A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VO L. 5 . NO 129. 31st January, 2016.} “… ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).
Nigeria is still suffering so much back-stabbing, betrayal and degradation in the hands of some of its political leaders who pled ged allegiance to be faithful , loyal, honest and diligent to protect majority interests politically, economically an d socially , but who have reneged and now vehemently oppose d to the ongoing battle to rid its larger population of the odium and shame of corruption that had bestride the nation through several decades of unwholesome governance ! Human beings could be so unpredictable depending on the P iper manipulating their actions, inactions, commissions or omissions considering the trending vehement support for some Nigerians currently under the searchlight of corruption offences by the E conomic and F inancial C rimes Commission (EFCC) !
Or how would one explain the rational ity behind the organized opposition against the current investigation and prosecution of those found involved in the US$2.1 dollars “Dasuki Gate” Arms Procurement S cam , when all suspects involved did not deny collection of money from the main suspect retired Colonel Sambo Dasuki, former National Security Adviser ( NSA), to ex-President Ebele Jonathan , who also did not deny “dispensing ” the said fund ? These enemies of the masses of all marginalized Nigerians whose monies were diverted to private pockets instead of being used to purchase arms and ammunition for the soldiers fighting the war against Boko Haram terrorists, initially campaigned against the arrests and legal detention of the suspects and demanded for their immediate release! Eventually wh en sufficient evidence was amassed to prosecute them in court s of competent jurisdiction, these same fifth columnists criticized the suspects bail conditions as being too stringent and accused the Federal Government of selective vendetta against the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) members ! We should not be surprised in respect of their very awkward behavior in view of the fact that, CORRUPTION was virtually turned into a national tradition in the 16 years of former maladminist ration of the nation by PDP whose members have been caught neck-deep in most of the upheavals so far and these new group of saboteurs of national security and the economy are no doubt recipients of the stolen funds whom EFCC should immediately turn the search light on for more sordid fraudulent exposures !
It is said that birds of the same feathers flock together! Bef ore PDP’s spokesman, Olisa Metuh was expose d by the EFCC as one of the recipients of the stolen US$ 2.1 Arms Procurement Money, he was the most vociferous critic of the APC’s go vernment and Mr. President whom he described as a “tyrant” , but little did anyone know that he was “throwing stones from a glass house!” Olisa Met u h was caught “pants down” for collecting N400.000.000 (four hundred million naira) from Sambo Dasuki, whom he had passionately defended as being innocent of the arms deal accusation! Nigerians placed t he i r trust for protection, d efense, succor, comfort, health needs, economic growth in the oil and gas, agricultural and solid mineral development sectors , in the hands of past politicians only to be short- changed through massive looting of the common wealth by very few in positions of authority and subsequently bequeathed a six-year old insurgency by the Boko Haram religious sect which has claimed thousands of thousands of lives and properties running into billions of naira in estimates upon the nation ! The Word of God says: “These are wells without water; clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. “For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lust s of the flesh , through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. “ While t hey promised them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption; fo r of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.” (2Peter . 2: 17- 19) What is CORRUPTION? It is an immoral act of dishonestly using one’s position or power to advantage, especially for money ; but it is on record that ex-President Jonathan’s administration publicly condoned corruption with impunity while he officially declared that “stealing was not corruption!” IMAGINE IF JONATHAN AND HIS PDP WERE TO REMAIN IN POWER AFTER THE 2015 GENERAL ELECTIONS ? – GOD FORBID! It is only in Nigeria that some mass of brainwashed persons defend corrupt politicians or government officials who are on trial with so much passion and clarion calls that they should be released to enjoy their loots just because they got some pittance from the culprits to salvage their miserable lives of greed and avarice ! Did you know that some of these set of people insinuate d that , “ Sanni Abacha stole, transferred and starched Nigeria’s monies into foreign banks because he envisaged tha t Nigeria would be broke as it wa s now and would need such funds which are now being graciously repatriated to the country to cushion its flagging economy and depleting currency !” What an erroneous, outrageous and unpatriotic and very wicked expression by Nigeria’s “household enemies” who do not fear divine consequences of their actions and u tterances!
The new President has sent TWO BILLS to the Senate for stiffer penalty on corruption in view of Amnesty International ’s recent corruption perceptions index which w as released on Wednesday 27 Janu ary, 2016, and which placed Nigeria as the 136th least corrupt country in the wo rld in the year 2015 !
President Buhari has requested the National Assembly (NASS), to consider and approve :
1. Money Laundering Prevention and Prohibition Bill 2016 and ;
2. The Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Bill 2016 believed to be a renewed drive to improve Nigeria’s legal framework to further combat and defeat corruption from the polity.
The first Bill according to Senate President sought to repeal the Money Laundering Prohibition Act, 2011 and re-enact a more comprehensive legislation while the second sought to seek relevant international assistance in cases of money laundering . Every patriotic Nigerian should support this Executive drive to completely destroy the leprous attitude of endemic corruption w h ich had constantly portrayed Nigeria as a country administered since independence by rogues and vagabonds who should not have been in governance in the first instance ! If it had not been for God , the enemies , in 2015, would have turned Nigeria in to a “ Somalia ” which remained without a recognized government for over twenty years, if a well-planned and heavily -financed act of insurrection by surrogates of the ruling party during the general elections had succeeded! This is the more reason why the CANCER named corruption must be totally killed now because the nation is granted an opportunity of repentance which may never come its way again in this life-time and which posterity would not forgive the present generation of leaders if they failed to grab the opportunity with both hands ! The two bills represent a double-edged sword which will acquire successes and victories in the areas of righteousness, probity, equity, transparency and equal opportunities in governance for generations yet unborn , just as it obtains in the United States of America presently! A cursory study of the two bills reveal that the gains expected from a quick attention and passage of the bills are greatly enormous for the following reasons:
Bill One would guarantee comprehensive provisions to prohibit the laundering of the criminal activities and expand the sco pe of money laundering offences; Provide protection for “ whistle blowers ” - employees of various institutions , bodies , and professions who may discover money laundering , enhance customer due diligence; Provide appropriate penalties and expand the scope of supervising bodies ; Recognize the role of certain regulatory organizations to address the challenges faced in implementation of comprehensive anti-money regime .
Bill Two seeks to attract relevant international assistance in cases of money laundering with the following effort s in view: Provide framework for other countries to assist in provision of and obtaining of evidence and ensuring arrangements for such persons to give evidence; Hopes to elicit international assistance in criminal investigations, recovery, forfeiture, or confiscation of property in respect of offences; The restraining of dealings in or the freezing of assets that might be recovered , forfeited or confiscated in respect of offences; The execution of request for search and seizure, the location and identification of witnesses and suspects, the service of documents and other matters so connected.
The ball is now in the court of 109 Senators who took oath of allegiance to represent all of the electorate and people of Nigeria numbering over 170 million, righteously, faithfully and diligently and work in the interest of policies that would enhance smooth administration of the nation! We need not remind them that total elimination and annihilation of CORRUPTION is the key priority of this Change administration through the transparent leadership of President Buhari who has not left anyone in doubt in respect of his antecedent for zero tolerance for the malaise in any sector of the economy! The two camps of Senators in the hallowed chambers must unite for the sake of posterity and give priority attention to the quick passage of these TWO SALVATION BILLS which will lift the Nigeria n innocent masses out of the doldrums of shame and persistent international castigation as a terribly corrupt people who should be treated as LEPERS! This is the time for the Senators to redeem their image and prove that they have repented of greed, avarice and selfishness that brought them to office without the consent, approval and blessings of APC’s hierarchy and that they are not the enemy within which is sponsoring opposition against eradication of CORRUPTION in Nigeria!
Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora including friendly international communities, whose nations thrive through zero tolerance for corruption , observance of the Rule of Law and immediate and commensurate punishments for defaulters , [ no matter their positions], are watching closely and would employ all legitimate means to ensure the quick passage of the bills! Did you know that Mr. President had always taken advantage of all international journeys to solicit for security co-operation and support for the nation’s unacceptable economic growth which had been permanently stunted through endemic corruption which characterized successive administrations of PDP ? The time for all Nigerians to exhibit true patriotism by supporting President Buhari in his determined crusade for a NEW NIGERIA devoid of corruption is NOW!
Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord.
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If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations. I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390. 08080243066 g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .
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