetary promises to make the combatant very rich and wealthy !

General Idi Amin Dada , Ugandan President and dictator in the seventies ruled his people with the Iron Fist, squandered the meagre economic resources of his country to the extent that the Uganda currency was described to be as worthless as a tissue paper during his macabre reign of terror as “the Butcher of Uganda”, who brutally murdered thousands of innocent citizen s during despotic rule ! When toppled , he sought refuge in Saudi Arabia where he converted to the Muslim Faith and eventually died on 16 August, 2003, after several bouts of illnesses!

Government institution is no respecter of any person since it was established with the Word of God which states that every soul should be subject unto higher powers for there is no power but of God and that the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resists the power resists the ordinance of God : and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnatio n ! In Nig eria of recent past, there were leaders who looked the other way when the nation was engulfed i n tribal wars, human abductions and trafficking, pipelines vandali sm , money laundering , massive oil thefts, armed robberies, assassinations, insurgency, terrorism, all manner of civil disturbances and most importantly , the endemic corruption which had almost ruined the economy of the nation forgetting that the country was bigger than kings, queens, presidents, legislators, the judiciary and every citizen great or small and that no one was above disciple, judgment and punishment !

The time of reckoning and of giving account of stewardship by all persons who at one time or another dipped their hands into the TILL and had stole n from the Nigerian Common Wealth has ripened in Nigeria and that is why God has placed His C hosen V essel in the person of Muhammadu Buhari to move into the threshing floor, clean the Augean Stable once and for all ! WHY WOULD CRIMINALS ALWAYS RUN AND NOT WAIT TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCIES OF THEIR ACTIONS? Economic State of the Nation. Following the most daring recent padding of the 2016 Change Budget with an alarming N1.6trillion, by “trusted” civil servants, heads have begun to roll following the immediate disengagement from service of 26 Director Genera ls (DGs) and Heads of Government Ministries Departments and A gencies (MDA’s) including 13 Vice Chancellors of Federal Government-owned universities , a report surfaced that one of the sacked DG’s allegedly spent about N200 billion on the People Democratic Party’s (PDP’s), 2015 Presidential Election campaign and that no fewer than 10 of them might be handed to the E conomic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), and the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), for investigation.
The malicious padding which was exposed on the floor of the National Assembly (NASS), was confirmed by all Principal Officers of the ruling APC Government, including Mr. President and National Chairman Chief John Oyegun, except Alhaji Lai Mohammed, Information and Culture Minister, who, at a forum over the weekend, vehemently denied any form of padding and instantly became a laughing stock of all p articipants which included erudite and distinguished legal practitioner, Chief ‘Femi Falana Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN)! We have every reason to bel ieve that Lai Mohammed, is losing focus and no longer the right peg in the right hole of the ministerial appointment after all , in view of officious CULTURE of denials and dismissals of very glaring truths especially in the factual information on the on-going war against Boko- Haram which always conflict ed with stateme nts from the Nigerian Army High Command, AND NOW THIS! IT WAS TIME ALHAJI LAI MOHAMMED WAS RE-DEPLOYE D TO THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM OR ENTERTAINMENT TO BE RESTRICTED TO CULTURAL MATTERS WHICH WOULD FIT HIM BETTER ! Chief John Oyegun alleged that the gale of sacks of civil servants from the Buhari’s Administration was informed by series of acts of internal sabotage in critical are a s of national growth and development by PDP’s appointees in his government who did not believe in the Change Agenda !
Hear what the God of Heaven and Earth just said : “ Behold, I send an A ngel before you , to keep you in the way, and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.“ Beware of him and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transg r e ssion for my name is in him. “But if thou shall indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak: then I will be an enemy unto your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.” Organised and orchestrated resistance to lawful authorities will always fail and righteousness in government will always prevail!

Divine Recovery of the Republic of Somalia.

The country of Somalia in North Africa s tands out as a very vivid example that only the Will of the living God would hold sway among His creation ! This country of only 9.8 million people, created in 1960 from a former British protectorate and an Italian colony, in the year Nigeria attained independence, had collapsed into ana rchy for over 20 years from 1991 and until 2012 when a new internationally-backed government was installed to usher st ability. T hough the Al-Qaeda-aligned Al Shabab insurgent of that region still pose d some challenges, the point remained that there would always be the divine intervention factor in the a ffairs of men who must submit to His superior authority whether they like it or not! In one of his 2015 Presidential campaign promises PMB said he would rescue Nigeria from becoming A SOMALIA if elected! Can anyone then oppose his revolutionary onslaught against endemic crimes and criminalities in a country that should normally flow with milk and honey and remain a safe haven for all law-abiding citizens ?

Time for National Repentance and Restitution.

All those who have been fingered to have mismanaged the Nigerian economy at any point in time since Independence must now repent and make restitution by willingly refunding all stolen monies and properties acquired with looted funds not to continue in the unhealthy castigation of the divinely established and monitored Change Government of Righteousness of the nation! The mere fact that people are being invited and interrogated from time to time is not a finality that they had been found guilty since the due process of the rule of law must be followed in every case. T he owner of the Heaven and Earth has always demanded for RIGHTEOUSNESS IN GOVERNMENT which according to Proverbs 14:34 states that only righteousness would exalt a nation while SIN remained a repr oach to all people! God is ready to reason with any Nigerian sinner who is remorseful, penitent in heart and ready to take the punishment for his/hers crimes and urges them to take the following steps of repentance : First, acknowledgement of sins or crimes; second, acceptance of responsibility for defaults; third, preparedness to bear cons equences of action and fourth, take a 360 degrees turn away from crimes pursue good habits which conform to the Rule of Law! THE S E ARE THE SURE STEPS FOR THE GENUINELY REPENTANT NIGERIAN CHILD OF GOD TO SECURE HIS UNFLINCHING LOVE AGAIN – ANY OTHER APPROACH WILL END UP IN THE SINKING SAND!

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com , https://www.google.com/+zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390. 08080243066 g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .

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