A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church, Kpeyegyi, Abuja Nigeria. [VOL. 5. NO 130. 7 Febuary, 2016.} “… ONLY The Truth, Will Set You Free! (John.8:32).
The fact that President Muhammadu Buhari, had an impeccable antecedent , a humble and distinctive character, a charismatic personality and had always displayed a frugal and Spartan kind of life , in spite of being a soldier for an a ppreciable period of time could not be faulted by his antagonists, before, during and after the 2015 General Elections in Nigeria! In fact, PMB was and s till is an acceptable and likeable global leader who had endeared to himself to the rich and the poor alike!
There was a time when his opponents averred during the elections that the promulgation of Decree 4 of 1984 by his military administration was to gag the Press from exposing the “ skeletons in his cupboard” , but he proved them wrong when he declared and made public his assets which show that he never kept a foreign bank account and had one single account in Nigeria, thro ughout his entire military career , and had virtu ally no significant properties of his own ! The President has every right to flaunt his credentials to curry exter nal favourable political, economic and modern social amenities for his impoverished people from international sympat hizers and donor agencies in order to succour the painful and almost hopeless situation of livelihood at home and h e never forgot that he should walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT to fend for his people the TALAKAWAS who had been terribly downtrodden for too long and th at faith without works was dead! T herefore no one should blame him for exerting so much energy to solicit assistance from foreign countrie s where he strongly believed solutions would flow from in an avalanche!
“What does it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith and have not works? Can faith save him? [James.2:14]. Within the last eight months, President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB), had made spirited efforts to bolster a new image as the Change crusader for the Nigerian Republic by attracting international attention for support in the areas of security, economy, the industry and general social welfare packages for the majority populace which had been suffocated with corruption as a way of life and could have drowned in the miry clay of national degradation without divine intervention at the last 2015 General Elections ! The President had met with all of the world powers Presidents, H ead s of States and G overnments from all the continents throughout the globe and had solicited for all-round co-operation for the revival of the drowning “giant of Africa”! Starting with the West African sub-region PMB wasted no time on assumption of office between June and July 2015, to visit neighbouring P residents of Cameroon, Ghana, Niger, Benin and Chad, which formed allies with Nigeria against the Boko Haram insurgents . He also followed up towards the end of July 2015 , with a visit to the United State of America (USA), at the invitation of President Barack Obama , for a fence-mending tete-a-tete ; for the unsavoury roles played by his administration in all doom prophesies and negative diplomatic manoeuvrings against the Federal Republic of Nigeria ! PMB’s international shuttles has also taken him to the G7 Meeting in Germany , South Africa (twice), India, Iran Malta, France (thrice), Britain (twice), United Arab Emirate (UAE), Kenya, and Ethiopia ; where he recently attended the African Union (AU), 26 Ordinary Assembly Conference of Heads of States and Governments, held in Addis Ababa. In late November , 2015 PMB was a delegate at the Global Oil and Gas Conference held in Teheran, Iran and also at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting held in Malta, chaired by Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II of England; which discussed fresh Commonwealth Initiative on Development and also Climate Change; and from there crossed over to Paris, France, where he attended a United Nations Conference on Climate Change from 30 November 2015. Two days of his return from the last of the listed international journeys, on 3 December, 2015, the President departed Nigeria for yet another three- day global conference tagged, “China-Africa Corporation Forum” in Johannesburg, South Africa! In the new year 2016, PMB had embarked on the following international journeys; Kenya and Ethiopia in one stretch from 28 -31 January and an official visit to France and Britain in another stretch from Tuesday, 2 to 5 February. He attended the European Union (EU), Parliament Session held in Strasbourg, France during which he solicited for EU’s assistance and co-operation in areas of economic social and insecurity challenges a nd also had bi-lateral meeting with President of the European Parliament and called on EU to support Nigeria in its recent crisis and challenges in respect of oil theft and illegal bunkering in the Niger Delta as well as recovery of illicit funds. He also sought co-operation in Nigeria’s attempts to restore security, curb corruption and fight crime in order to achieve/ improve social stability to ensure open doors for full economic relations with Europe and the rest of the world. PMB promised foreign investors an immense business opportunities and guarantee for security of people and investments brought to the country But t ongues are wagging on all sides of the political, social and economic divide, among the opposition and the social media of the TALAKAWAS who now wonder why it should take so many space-shuttles to get the country back on track – especially when ONE SPACE JOURNEY COSTS A WHOOPING US$350.000 – 500.000, all expenses paid - ESTACODES and sundry allowances of an enlarged 80-member presidential entourage at such a n austere time according to “Black M arket ” foreign exchange auditors; because during his consistent absence from home, the Change generation minister s we re bent on milking the docile cow s and riding the willing horse s of Nigerian workers and the able-bodied unemployed citizens to death ! When Mr President was away on space shuttle s , they conspired and increased electricity tariff by 45 per cent with effect from 1 February 2016; to further impoverish the TALAKAWAS of Nigeria whom President Buhari faithfully represent ; that was not all , the issue of multiple taxa tion of the working population wa s still much in the front burner while increased V alue Added Tax (VAT), which must conform with international standards because the downtrodden masses must be bled to death with an unbridled taxation regime that had neither social insurance nor security trust fund to cushion the deadly blows ! During the recent meeting with world leaders wh om he joined in London for the “Supporting Syria and the Region Conference”, co-hosted by Britain, Germany, Norway, Kuwait and the United Nations which began on 4 February, 2016, in solidarity for a tot al stoppage of the recalcitrant 5-year-old civil war in Syria , President Buhari seized the opportunity and privilege of his participation in the Conference to solicit for more global understanding, collaboration and support for Nigeria and other nations adversely affected by insurgency and terrorism .
We did not criticize PMB’s 8-month international trips for the very plausible reasons that they were desirable for the much-needed co-operation mentioned in previous paragraphs and we were very correct in that Nigeria had become the beehive of foreign commercial investments by business entrepreneurs from all countries visited by the President . Compliments of the United States , Nigeria now has military support of DRONES and combat ha rdware to creditably win the war against the Boko Haram terrorists . The Federal Government also received from the US Government , Anti-Terrorism Assistance Programme [ATA], in which 200 Nigerian Police Officers benefited in October 2015 . T he Commonwealth countries, Arab c onglomerate of nations , and the Africa Union , have also confederat ed to support Nigeria at its time of need ; however President Buhari should realise that FAITH that is executed with the “arms of flesh” , carnality or aggravated enthusiasm as it now seemed would also be dead! Charity, it is said, begins at home; therefore now is the divinely appointed time for Mr. President to apply the brakes and sit back at home at least for the next calendar year to resolve the following more pressing challenges that are about to explode into national crisis !
1. A sum of N29billion appro priated to purchase arms for Nigerian soldiers to continue the prosecution of war against Boko Haram is yet to be released six months on!
2. Insecurity of lives and properties due to suicide bombing tactics of fleeing desperate Boko Haram terrorists due to absence of CCTV (Close Circuit Television) camera s in strategic soft - ta r get areas of the North East cities and towns and even in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT)! Mr. President needs to probe the over $ 4 70 M illion fraudulent contract of the FCT CCTV cameras , which never functioned since 20 10 !
3. Elect r icity tariff is up by 45 per cent with effect from 1 February , 2016, even thou gh consumers are always short changed!
4. The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), who also represent the masses of the people are already opposed to the mindless tariff are determined to resist the Federal Government through protests, pickets and the Industrial Courts because consumer rights have been sidelined and abused !
5. The unemployment statistics is growing by the day while those who are gainfully employed could not earn salaries as at when due because of the continuous challenge of thousands of ghost workers!
6. The enormous challenge of how to execute the 2016 deficit budget after the National Assembly ’s scrutiny and appraisal is also outstanding!
Since President Buhari has vowed to fight for the masses who bore the brunt of the economic woes of the nation since independence, it was high time he sat down to show his love to them as father to children because his presence would solve all of the above problems and even more! In the meantime, Mr. President should delegate his overseas trips to his Vice and other diligent subordinates who will perform creditably and make him proud! The President’s last journey to France was fraught with danger as it was reported that his aircraft landed amidst very bad weather but we thank God that his detractors did not have the luxury to rejoice over his demise because he is the LORD’S anointed President and deliverer for the nation of Nigeria for eight consecutive years of two terms (2015-2023) !
Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, t o this newsletter, log on to: facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com , https://www.google.com/+ zionfaithbiblebelievingchurch.
If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.
I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390. 08080243066 g-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com .
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