About Zion Faith Bible Believing Church

Friday, 22 May 2020



(Looking at Nigeria's Political System From a Godly Perspective).

A Publication of the Zion Faith Bible-Believing Church Kpeyegyi Abuja Nigeria {Vol. 9.NO 349. 19th April, 2020.} “…ONLY The Truth, Will Set You  Free! (John.8:32). . PRAY & FAST EVERY WEDNESDAY TO STOP BLOODSHED IN NIGERIA!


Identical historical antecedents of the past rather than an expansionist ideology may be responsible for the very passionate Chinese economic intervention in Black Africa (especially Nigeria), at the turn of the new Century because China recognises the great potentials of the former Dark Continent which if well harnessed could lift its people out of poverty and foreign aggression in all forms forever!

China did not occupy the number TWO position as the next world power after America, in economic, military, nuclear and rocket science achievements on a platter of gold but through dint of hard work, determination, resilience and rugged faith to accomplish the seemingly impossible! The East Asia nation suffered 4,000 years of imperial rule from 1644-1912, at the hands of the Qing or Manchu dynasty and endured many trials and tribulations being dominated by desperate warlord generals and foreign powers!
AFRICA experienced similar devastation in the hands of foreign powers that colonized all of its territories except for ETHIOPIA AND LIBERIA; but it is gratifying that at the turn of the 21st Century, all the 53 Countries of the AFRICAN UNION (AU), are independent and sovereign states!

The 21st Century stampede by World Powers for the abundant natural resources massively studded in the belly of Africa is reminiscent of the MAD GOLD RUSH of 19th Century which swept through Continents of Australia/United States; New Zealand, Brasil, Canada and South Africa! 
In the 15th Century, before World War I, the civilized World powers described Africa as a DARK CONTINENT, because little was known of its interior as British and Portuguese seamen and explorers only established trading ports around the coastal areas especially of the Cape of Good Hope, in South Africa!

Now in the 21st Century, swarms of expatriate geologists, economists, industrialists, engineers, scientists, technologists, information communication experts, technocrats, portfolio investors etc, are clustered in the 53 African nations determined (this time around), to "legitimately" explore, exploit and harness the immense mineral resources including CRUDE OIL, and all economic opportunities available within the bowels of black continent!

Of the Seven geographic global continents, AFRICA, is the most divinely-blessed with the greatest number of natural resources and also the most-endowed with friendly climatic condition, predictable weather and virtually devoid from all ecological calamities/disasters that beset Asia, Europe, United States like, devastating landslides, earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, tsunamis; massive forest fires, etc, constitute regular affront to safety of lives and properties in those continents! Therefore, the alien invasion/aggressive occupation from Cape to Cairo; Freetown to Addis Ababa; DR Congo to Libya, etc, by G8, G7 and EU entrepreneurs, including the United States, the Asian Tigers (China, Japan, Koreans etc,), But from all indications and researches, CHINA’S ECONOMIC invasion was the only genuine because it was a deliberate plan by the ancient East Asian nation to both emancipate Africans from colonial stupor and teach them how to fight and defeat poverty! They are all over Africa to revive its ailing infrastructures the Power, Roads, Railways, Transportation, Airports/Seaports, Education/Health sectors; etc, etc,  

The founding fathers of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), in 1912, embraced Communism ideology which recognises a system in which all property is common patrimony and everyone contributes and receives according to their ability and needs in order to disabuse poverty having fought and won a bitter war of Xinhai Revolution which ended 4,000 of imperial rule and overthrew the last imperial Qing dynasty which was too weak to resist and fend off foreign invasions! China with a population of over 1.5billion and a land mass of 9,597,km2 had since progressed from communism ideology to trend socialism (an economic philosophy which encourages public ownership of acquiring wealth), and the People’s Republic can now boast of more billionaires than any other country of the 21st Century universe and it has been proven that China has no expansionist agenda in Africa! China lifted 740 million of its citizens from poverty between 1978-2017, an unprecedented feat yet to be matched by the United States!

Whose testimony shall we believe? International Monetary Fund/World Bank are crying wolf over the economy of Africa which they believe would “shrink” by 1.25% in 2020, if rapid international action was not harnessed to respond to the coronavirus pandemic which in fact was ravaging and claiming higher casualties in other climes of the world than the African Continent; OR MELINDA GATES, who says that “dead bodies” would soon line up African Streets, because of the existence of too many SLUMS and lack of TESTING KITS to check the pandemic; OR GOD’S TESTIMONY which says AFRICA AND CHINA ARE THE NEW GLOBAL ECONOMIC BLOCS AND COMMERCIAL DESTINATIONS IN POST-CORONAVIRUS ERA?

As at Saturday 17th April, 2020, 158,884 people globally have lost their lives to the pandemic, 591,107 recovered,  out of more than 2,308,220 million cases reported to World Health Organisation (WHO), since the outbreak. Also in that week, there has been a 51% increase in number of reported cases and 60% increase in reported deaths according to WHO sources.
TOTAL DEATHS – USA:38,244, Italy:23,227, Spain:20,043, France:19,323, UK:15,464, China:4,632, Germany: 4,426,Iran:5,031, Belgium:5,453; these are the highest figures around the globe!

The good news is that China where the coronavirus started is  gradually getting out of the pandemic, into fresh sanitary life and has stretched its hands of support, ESPECIALLY TO AFRICA, and to all other countries for assistance to overcome the pandemic as they have successfully done so far with available VACCINES within  its reach! It is important to note that CHINA IS DETERMINED TO MAKE AFRICA ITS CENTRE OF ACTIVITY because 17 Chinese Medical personnel are already on quarantine in Nigeria and would move into action in the next few days while top-notch doctors would follow suit towards the end of April 2020, to fully support Nigerian medical team, health workers, doctors etc, to stamp out remnants of the viruses in no time! The Chinese Government appreciates Nigeria not only the giant of Africa but also as the country with the highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and with greater commercial potentials above others and was determined to partner the nation to greater heights far above the imagination of its greatest rival, the United States of America which is always looking down on Nigeria and Africa as very backward entities among the comity of nations!

The US did not waste time to quickly evacuate its citizens out of Nigeria in spite of the low impact of the pandemic on the nation and in spite of the fact Nigerian scientists HAVE DISCOVERED POTENT IMMUNE DRUGS THAT ARE ALREADY IN USE TO ENSURE QUICKER RECOVERY OF QUARANTINE CASES!
And Nigeria’s statistical update as at Saturday 18th April, 2020: Confirmed cases: 493, Deaths: 17, Recovered:159.

But, African Countries have not been idle in scientific innovations and ideas as medical professors are perfecting existing vaccines while working hard and developing new ones to combat the novel virus. 
From all indications, the Western nations of the world have decided to keep the “mote in their eyes” while trying to remove same from Africa: they have the highest figures of casualties and would not stop to castigate Africans for their slums and wishing that the whole population would just perish with the pandemic once and for all!

Racism is a subtle act of terrorism against inalienable fundamental human rights through deliberate intimidation, hatred, prejudice or antagonism against others by those who felt superior through ignorance, myopic understanding or down-playing of sterling qualities, characteristics, and abilities of contemporary races!

Racism is cancer that spreads deadly viruses from one generation to another and creates uproar when casualties were recorded! Racism is evil, it is sin! Global racism had been in existence from time immemorial most especially between the whites and the blacks and virtually every activity of man is smeared by its venom!   Apartheid was the South Africa’s terminology for racism, through which successive white-dominated administrations segregated and discriminated against the black majority population on grounds of race and colour between 1948 and 1994, before Nelson Mandela won elections as the first black President!
Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime in Germany killed more than 6 million Jews during World War II, for reasons of racism; the United States, in spite of dubious claim of the inalienable rights of its citizens, black or white, had not seized to discriminate against the blacks at every given opportunity and President Donald Trump has never hidden his penchant for WHITE SUPREMACY IN AMERICA, by reversing all of the accomplished policies/legacies bequeathed to him by the very first BLACK AMERICAN PRESIDENT, BARAK OBAMA!

Please look forward to more divine revelation in the next edition of Zion B-BC Newsletter as you share this with friends and remain blessed in the Lord. [For weekly access, to this newsletter, log on to:  facebook.com/zionfaithbible.believingchurch or http://www.zfbbc1.blogspot.com,

If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t miss this great opportunity as you pray this prayer: Lord Jesus; I confess that I am a sinner who needs to be saved through the grace of the New Testament of your Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary; I renounce every sin in my life and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me and write my name in the Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed this prayer, you have been admitted into the family of sons and daughters of God, who are born-again. Congratulations.

I am, yours sincerely, Dr. David B.A. Olufon, Resident Pastor and Editor. 08130669886, 08098194390.  08080243066. G-mail- dvdolufon@gmail.com.

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